Carte, Samuel
, an English divine, was the son of Thomas Carte, a clothier at Coventry, where he was born. October 21, 1652, or 1653, and in the free-school of which place he received his grammatical education. He was afterwards removed to Magdalen college, Oxford, where he took his degree of B. A. 1672; and M. A. 1675. After he entered into holy orders he had several preferments, the chief of which were, a prebend in the cathedral church of Litchfield, the rectory of Eastwell in Leicestershire, and, last of all, the vicarage of St. Martin’s, in the town of Leicester. It has been supposed that he resigned his preferments at the accession of king George the First, and that at one time he assisted the celebrated Jeremiah Collier, in preaching to a nonjuring congregation in Broad-street, London; but this belongs to his son. It is certain that Mr. Samuel Carte spent the latter part of his life on his living at Leicester, where he died on the 16th of April, 1740, in the eightyseventh year of his age. A high, and, we doubt not, a just character is given of him, in an inscription to his memory in the chancel of St. Martin’s church. He published two sermons, and “Tabula Chronologica Archiepiscopatuum | et Episcopatuum in Anglia et Wallia, Ortus, Divisiories, TransUuiones, &c. breviter exhibens; una cum Indice alphabetioo Nominum, quibus apucl Authores insigniuntur,” folio, without date. Part of a letter of his on a tesselated pavement at Leicester is in Phil. Trans. No. 331, and his account of Leicester is in the Bib]. Top. Britannica. Those eminent antiquaries, Dr. Willis and Mr. Stukeley, acknowledged his assistance and correspondence. 1
Biog. Brit.—But chiefly Nichols’s Bowyer, where are many additional particulars of Mr. Carie.