Events noted in 1450

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1400 1500


Died: Arab-Chah, Ahmed Ben historian

Died: Bernardine saint

Born: Francia, Francesco painter

Born: Reuchlin, John a learned German

Born: Rhodiginus, Ludovicus Cœlius by Scaliger named the Varro of the age


Born: Gaffurius, Franchinus writer

Publication: “Ossa Titi Livii Patavini, omnium mortalium judicio digni, cujus prope invicto Calamo invicti Populi Romani Res gestaa conscriberentur.” by Livius, Titus the most celebrated of the Roman historians

Born: Vesputius, Americus a navigator from whose name the largest quarter of the world has very unjustly been named


Born: Albuquerque, Alphonso D' surnamed the Great

Died: Alvarotto, James lawyer

Born: Mancinelli, Antonio an Italian grammarian

Born: Savonarola, Jerome monk

Born: Stoefler, John mathematician

Born: Vinci, Lionardo Da painter


Born: Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Born: Decius, Philip a jurist

Publication: “Historia disceptativa convivialis.” by Poggio, Bracciolini one of the. revivers of literature (13801459)

Died: Talbot, John a name mentioned with distinguished honour in the English annals


Born: Barbarus, Hermolaus was born in 1454 (?–1493)

Died: Hoccleve, Thomas poet

Born: Lascaris, Constantine a learned Greek

Born: Martens, Thierry an eminent printer

Born: Pinturiccio, Bernardino artist

Born: Politian, Angelus a most ingenious and learned Italian


Born: Accolti, Peter historian

Born: Anghiera, Peter Martyr D' scholar

Died: Chalcondyles, Demetrius a native of Athens

Died: Justiniani, St. Lawrence the first patriarch of Venice


Publication: “De origine ordinis Servorum beatae Marias dialogus.” by Attavanti, Paul generally known in Italy by the name of Father Paul of Florence

Died: Coeur, James an eminent French merchant

Born: Tomeo, Nicolo Leonico scholar


Died: Basin of Parma

Died: Facio, Bartholomew a very learned man of the fifteenth century (1400–?)

Died: Pomponius Lætus, Juuus antiquary


Died: Anania, John D' lawyer

Born: Brandt, Nicholas or

Died: Francesca, Pietro Della commonly called Francesco Dal Borgo A San Sepolcro

Died: Gaza, Theodore a very eminent promoter of the revival of letters in Europe (?–1478)

Born: Sannazarius, James vernacularly Giacomo Sannazaro

Died: Vegio, Maffei poet


Born: Adrian Vi. pope

Died: Aurispa, John was born at Noto

Born: Celtes, Conrad poet

Publication: “Rationale divinorum officiorum;” by Durand, William one of the most learned lawyers of the thirteenth century

Died: Fastolff, John knight

Born: Fisher, John bishop

Publication: “Durandi Rationale divinorum Officiorum,” by Fust, John a goldsmith of Mentz

Died: Manetti, Giannozzo scholar


Born: Agnolo, Baccio D' architect

Born: Amboise, George D' cardinal

Publication: “Catholicon, seu Summa Grammaticalis,” by Balbi, John Dominican

Died: Bracelli, James antiquary

Publication: “Clementine Constitutions” by Clement V. one of the popes so called

Born: Corio, Bernardine born in 1460

Publication: “Catholicon” by Fust, John a goldsmith of Mentz

Born: Grimani, Dominick cardinal

Died: Guarino Of Verona surnamed Veronese

Born: Linacre, Thomas one of the most eminent physicians and scholars of his age

Born: Matsys, Quintin artist

Died: Peacock, Reynold bishop


Born: Acciaioli, Zanobio was born at Florence in 1461

Born: Alexander Ab Alexandro lawyer

Died: Lydgate, John poet

Died: Muller, John commonly called Regiomontanus


Born: Badius, Josse Jodocus Badius Ascensius

Born: Dudley, Edmund lawyer (?–1510)

Born: Everard, Nicholas lawyer

Born: Pomponatius, Peter a modern Aristotelian

Born: Trithemius, John abbot


Born: Achillini, Alexander a native of Bologna

Died: Flavio historian

Born: Marot, John poet

Died: Oliva, Alexander general of the Augustin monks

Born: Picus, John of Mirandula (?–1494)


Born: Adriani, Marcel Virgil professor of the belles lettres

Died: Beckington, Thomas prelate

Publication: “Memoirs of his own times,” by Comines Lat. Cominæus

Died: Cusa, Nicholas De cardinal

Died: Pius Ii., Pope whose name was Æneas Sylvius Piccolomini

Died: Scala, Bartholomew an Italian

Died: Whethamstede, John abbot (1360–?)


Born: Cortezi, Paul prelate

Born: Dunbar, William poet

Born: Fidelis, Cassandra a very learned lady

Born: Peutinger, Conrad scholar

Died: Phreas, John writer

Died: Valla, Lawrence a man of letters of great emience in the fifteenth century


Died: Accolti, Benedetto historian

Born: Achillini, John Philotheus was born at Bologna in 1466

Born: Aquilano, Serafino so called from Aquila

Born: Aventin, John author of the Annals ofBavaria

Born: Colet, Dr. John divine (14661519)

Died: Donatello one of the principal revivers of sculpture in Italy

Born: Jacetius, Francis De Cataneis writer

Died: Kennedy, James bishop

Born: Pagninus, Sanctes an Italian of great skill in Oriental languages and biblical learning

Died: Tortellius, John otherwise Aretin

Publication: “De Latina Elegantia.” by Tortellius, John otherwise Aretin


Born: Bourchier, Sir John lord Berners

Born: Budeus critic (?–1540)

Born: Carteromachus, Scipio whose proper name was Forteguerra

Born: Colocci, Angelo in Latin Angelus Colotius

Born: Erasmus, Desiderius one of the most illustrious of the revivers of learning

Died: Monstrelet, Enguerrand De historian

Publication: “Medltatione*,” by Torquemada, John De Dominican


Born: Doria, Andrew a noble Genoese

Died: Dunois, John a brave French officer

Born: Enghelbrechtsen, Cornelius painter

Born: Lily, William an eminent English grammarian (?–1523)


Publication: “Phalaridis Epistolae,” by Accolti, Francis the brother of Benedetto

Born: Ambrogio, Theseus a learned Italian orientalist

Born: Cajetan cardinal (?–1534)

Publication: “Recueil des Histoires de Troye,” by Caxton, William to whom this country owes the introduction of printing (14121492)

Born: Machiavel, Nicholas historian

Publication: “Naturalis Historia” by Plinius Secundus, Caius called the elder

Born: Porta, Baccio Della artist


Born: Accio-Zucco, Surnamed Da Summa Campagna poet

Publication: “S. Chrysostomi homilias in Evangelium- S. Joannis, interprete F.A.” by Accolti, Francis the brother of Benedetto

Born: Bembo, Pietro in Lat. Petrus Bembus (?–1547)

Born: Boethius, Hector historian

Died: Boyd, Robert a nobleman of Scotland

Born: Britannico, John Angelo scholar

Born: Dovizi, Bernard cardinal

Publication: “Gasp. Pergamensis (Bergomensis) Epistolre,” by Gasparino, Banzizza one of the revivers of literature

Publication: “The Golden Legend;” by James Di Vouagine Dominican

Born: Justiniani, Augustin bishop

Born: Inghirami, Tomaso Fedra scholar

Born: Latimer, Hugh bishop

Born: Parrhasius, Aulus Janus an eminent grammarian in Italy

Died: Sanchez, Roderico prelate

Born: Stephanus, Henry and in France Estienne

Publication: “Expositio super toto Psalterio,” by Torquemada, John De Dominican

Publication: “Rhetorica Trapezuntina,” by Trapezuntius, George a learned modern Greek


Publication: “Italia sacra,” by Altilio, Gabriel one of the Latin poets who flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century

Died: Beccadelli, Antony

Publication: “De Solemnitatibus totius anni,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Born: Durer, Albert engraver

Publication: “Decor Puellarum,” by Jenson, Nicolas a celebrated printer and letter-founder of Venice

Publication: “Lives of the Popes,” by Ricaut, Sir Paul traveller

Publication: “Compound of Alchemic,” by Ripley, George poet

Born: Sarto, Andrea Del painter

Publication: “Regulne Cuncellariae,” by Sixtus Iv. is said by some writers to have been the son of a fisherman at Celles

Publication: “Elegantiae” by Valla, Lawrence a man of letters of great emience in the fifteenth century

Born: Wolsey, Thomas cardinal (?–1530)


Died: Alberti, Leon Baptista artist

Born: Anysius, Janus poet

Born: Beroaldo, Philip the younger

Died: Bessarion, John one of the revivers of literature in the fifteenth century

Publication: “De Quadragesima, seu Quadragesimale perutilissimum de Pcenitentia,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Born: Champier, Benedict Curtius Symphorien writer

Publication: “J. de Teramo compendium perbreve, consolatio Peccatorum nuncupatum, et apud nonnullos Belial vocitatum; id est, Processus Luciferi contra Jesum,” by Palladino, James known also by the name of James de Teramo

Born: Torrigiano, Peter an eminent Florentine sculptor


Publication: “The Latin history of Florence, by Leonard d'Arezzo, translated into Italian,” by Acciaioli, Donato was of an illustrious family

Born: Antimachus, Mark-Antony one of the most celebrated Greek professors in Italy in the Sixteenth century

Publication: “Summula confessionis,” by Antonine, De Forciglioni archbishop

Publication: “De timorejudiciorum Dei,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Publication: “De amore divinorum officiorum,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Born: Copernicus, Nicholas astronomer

Born: Cuspinian, John whose German name was Speishammer

Born: Egnazio, Batista a learned Italian

Publication: “A book called Flos Naturarum,” by Geber, John astronomer

Born: Howard, Thomas earl of Surrey

Born: Longland, John prelate

Born: Maire, John Le poet

Born: Niphus, Augustine, a learned Italian

Publication: “Rudimenta Grammatices,” by Perot, Nicholas prelate (1429–?)

Publication: “De Sanguine Christi,” by Sixtus Iv. is said by some writers to have been the son of a fisherman at Celles

Died: Ursins, John Juvenal archbishop


Publication: “Dialogus in Astrologiae defensionem, item Vaticinium a diluvio usque ad Christi annos 17,” by Abiosi mathematician

Publication: “Expositio in Horatii Flacci Opera,” by Acron, Helenius the name of an aneient scholiast on Horace

Publication: “La Fisionomie du conciliator Pierre de Apono,” by Apono, Peter astrologer

Born: Ariosto, Ludovico one of the most eminent Italian poets

Born: Buonarroti, Michel Angelo painter

Born: Casas, Bartholomy De Las a Spaniard

Born: Douglas, Gawin bishop

Publication: “Speculum Juris,” by Durand, William one of the most learned lawyers of the thirteenth century

Publication: “Scrutinium Scripturarum,” by Paul Of Burgos a learned Jew

Born: Tunstall, Cuthbert a very learned

Publication: “Ad Ubertinum Carariensem de ingenuis moribus opus e Magno Basileo, et e Xenophonti de tirannide Leonardi Aretini traductio.” by Vergerius, Peter Paul one of the most learned men of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries


Publication: “Authoris incerti libellus de Thermis Puteolorum, et vicinis in Italia, a Fr. de Accoltis Aretino repertus, publicatus, &c.” by Accolti, Francis the brother of Benedetto

Born: Alamanni, Luigi poet (14751556)

Died: Albertini, Paul divine

Died: Andreas, John bishop

Died: Antonio, Da Messina so called because he was of that city

Publication: “Expositio problematum Aristotelis,” by Apono, Peter astrologer

Born: Berauld, Nicholas was born at Orleans in 1475

Publication: “Leonard! Aretini de Temporibus suis Libri duo,” by Bruni, Leonard historian

Publication: “Aristoteles de moribus ad Eudemum Latine Leon. Aretino interprete,” by Bruni, Leonard historian

Publication: “De Quadragesima,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Died: Chastelain, George a Flemish gentleman

Publication: “Vita B. Laurentii Justiniarii,” by Justiniani, Bernard nephew of the above

Born: Leo X. was a pontiff whose history is so connected with that of literature and the reformation (?–1521)

Died: Palmieri, Matthew an Italian chronicler

Born: Ruccellai, John was born at Florence


Born: Bayard, Peter Du Terrail, Chevalier De a brave and celebrated French officer

Publication: “Caii Plinii historia naturalis,” by Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Publication: “Speculum de laudibus B. Maria-,” by Bonaventure Of Padua cardinal

Publication: “Sylvae” by Calderinus, Domitius a man of great learning in the fifteenth century

Born: Nardi, James historian

Publication: “Satyrarum Hecatosticon prima decas (decades decem),” by Philelphus, Francis a learned Italian

Publication: “Panegyricus,” by Plinius Cæcilius Secundus, Gaius was born A. D. 62

Publication: “De Arte Grammatica,” by Priscianus an eminent grammarian of antiquity

Publication: “Centiaietrum.” by Servius, Maurus Honoratus critic


Born: Ammonius, Andrew a native of Lucca

Publication: “Enarrationes in Ciceronis Orationes,” by Asconius, Pedianus an ancient grammarian of Padua who

Born: Biel, Gabriel one of the ablest scholastic divines of his time

Born: Cabot, Sebastian a navigator of great eminence? and abilities

Died: Campanus, John Anthony poet

Publication: “The history of the siege of Troy,” by Columna, Guy was a native of Messina in Sicily

Died: Decembrio, Peter Candide a name of great celebrity in the literary history of the fifteenth century

Born: Giorgione artist (?–1511)

Born: Sadolet, James a polite and learned Italian (?–1547)

Born: Schoner, John mathematician

Born: Valerianus, Pierius an ingenious and learned Italian (?–1538)


Died: Acciaioli, Donato was of an illustrious family

Publication: “Expositio super libros Ethicorum Aristotelis, in novam traductionem Argyropili,” by Acciaioli, Donato was of an illustrious family

Died: Andronicus of Thessalonica

Publication: “Breviarium totius juris canonici,” by Attavanti, Paul generally known in Italy by the name of Father Paul of Florence

Born: Bayro, Peter De physician

Born: Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius an eminent Lutheran reformer (?–1541)

Born: Castiglione, Balthazar an eminent Italian nobleman

Publication: “Petri de Crescentiis rurahum commodorum, libri duodecim.” by Crescentius, Peter or

Died: Gozzoli, Benozzo artist

Publication: “De Sphaera Mundi,” by Holywood, John or Sacrobosco

Publication: “Anatomia omnium humani Corporis interiorum Membrorum,” by Mundinus physician

Born: Oviedo, John Gonsales D' in Spanish Gonçalo Hermandez de Oviedo Y Valdes

Born: Pellican, Conrad divine

Born: Sylvius, James physician (?–1555)

Born: Trissino, Johnn George poet


Publication: “Tractatus brevis et utilis de Originali Peccato,” by Ægidius, De Columna one of the most learned divines of the thirteenth century

Born: Alberti, Leander adominican and provincial of his order

Born: Arco, Nicholas, Count Of poet

Publication: “Quadragesimale de reditu peccatoris ad Deum,” by Attavanti, Paul generally known in Italy by the name of Father Paul of Florence

Publication: “Expositio in Psalmos prenitentiales,” by Attavanti, Paul generally known in Italy by the name of Father Paul of Florence

Born: Calcagnini, Celio a canon of the church of Ferrara

Born: Cochlæus, John a native of Nuremberg

Born: Faber, John sirnamed from one of his works

Publication: “Malleus Hereticorum,” by Faber, John sirnamed from one of his works

Born: Giraldi, Lilio Gregokio in Latin Gy raid us

Born: Grollier, John an eminent patron of literature

Died: Raulin, John divine

Born: Razzi, Giantonio, Called Il Soddoma was born at Vercelli


Born: Aleander, Jerome cardinal (?–1542)

Died: Amboise, George D' cardinal

Publication: “Historiarum opus seu Chronica libri viginti quatuor,” by Antonine, De Forciglioni archbishop

Born: Bless, Henry painter

Born: Castaldi, Cornelius lawyer

Died: Caxton, William to whom this country owes the introduction of printing (14121492)

Born: Chasseneuz, Bartholomew was born at IssyTEveque

Publication: “Treatise on the Theory of Harmony,” by Gaffurius, Franchinus writer

Publication: “Theoricum Opus Harmonicae Disciplinse,” by Gaffurius, Franchinus writer

Publication: “Successi dell‘ armata Turchescanella citta d’Otranto dell' anno 1480,” by Galateo, Antony writer

Publication: “Speculum Ecclesiae,” by Hugh De St. Cher cardinal

Born: More, Sir Thomas chancellor of England in the reign of Henry VIII. and one of the most illustrious 1Gent (?–1535)

Died: Perot, Nicholas prelate (1429–?)

Publication: “Fabulae,” by Philelphus, Francis a learned Italian

Born: Sabbatini, Andrea known likewise by the name of Andrea da Salerno

Born: Titian, Vecellio the great master of colour

Born: Whittington, Robert one of our early grammarians


Born: Æmiliani, St. Jerome a nobleman

Publication: “Promptuarium medicinae,” by Donde, James physician

Publication: “Quadriregio” by Foligno, Federigo Frezzi Da poet

Born: Peruzzi, Baldassare painter

Died: Philelphus, Francis a learned Italian

Publication: “Pro Imperatoriis miiitaribus siguis dandis Constantio Sfortise Imperatori,” by Scala, Bartholomew an Italian

Born: Tisi, Benvenuto called IL Garofalo


Publication: “Qucestiones de febribus,” by Apono, Peter astrologer

Publication: “Themistius” by Barbarus, Hermolaus was born in 1454 (?–1493)

Publication: “Annotationes in commentaries Servii Virgilianos,” by Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Born: Geldenhaur, Gerard Eobanus divine

Born: Guicciardini, Francis historian

Publication: “Sum of Divinity,” by Hales, Alexander divine

Born: Judah, Leo one of the reformers

Born: Lee, Edward archbishop

Born: Oecolampadius, John divine

Died: Porcellus, Peter a Neapolitan of the fifteenth century


Died: Accolti, Francis the brother of Benedetto

Born: Amsdorf, Nicholas an associate of Luther in the reformation

Died: Arlotto one of those buffoons who disgrace the regular professions

Born: Cotta, John poet

Born: Eckius, John divine

Died: Estouteville, William D' cardinal

Died: Flemming, Robert was educated at Oxford

Born: Fracastorio, Jerom, poet and physician

Born: Franciabigio, Marco Antonio painter

Born: Gardiner, Stephen bishop (?–1555)

Born: Jovius, Paul historian

Born: Luther, Martin divine (?–1546)

Born: Navagero, Andrew, poet

Publication: “Onomasticon,” by Nestor, Dionysius one of the contributors to the restoration of classical learning

Born: Rabelais, Francis a celebrated French wit

Born: Raphael whose family name was Sanzio (?–1520)


Publication: “Regimen Sanitatis,” by Albicus archbishop

Died: Altilio, Gabriel one of the Latin poets who flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century

Born: Ferrari, Gaudenzio artist

Born: Pordenone, John Antony Licinius known by the former name

Born: Vadianus, Joachim in German Von Watte


Publication: “De Nativitatibus,” by Aben-Ezra -Hezer

Publication: “Hippocratis de rnedicorum astrologia libellus,” by Apono, Peter astrologer

Publication: “Magni Basilii Liber in Latinum translatus,” by Bruni, Leonard historian

Born: Bugenhagius, John one of the German reformers

Publication: “In Ibin” by Calderinus, Domitius a man of great learning in the fifteenth century

Born: Catherine Of Arragon Queen Of England (?–1536)

Born: Cerrati, Paul lawyer

Born: Cortes, Ferdinand a Spanish commander

Born: Gambara, Veronica an Italian poetess

Born: Goclenius, Conrad philologist

Born: Nerli, Philip De historian

Publication: “Belial’s trial” by Palladino, James known also by the name of James de Teramo


Born: Ægidius, Peter lawyer

Born: Agrippa, Henry Cornelius a man of considerable learning (?–1535)

Publication: “Spousage pf a virgin to Christ,” by Alcock, John bishop

Born: Apel, John lawyer

Died: Bourchier, Thomas archbishop

Born: Estrees, John D' grand-master of the artillery of France

Died: Morton, John prelate

Born: Ramusio, John Baptist a valuable collector of voyages and travels


Born: Bandinelli, Baccio an eminent sculptor

Publication: “Propertii opera cum commentariis,” by Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Born: Catharinus, Ambrose divine

Born: Coverdale, Miles bishop (?–1568)

Publication: “Stormy Cape.” by Diaz, Bartholomew a distinguished Portuguese navigator

Publication: “Confessional, or Interrogatorium,” by Foresti, James, Philip Of was born at Soldio

Publication: “Grammatical institutiones,” by Guarino Of Verona surnamed Veronese

Born: Guintier, John anatomist

Born: Lambert, Francis monk

Born: Ochinus, Bernardin a celebrated Italian

Born: Raimondi, Marc Antonio the most celebrated of the old masters in the art of engraving

Born: Zuinglius, Ulricus an able and zealous reformer of the church (?–1531)


Born: Altorfer, Albrecht artist

Publication: “Amours,” by Andrelini, Publio Fausto poet

Born: Andrew so called from his father’s trade

Born: Audley, Thomas descended of an ancient and honourable family

Born: Barland, Adrian writer

Publication: “Annotationes in varies authores antiques,” by Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Publication: “Lectura super canonem Missae,” by Biel, Gabriel one of the ablest scholastic divines of his time

Born: Bocchi, Achilles scholar

Born: Eobanus, Hessus poet

Publication: “Arati Phenomena, Latinis versions tradita,” by Germanicus, Cæsar son of Drusus and of Antonia the virtuous niece of Augustus

Born: Gomez De Cividad Real, Alvarez poet

Born: Hutten, Ulric De a gentleman of Franconia

Born: Lorit, Henry commonly called Glareanus

Born: Magnus, John archbishop

Born: Montanus, John Baptist physician

Born: Penni, John Francis a native of Florence

Publication: “Mer des Histoires,” by Peter Comestor writer


Publication: “Introductio ad Astronomiam” by Albumazar astrologer

Publication: “Commentarius in primum librum priorura analyticoruna Aristotelis,” by Alexander Aphrodiseus one of the most celebrated followers of Aristotle

Born: Amaseo, Romulus the son of Gregory Amaseo

Born: Benavidio, Mark in Latin Marcus Mantua Benavidius

Publication: “De Tempore, &c. Sanctorum,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Publication: “De Christo,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Publication: “Le Chevalier delibere, ou la Mort du Due de Bourgogne devant Nanci,” by Chastelain, George a Flemish gentleman

Born: Cranmer, Thomas archbishop

Publication: “De Gestis Attilae,” by Esperiente, Philip Callimachus historian

Born: Farel, William a learned minister of the church (?–1565)

Born: Ferreti, Æminus in Latin Ferrettus

Publication: “A Poem on the contempt of the World,” by Garland, John a grammarian

Died: Justiniani, Bernard nephew of the above

Born: Molza, Francis-Maria poet

Born: Munster, Sebastian divine

Publication: “Miscellanea” by Politian, Angelus a most ingenious and learned Italian

Publication: “Liber de Secretis, qui Aphorismorum appellatur,” by Rhazes called also Albubecar Mohamed

Born: Sturmius, James a German of great learning


Publication: “Fasciculus rertim expetendarum,” by Ailli, Peter D' an eminent Romish ecclesiastic

Publication: “Orationes,” by Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Born: Bush, Paul bishop

Publication: “Chirurgix tractatus septem cum antidotario,” by Cauliac, Gui De an anatomical author of France

Born: Corregio, Antokio Allegri Da sometimes called Laeti

Born: Folengio, John Baptist was born at Mantua in 1490

Born: Gilles, Peter scholar

Born: Gustavus, Vasa king of Sweden

Born: Lindsay, Sir David poet

Born: Longueil, Christopher De scholar

Born: Primaticcio, Francis painter

Died: Ripley, George poet


Publication: “Carmina,” by Augurello, John Aurelio an Italian

Born: Azpilcueta, Martin De commonly called Navarre

Publication: “De veris et salutaribus animi gaudiis,” by Bosso, Matthew scholar

Born: Bucer, Martin an eminent German reformer

Died: Esperiente, Philip Callimachus historian

Born: Folengo, Theophilus more known by his assumed name of Merlin Coccaio

Born: Loyola, Ignatious Of the founder of the order of Jesuits

Publication: “I daily devote the whole of my morning hours; the afternoon I give to the society of friends, those relaxations which are requisite for the preservation of health, and occasionally to the poets and orators, and similar studies of a lighter kind; my nights are divided betwixt sleep and the perusal of the Holy Scriptures.” by Picus, John of Mirandula (?–1494)

Died: Rouse, John antiquary

Born: Sepulveda, John Genes De writer


Publication: “De regimine Principum,” by Ægidius, De Columna one of the most learned divines of the thirteenth century

Born: Agricola, John divine

Publication: “Parables” by Alanus De Insulis surnamed the Universal Doctor

Born: Alciati, Andrew lawyer

Publication: “Super mutuo Judaico et civili et divino,” by Annius which Bayle follows

Born: Aretino, Peter an author who once raised considerable fame by invective and indecency (?–1557)

Born: Bellay, John Du cardinal

Born: Borgia, Cæsar a monster of ambition and cruelty

Publication: “Recuperationes,” by Bosso, Matthew scholar

Born: Caravaggio, Polidoro Caldara Da artist

Publication: “History of Venice,” by Justiniani, Bernard nephew of the above

Born: Leo, Jons a skilful geographer

Born: Margaret Of Valois queen (?–1549)

Born: Pippi, Julio called more frequently Julio Romano

Born: Vives, Joan Lewis one of the revivers of literature

Born: White, Sir Thomas founder of St (?–1566)

Born: Wotton, Edward physician


Publication: “Anatomiae, sive de historia corporis humani, lib. v.” by Benedictus, Alexander physician

Publication: “Epistolar. Lib. tres,” by Bosso, Matthew scholar

Publication: “Dialogus de humanae vitae conditione et toleranda corporis aegritudine,” by Brandolini, Aurelio of a noble family of Florence

Publication: “Chroniques de St. Denys,” by Chartier, Alain a native of Bayeux (1385–?)

Publication: “De Re Militari,” by Cornazzano, Antonio poet

Publication: “Topica juris.” by Everard, Nicholas lawyer

Died: Ghirlandaio, Domenico painter

Born: Grynæus, Simon a very learned German

Born: Gryphius, Sebastian a celebrated printer of Lyons

Publication: “Opera et Dies” by Hesiod poet

Born: Jonas, Justus divine

Born: Olahus, Nicholas prelate

Died: Reuchlin, John a learned German


Born: Agricola, George physician

Born: Beaton, David archbishop (?–1546)

Died: Boiardo, Matteo-Maria count of Scandiano

Born: Bronchorst, John of Nimeguen

Died: Crinitus, Peter scholar (14751507)

Born: Finæus, Orontius in French Finé

Born: Francis I. king of France (?–1547)

Born: Jacobs, Lucas commonly called Lucas Van Leyden

Publication: “Boke of Johan Bochas,” by Lydgate, John poet

Born: Maurolico, Francis mathematician

Died: Merula, George an Italian of very uncommon talents and learning

Born: Parmentiek, John poet

Publication: “Anthologia” by Planudes, Maximus monk

Died: Pulci, Luigi one of the most famous Italian poets

Publication: “Itinerarium” by Rutilius, Numatianus poet

Born: Soto, Dominic Dominican

Born: Udine, Giovanna Da artist


Publication: “Commentary on Isaiah” by Abrabanel, Isaac rabbi

Publication: “Commentaria,” by Accolti, Francis the brother of Benedetto

Publication: “De Intelligentiis” by Alfarabi philosopher

Born: Apian, Peter called in German Brenkwitz

Publication: “Commentary on Aristotle” by Averroes philosopher

Born: Bale, John in Latin Baleus or Balæus

Born: Benedictus, Alexander physician

Born: Bernardi Del Castel Bolognese, John so called from Castel Bolognese in the Romania

Publication: “Orlando Innamorato” by Boiardo, Matteo-Maria count of Scandiano

Publication: “De Instituendo Sapientia animo,” by Bosso, Matthew scholar

Publication: “Geometria Speculativa, cum Arithmetica specuiativa,” by Bradwardine, Thomas archbishop

Publication: “De proportionibus,” by Bradwardine, Thomas archbishop

Publication: “De quadratura circuli,” by Bradwardine, Thomas archbishop

Born: Brissot, Peter physician

Publication: “Vitas Patrum,” by Caxton, William to whom this country owes the introduction of printing (14121492)

Born: Clarius, Isidorus one of the most learned divines in the sixteenth century

Born: Forster, John divine

Publication: “Sermons” by Glanvil, Bartholomew writer

Died: Mendoza, Gonzales Peter De cardinal


Publication: “De Luminaribus et Diebus criticis liber,” by Aben-Ezra -Hezer

Born: Barros, John historian

Publication: “Sermones de adventu,” by Caraccioli, Robert often called Hobertus de Licio

Publication: “Repertorium Juris,” by Durand, William one of the most learned lawyers of the thirteenth century

Publication: “Practica Musicse utriusque Cantus,” by Gaffurius, Franchinus writer

Publication: “Baptists Guarini Veronensis poemata Latina,” by Guarino Of Verona surnamed Veronese

Publication: “Destructorium Vitiorum,” by Hales, Alexander divine

Born: Maitland, Sir Richard a cultivator and preserver of Scotch poetry

Born: Marot, Clement was born at Cahors

Publication: “Defensio curatorum adversus fratres mendicantes,” by Richard archbishop

Publication: “Apologia contra vituperatores civitatis Florentiae,” by Scala, Bartholomew an Italian

Born: Trincavelli, Victor physician


Publication: “Urbani Grammatica Græca,” by Bolzanio, Urbano Valeriano one of the revivers of letters in the fifteenth century

Died: Brandolini, Aurelio of a noble family of Florence

Born: Coxis, Michael artist

Born: Danes, Peter born in 1497

Publication: “A Treatise of illustrious Women,” by Foresti, James, Philip Of was born at Soldio

Publication: “Variae oblectationis oriuscula; nempe contra valido^ mend.icantes Beghardos et Beghinos,” by Hemmerlin, Felix which has the same meaning as Hemmerlin in German

Born: Hennuyer, John bishop

Publication: “Lac Puesorum. M. Holti. Mylke for chyldren,” by Holte, John author of the first Latin grammar of any noie in England

Publication: “De Myst. Ægypt. Chald. et Assyr. necnon et alii Tractatus Philosophici,” by Jamblicus a native of Chalcis in Ccelosyria

Publication: “Liber de Epidemia quam Itali morbum Gallicum vocant,” by Leonicenus, Nicholas an eminent Italian phy-

Born: Melancthon, Philip whom the common consent of all ecclesiastical historians has placed among the most eminent of the reformers

Born: Musculus, Wolfgang divine

Born: Nonius, Peter mathematician

Publication: “De generibus metrorum,” by Perot, Nicholas prelate (1429–?)

Publication: “Odae,” by Philelphus, Francis a learned Italian

Publication: “The Treasure of the City of Dames,” by Pisan, Christina De an Italian by birth

Born: Wotton, Nicholas dean


Publication: “Majene Hajeschua;” by Abrabanel, Isaac rabbi

Born: Aertgen painter

Publication: “Galli Cantus ad Confratres suos curatos in Synodo apud Barnwell, 25 Sept. 1498,” by Alcock, John bishop

Born: Bianchi, Mark Anthony lawyer

Publication: “Libri duo paradoxorum Chris ­tianorum,” by Brandolini, Aurelio of a noble family of Florence

Publication: “De ratione scribendi Epistolas,” by Brandolini, Aurelio of a noble family of Florence

Publication: “De Bello Punico Libri tres,” by Bruni, Leonard historian

Born: Clovio, Juuus justly celebrated for his astonishing miniatures and illuminations in missals and other religious books

Born: Fazzello, Thomas historian

Born: Flaminio, Mark Anthony poet

Born: Gelenius, Sigismund a learned German

Born: Gelli, John Baptist writer

Born: Govea, Andrew in Latin Goveanus (1493–?)

Born: Hemskirk, Martin painter

Born: Holbein, John painter

Publication: “Comm. Petri Cirvilli Hisp.” by Holywood, John or Sacrobosco

Born: Lupset, Thomas scholar (?–1532)

Born: Nizolius, Marius scholar

Born: Osiander, Andrew divine

Publication: “A Collection of Proverbs,” by Vergil, Polydore writer

Publication: “That he should never quit his church of Toledo; that no pension should be charged on his archbishopric (one of the richest in the world); and that no infringement of the privileges and immunities of his church should ever be attempted.” by Ximenes, Francis statesman


Publication: “Hecatomythium,” by Abstemius, Laurentius writer

Born: Æpinus, John a fellow-labourer with Luther in promoting the Reformation

Born: Asper, Hans painter

Died: Attavanti, Paul generally known in Italy by the name of Father Paul of Florence

Publication: “Declamatio ebriosi, scortatoris, et aleatoris,” by Beroaldo, Philip the elder

Publication: “Sacri canonis Missae, &.c. expositio,” by Biel, Gabriel one of the ablest scholastic divines of his time

Publication: “Sonetti e Canzoni,” by Boiardo, Matteo-Maria count of Scandiano

Born: Brentius, John one of the supporters of the reformation

Born: Bunel, Peter scholar

Born: Calcar, John painter

Publication: “Etymologicuru magnum,” by Calliergus, Zacharias a native of Crete

Publication: “Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,” by Colonna, Francis a Venetian dominican

Born: Cox, Richard bishop (?–1581)

Died: Ficinus, Marsilius a learned Italian

Born: Hentenius, John Dominican

Born: Hervet, Gentian a learned Frenchman

Born: Laguna, Andrew physician

Born: Mabuse, John De artist

Publication: “Expositio in questiones dialecticas Divi Joan. Scoti in Isagogen Porphyrii,” by Ofihely, Maurice archbishop

Died: Picus, John Francis was the son of Galeoti Picus (?–1533)

Born: Redman, John one of the most learned divines of his time

Publication: “Promptorium parvulum,” by Rider, John prelate

Publication: “De Rerum Inventoribus,” by Vergil, Polydore writer

Born: Victorius, Peter scholar