Buxtorf, John

, the first of a learned family, was born at Camen, in Westphalia, in 1564, and became an eminent Calvinist divine, and professor of the Hebrew and Chaldaic languages at Basil, a situation which he filled with great reputation until his death, in 1629. During his Hebrew studies, he availed himself of the assistance of the ablest Jews, and from them acquired a fondness for rabbinical learning. The first of his works was his great dictionary, entitled “Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum et Rabbinicum,” printed at Basil in 1639, which is absolutely necessary for understanding the Rabbins, being more extensive than that of R. David of Pomis, printed at Venice in 1587. He wrote also a small dictionary of Hebrew and Chaldaic words in the Bible, which is very methodical. There is nothing more complete than his “Treasury of the Hebrew Grammar,” 2 vols. 8vo. He also printed a great Hebrew Bible at Basil, in 1618, 4 vols. fol. with the Rabbins, the Chaldaic paraphrases, and the | Massora, after the manner of the great Bible of Venice; but father Simon thinks it incorrect. To this Bible is commonly added the Tiberias of the same author, which is a commentary upon the Massora; where he explains at large what the Rabbins think of it, and expounds in Latin the terms of the Massora, which are very difficult. He follows rabbi Elias the Levite, in his exposition of those terms. He has also published “Synagoga Judaica,1682, 8vo, where he exposes the ceremonies of the Jews; which, though it abounds, in learning, does not greatly shew the judgment of the compiler, who insists too much upon trifles, merely for the sake of rendering the Jews ridiculous. The small abridgment of Leo of Modena upon this’ subject, translated by father Simon, is far better. We have besides some other books of the same author, among which is his “Bibliotheca of the Rabbins, a curious work; but there have been since his time a great many discoveries made in that part of learning. They who have a mind to write Hebrew, may make use of the collection of Hebrew letters, which he has published under the title of” Institutio Epistolaris Hebraica,“1629, 8vo. He compiled also,” Concordantia3 Hebraicse," published by his son in 1632. 1


Moreri. —Dict. Hist.Saxii Onomast. Baillet Jugemens. Blount’s Centra.