Bourdeilles, Claude De
, grand-nephew of the
former, comte de Montresor., attached to Gaston of Orleans, both while he was in favour, and when he had lost
it, was several times deprived of his liberty for serving that
prince. Disgusted with the tumult and the Artifices of the
court, he took up the resolution of enjoying the sweets of
privacy. He died at Paris in 1663. He left memoirs,
known under the name of Montresor, 2 vols. 12mo, which
are curious, as containing many particulars of the history
of his time. Montresor makes no scruple of relating the
projects he formed against the life of cardinal Richelieu. 2
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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Bourdeilles, Claude De (?–1663)
Caab (?–