Clarius, Isidorus
, one of the most learned divines in the sixteenth century, was born at the castle of Chiaria, near Brescia, 1495. He entered among the religious of Mount Cassino, and appeared with great distinction at the council of Trent. Paul III. gave him the archbishopric of Fuligno, where he died May 28, 1555, aged sixty, in great reputation for sanctity. He left: “Scholia in Biblia,” Venice, 1564, fol. “Scholia in N. Test.” 1544, 8vo, two learned and very useful works, for correcting the text of the Vulgate, and explaining difficult passages in the Scripture; one folio volume of Latin Sermons, and two in 4to. His Letters, with two “Opuscula,” vyere published at Modena, 1705, 4to. 2