Brett, Richard
, a learned English divine, the son of Robert Brett, of Whitstanton, in Somersetshire, was born in London, in 1561, and entered a commoner of Hart-hall, Oxford, in 1582, where he took one degree in arts, and was then elected fellow of Lincoln-college, and was distinguished for his progress in the learned languages. About 1595 he was made rector of Quainton, near Aylesbury, and was admitted B. D. in 1597. In 1604 he was appointed one of the seven Oxford divines who were to translate the Bible by king James’s order; and was afterwards made one of the first fellows of Chelsea college, a foundation which, we have already had occasion to remark^ was never completed. Wood represents him as a pious and learned man, and critically skilled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and the Oriental languages, a vigilant pastor, a liberal benefactor, and a faithful friend. He died April la, 1637, and was buried in the chancel of his church at Quainton, under a monument with his effigies, and those of his widow and four children kneeling. He published, 1. “Vitae Sanctorum Evangelist. Johannis et Lucae a Simeone Metaphraste concinnatae,” Oxon, 1597, 8vo. 2. “Agatharchidis et Memnonis Historicorum quae supersunt omuia,” ibid. 1597, 8vo. 3. “Iconum sacraruni decas, in qua e subjectis Typis compluscula sanae doctrinse capita eruuntur,” ibid. 1603, 4to. 2
Ath. Ox. vol. i, Peck’s Desiderata, vol. II.