Bythner, Victorinus

, an able linguist, was a native of Poland, who came to Oxford when somewhat advanced in life, was matriculated, and read a Hebrew lecture for many years in the hall of Christ Church, and before the rebellion in 1642 instructed many scholars in that language. Even after being disturbed by the revolutionary confusions, he published some works for the use of his pupils. After leaving Oxford he went to Cambridge, and thence to London, and Wood thinks, returned to Oxford. About 1664 he retired into Cornwall, and practised physic, but the time of his death has not been ascertained. He wrote, 1. “Lethargy of the Soul, &c.1636, 8vo. 2. “Tabula directoria: in qua totum Totexnikon Linguae Sanctae, ad amussim delineator,” Ox. 1637. 3. “Lingua eruditorum,” usually called his Hebrew Grammar, Ox. 1638, 8vo, and reprinted. 4. “Manipulus messis magnae, sive Grammat exemplaris,” Lond. 1639, 8vo. 5. “Clavis Linguæ Sanctæ,” Camb. 1648, 8vo. 6. “Lyra prophetica Davidis regis: sive Analysis Critico-Practica Psal morum,” Lond 1650, 4to, and 1645. To this is added an introduction to the Chaldaic. 2


Ath. Ox. vol. II. —Moreri.