Calvert, James

, the son of Robert Calvert, a grocer and sheriff of York, was born on the Pavement in that ancient city. He was educated at Clare-hall, Cambridge, where he was contemporary with the famous archbishop Tillotson. He was bred up under Mr. David Clarkson, and was a graduate in the university. He had been for several years at Topcliff, when he was silenced by the act of uniformity after which he retired to York, lived privately, but studied hard; and there it was that he wrote


This is not strictly the case. A correspondent in the —Gent. Mag. 1795, who dates from Northampton, speaks of possessing both these works.

| his learned book concerning the ten tribes, entitled “Naphthali, seu colluctatio theologica de reditu decem tribuum, conversione Judaeorum et mens. Ezekielis,” Lond. 1672, 4to. This book he dedicated to bishop Wilkins, on whom he waited at Scarborough Spaw, together with Mr. Williams of York. Bishop Wilkins received him with much respect, and encouraged him to live in hopes of a comprehension. About the year 1675 he became chaplain to sir William Strickland of Boynton, where he" continued several years, preaching and educating his son, till both he and his lady died; then he removed to Hull, and from thence into Northumberland, to sir William Middleton’s, where he constantly exercised his function as chaplain, educated his only son, was left tutor to him when his father died, and was very careful of his education both at home and in Cambridge. He died in December 1698. 1