Bruys, Francis
, born at Serrieres in the Maconnois in 1708, quitted his country in order to pursue his studies at Geneva, from whence he went to the Hague, where he had some relations, and there he became a Calvinist. A dispute with some divines obliging him to leave Holland, he retired into Germany, from whence he returned to France. He there recanted, and died some time after | at Dijon, in 1738, being only thirty years old. He published 1. “Critique desinteressee des journaux litteraires,” 1730, 3 vols. 12mo. 2. “History of the Popes,” from St. Peter to Benedict XIII. inclusive, 1732, 5 vols. 4to. 3. “Mernoires historiques, critiques, et litteraires,” 2 vols. 12mo, in which are many anecdotes of the characters and works of the learned men he had been acquainted with in the different countries he had visited. The first title of this work, was: “Reflexions serieuses et badines sur les Swisses, les Hollandois, et les Allemans, &c.” which he thought proper to change. 4. “Reflexions en forme de lettres adressees au prochain synod qui doit s’assembler a la Haye, sur l’affaire de M. Saurin, et sur celle de M. Maty,” Hague, 1730, 12mo. This alludes to a dispute with Saurin and Maty, which latter had been deposed from his ministry for his opinions on the Trinity. Bruys concealed his name in this work under the letters M. F. B. D. S. E. M. P. D. G. (i. e. Francois Bruys, de Serrieres en Magonnois, professeur de Grammaire.) 5. Tacite avec des notes historiques et politiques, pour servir de continuation a ce que M. Amelot de Houssai avoit traduit de cetauteur,“Hague, 1730, 6 vols. 12mo. 6.” Le postilion, ouvrage historique, critique, politique, &c." 1733—6, 4 vols. 12mo. His history of the popes was said to have been the production of a Benedictine of St. Maur, and the plan and some of the chapters having fallen into the hands of Bruys, he prepared it for the press in the shape we now find it.1