The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Adam, Nicholas-Sebastian artist
Died: Aicher, Otho a benedictine father
Publication: “Fasti Consulares,” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Publication: “Lettera discorsiva al March. Giovani GioSeffo Orsi, dove si tratto dell' origine e progressi de signori accademici Spioni, e delle varie loro lodevoli applicazioni,” by Angelis, Dominico De author of several pieces relating to the history of literature
Publication: “De obsoniis et condimentis, sive de arte coquinaria,” by Apicius
Publication: “Scnatorum Mediolanensium ex collegio judicum Cremonae ab ipso erecto, usque ad hocc tempora continuata series,” by Arisi, Francis lawyer
Publication: “De Bibliorum Textibus Originalibus,” by Aristeas a prefect or officer under Ptolemy Philadelphus
Publication: “Bibliotheca politico-heraldica,” by Arndt, Charles [son of Joshua Arndt]
Born: Artedi, Peter naturalist
Publication: “The Christian Religion, as practised by a daughter of the Church of England,” by Astell, Mary a learned and ingenious lady
Died: Aunoy, Marie Catherine Jumelle De Berneville, Comtesse D' widow of the count d'Aunoy
Died: Ayres, John an eminent English penman of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Isidori Clarii ex Monacho Episcopi Fulginatis Epistolse ad amicos, hactenus ineditac,” by Bacchini, Bernardin scholar
Publication: “Oraison funebre de M. Pierre Creagh,” by Baltus, John Francis Jesuit
Publication: “Histoire de l'ancien et du nouveau Testament,” by Basnage, James de Franquener
Born: Baume, James Francis De La canon of the collegiate church of St
Publication: “Diatriba de Pharsalici conflictus mense et die, cum accessionibus et prefatione Henrici Leonard! Schurztleischii,” by Beau, John Baptiste Le Jesuit
Publication: “Serious reflections on the scandalous abuse and effects of the Stage, a sermon,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Died: Berault, Michael pastor and professor of theology at Montauban
Publication: “Electa processus executivi, processorii, provocatorii et matrimonialis,” by Berger, John Henry De lawyer
Publication: “De Virgilio oratore,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Publication: “Rime varie,” by Bernardoni, Peter Antony poet
Born: Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Born: Birch, Thomas writer
Born: Blackburne, Francis the celebrated author of the “Confessional
Publication: “Eliza, a poem in ten books,” by Blackmore, Sir Richard physician
Publication: “Solon” by Bladen, Martin of Albro'-hatch
Publication: “Relationes quaedam Arnoldi Blair monachi de Dumfermelem et Capellani D. Willelmi Wallas Militis. Cum Comment.” by Blair, John monk
Born: Blondel, James Francis and a man of abilities
Publication: “Letters” by Boecler, John Henry critic
Publication: “Commentatio in Grotii librum de jure belli ac pacis,” by Boecler, John Henry critic
Publication: “Select dissertationes in Sac. Scripturam,” by Bonjour, William a learned Augustin
Born: Broschi, Carlo was born the 24th of January
Born: Brown, Ulysses Maximilian De a celebrated general of the eighteenth century
Born: Browne, Isaac Hawkins poet
Publication: “Opticae disputationes,” by Casati, Paul Jesuit
Publication: “The Stolen Heiress, or the Salamanca Doctor outwitted.” by Centlivre, Susannah writer
Publication: “Rudimentorum Methodi Fiuxionurn inversae Specimina, adversus Abr. De Moivre.” by Cheyne, George physician
Publication: “Opuscula,” by Clarius, Isidorus one of the most learned divines in the sixteenth century
Publication: “Supplement,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Publication: “Hist, genealogique de la Maison de Gondi,” by Corbinelli, James a man of wit and learning of the sixteenth century
Publication: “De Furibus Librariis,” by Crenius, Thomas a native of the marche of Brandenburg
Born: Daun, Leopold Count a celebrated Austrian general
Died: Dawes, Sir William archbishop
Publication: “Gibraltar, or the Spanish Adventure;” by Dennis, John poet
Publication: “Occasional Communion fundamentally destructive of the discipline of the primitive catholic Church, and contrary to the doctrine of the latest Scriptures concerning Church Communion;” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Born: Duclos, Charles Dineau born at Dinant in Bretagne
Publication: “The Preacher,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “The Twin-Rivals,” by Farquhar, George writer
Born: Fothergill, George principal of St
Born: Fox, Henry Lord Holland
Born: Ganganelli, John Vincent Antony physician
Born: Gaubius, Jerome David physician
Publication: “Fundamentum doctrines motus gravium,” by Giordani, Vital mathematician
Publication: “Ad Hyacinthum Christophorum Epistola,” by Giordani, Vital mathematician
Died: Gourville, John Herauld De a French politician
Publication: “Sejani et Rufini dialogus de Laderchiana historia S. Petri Damiani,” by Grandlus, Gumo mathematician
Died: Guillet, De Saint George, Guy historian
Born: Hartley, David physician
Publication: “Justin,” by Hearne, Thomas antiquary
Publication: “A Treatise on the Dispensations allowed in Lent,” by Hecquet, Philip physician
Publication: “Four Discourses against Vice and Immorality,” by Henry, Matthew an eminent dissenting teacher
Publication: “I have had much satisfaction this year (1703) in my non-conformity, especially by reading Mr. Hoadly’s books, in which I see a manifest spirit of Christianity unhappily leavened by the spirit of conformity.” by Hoadly, Benjamin prelate
Born: Hoadly, Benjamin bishop
Publication: “Posthumous Works,” by Hooke, Robert mathematician
Died: Howe, John divine
Publication: “Sophocles,” by Johnson, Thomas scholar
Publication: “Auctuarium,” by Labbe, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Le veritable Esprit des Disciples de S. Augustin,” by Lallemant, James Philip Jesuit
Publication: “The Danger of Priestcraft,” by Leslie, Charles writer
Publication: “The principles of Dissenters concerning Toleration, and occasional Conformity,” by Leslie, Charles writer
Born: Mason, John divine
Died: Menestrier, Claude Francis Jesuit
Publication: “Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus insectorum Surinamensium,” by Merian, Maria Sibylla a lady much and justly ceJebrated for her skill in drawing insects
Born: Moore, Philip rector of Kirkbride
Born: Moser, George Michael artist
Born: Muller, Gerard Frederick traveller
Publication: “Prolegomena, &c. in librum, cui titulus, Elucidatio Augustiniange de divina gratia doctrinae,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Lettere ai generosi e cortesi Letterati d'ltalia,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Born: Murray, William, Earl Of Mansfield lawyer
Publication: “The New Testament translated into English from the Latin, with marginal notes,” by Nary, Cornelius divine
Publication: “A Letter on Church Government, in answer to a pamphlet entitled The Principles of the Protestant Reformation,” by Nelson, Robert a learned and pious English gentleman
Died: Nesse, Christopher divine
Died: Nyssenus, Gregory
Publication: “Mathematical and Physical Researches,” by Parent, Antony mathematician
Born: Parsons, James physician
Publication: “Dissertation sur les anciennes & veritables bornes de la Terre Promise,” by Pezron, Paul a learned and ingenious Frenchman
Publication: “The Lives of Painters.” by Piles, Roger De an ingenious Frenchman
Publication: “Traité des Fougeres de l'Amerique,” by Plumier, Charles called Father Plumier
Publication: “Les Principes solides de la Religion Chretienne,” by Poiret, Peter famous only for his love of mysticism and enthusiasm
Died: Rapin De Thoyras, Paul historian
Died: Ray, John philosopher
Publication: “De Religione Moharnmedica libri duo,” by Reland, Hadrian an eminent orientalist
Publication: “Epistolse celebrium Virorum,” by Rittershusius, Conradus a learned civilian and philologer of Germany
Born: Robertson, William divine
Born: Rosel, John Augustus painter
Publication: “De Gestis Gul. Valise,” by Sibbald, Sir Robert physician
Publication: “The Essay towards a proposal for Catholic Communion, &c.” by Spinckes, Nathaniel divine
Publication: “Paraphrase on the Epistles and Gospels,” by Stanhope, George dean
Died: Strange, Sir John lawyer
Publication: “Bibliotheca Historica,” by Struvius, Burcard Gotthelf one of the many sons of the preceding
Publication: “De Vita et Scriptis Geo. Adam Struvii,” by Struvius, Burcard Gotthelf one of the many sons of the preceding
Publication: “The Life of Sir John Cheke,” by Strype, John the most valuable contributor to ecclesiastical history and biography that ever appeared in this country
Died: Suicer, John Gaspard divine
Publication: “Historia VinJandiae antiquae,” by Torfæus, Thermodus antiquary
Died: Trigland, James divine
Died: Tronchin, Theodore the first of a considerable family of learned men in Geneva and France
Born: Tucker, Abraham writer
Died: Turretin, John Alphonsus the most celebrated of the family
Publication: “Dissertatio super Aristea, de 70 interpretibus,” by Van-Dale, Anthony writer
Born: Vanloo, Charles was born at Nice
Born: Vergne, Louis Elizabeth De La count de Tressan
Publication: “Military Discoveries” by Walker, Sir Edward writer
Publication: “Thesaurus Ling. Vet. Septen.” by Wanley, Humphrey antiquary (1671–1726)
Publication: “The necessity and usefulness of the Christian IleveJation, by reason of the corruptions of the principles of natural religion among Jews and Heathens,” by Whitby, Daniel divine
Publication: “Historia Lexicorum Hebraicorum,” by Wolfe, John Christopher scholar
Publication: “Reflections,” by Wotton, William divine (?–1726)
Died: Young, Edward poet
Publication: “A collection of Travels in France, Italy, England, Holland, and Russia,” by Aa, Peter Vander bookseller (1659–1733)
Publication: “A collection of Voyages in the two Indies,” by Aa, Peter Vander bookseller (1659–1733)
Publication: “Scriptores rerum Gerrn. septentrional.” by Adam Of Bremen so called because he was a canon of that church
Died: Agnelli, Joseph Jesuit
Publication: “Aug. Hermanni Franke manuductio ad lectionem Scrip. Sac.” by Allix, Peter divine
Died: Amelot De La Houssaye, Nicholas called by some Abraham Nicholas
Born: Amhurst, Nicholas writer
Publication: “Delia vita di Scipione Ammiralo, patrizio Leccese, libri tre,” by Angelis, Dominico De author of several pieces relating to the history of literature
Publication: “Lexicon philosophicum,” by Argentre, Charles Duplessis D' bishop
Born: Artaud, Peter Joseph born at Bonieux in the comtat-Venaissin
Publication: “Six familiar Essays upon Marriage, Crosses in Love, and Friendship,” by Astell, Mary a learned and ingenious lady
Publication: “A letter to Dr. Francis Atterbury, concerning Virtue and Vice,” by Atterbury, Francis bishop
Born: Baskerville, John a celebrated printer
Publication: “Histoire des Juifs,” by Basnage, James de Franquener
Publication: “L'histoire secrette du Connetable de Bourbon,” by Baudot De Juilli, Nicholas born at Vendôme in 1678
Died: Bauldri, Paul surnamed D'!Berville
Died: Bayle, Peter writer
Publication: “Ecclesia Antediluviana vera et falsa,” by Bebele, Balthazar divine
Publication: “The evil and danger of Stage Plays,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Publication: “The temple of Music,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Born: Belchier, John was born in the year 1706
Publication: “Electa jurisprudentise criminalis,” by Berger, John Henry De lawyer
Publication: “The French church’s apology for the church of England or the objections of dissenters against the articles, homilies, liturgy, and canons of the English church, considered, and answered upon the principles of the reformed church of France. A work chiefly extracted out of the authentic acts and decrees of the French national synods, and the most approved writers of that church,” by Bingham, Joseph writer
Died: Blair, Patrick botanist
Publication: “Catalogue of the Orders, Religious, Military, and Equestrian, with plates representing their several habiliments,” by Bonanni, Philip Jesuit
Born: Boyle, John earl of Cork and Orrery
Born: Brooke, Henry writer
Publication: “Essays, ecclesiastical and civil,” by Bulstrode, Sir Richard was educated at Pembroke-hall
Publication: “Unfortunate Court Favourites of England,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Born: Chastelet, Gabriel Emilia De Breteuil, Marchioness descended of a very ancient family of Picardy
Publication: “Le Pitture antiche delle Grotte di Roma e del Sepolcro di Nasoni, &c.” by Chausse, Michael Angelo De La antiquary
Died: Cinelli, John physician
Publication: “Rights of the Christian Church,” by Clerc, John Le writer
Died: Cradock, Samuel writer
Publication: “C. Julii Caesaris, et A. Hirtii quas extant omnia,” by Davies, John critic
Publication: “Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences at Paris.” by Ditton, Humphrey mathematician
Publication: “An Epistolary Discourse, proving, from the scriptures and the first fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal; but immortalized actually by the pleasure of God, to punishment, or to reward, by its union with the divine baptismal spirit. Wherein is proved, that none have the power of giving this divine immortalizing spirit, since the apostles, but only the bishops,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Born: Dollond, John an eminent optician
Publication: “Secret Memoirs of Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester,” by Drake, James physician
Publication: “Leicester’s Ghost;” by Dudley, Robert baron of Denbigh (?–1588)
Publication: “Fair Example,” by Estcourt, Richard writer
Publication: “Description of the Church of the Invalids,” by Felibien, John Francis succeeded his father in all his places
Born: Fuessli, John Gaspard artist
Born: Goodal, Walter antiquary
Born: Green, John prelate
Died: Gryphius, Christian and one of the greatest geniuses that Germany has produced
Died: Hamel, John Baptists Du divine
Died: Hody, Humphrey divine
Died: Hoffman, John James professor of Greek at Bale
Born: Hopkins, William writer
Publication: “Bibliotheque Choisee,” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Publication: “Paraphrase with Notes on the Book of Psalms according to the Translation retained in our Common Prayer- Book,” by Johnson, John divine
Died: Joyner, William second son of William
Publication: “A complete History of England, &c.” by Kennet, White writer
Publication: “Account of the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts,” by Kennet, White writer
Publication: “An Essay towards a Paraphrase on the Psalms, in Verse; with a Paraphrase on the third Chapter of the Revelations,” by Kennet, Basil was born Oct. 21
Publication: “Entretiens sur lea Sciences, et sur la Methode d'Etudier,” by Lami, Bernard a learned priest of the Oratory
Publication: “Demonstration, ou Preuves eVidentes de la Vérite et Sainted de la Morale Chretienne,” by Lami, Bernard a learned priest of the Oratory
Publication: “Onomasticon,” by Lederlin, John Henry critic
Born: Leechman, William divine
Publication: “A Warning for the Church of England,” by Leslie, Charles writer
Born: Martini, John-Baptist known all over Europe by the name of Padre Martini
Born: Menard, Leo a counsellor in the presidial court at Nismes
Publication: “Adversaria Anatomica,” by Morgagni, John Baptist anatomist
Publication: “Disput. de Inflammatione,” by Nettleton, Thomas physician
Publication: “De Religione ab Imperio Jure Gentium libera Oratio,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “Observationum Libri duo,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “Dissertatio de miraculo Piscinae Bethesdae,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name
Born: Pattison, William poet
Publication: “Eight Letters to Dr. Wells,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Died: Quick, John an eminent nonconformist
Publication: “De mente Concilii Tridentini circa Gratiam per se efficacem.” by Reginald, Anthony Dominican
Publication: “Dissertationum Miscellanearum Partes Tres,” by Reland, Hadrian an eminent orientalist
Born: Rosen, Nicholas physician
Born: Sauvages, Francis Boissier De the inventor of modern nosology
Died: Schalken, Godfrey painter
Publication: “The truth and excellence of the Christian Religion asserted, against Jews, infidels, and heretics; in sixteen sermons preached at Boyle’s Lectures,” by Stanhope, George dean
Publication: “Rochefoucault’s Maxims,” by Stanhope, George dean
Publication: “Groenlandia antiqua, seu veteris Groenlandiae descriptio,” by Torfæus, Thermodus antiquary
Publication: “Verses on baron Spanheim,” by Trapp, Joseph divine
Died: Wagenseil, John Christopher a very learned German
Died: Warburton, William prelate
Publication: “Dionysius’s Geography,” by Wells, Edward divine
Born: Williams, Anna an ingenious English lady
Publication: “Dissertatio de Zabiis,” by Wolfe, John Christopher scholar
Publication: “Origenis Philosophumena recognita et nods illustrata,” by Wolfe, John Christopher scholar
Publication: “The Account of Architects and Architecture,” by Wren, Christopher architect
Publication: “The History of the Campagnes 1548 and 1549: being an exact account of the martial expeditions performed in those days by the Scots and French on the one side, and the English and their foreign auxiliaries on the other: done in French by Mons. Beague, a French gentleman. Printed in Paris 1556, with an introductory preface by the translator,” by Abercromby, Patrick historian
Born: Adams, William master of Pembroke College
Born: Alcock, Nathan physician
Publication: “De Exilio,” by Alcyonius, Peter a learned Italian
Publication: “Lithotomia, overo del cavar la Pietra,” by Alghizi, Thomas a very celebrated lithotomist
Born: Allen, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Dissertatio de J. C. Domini nostri anno et mense natali,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “The Prophecies which Mr. Whiston applies to the times immediately following the appearance of the Messiah, considered and examined,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “Traité des Eunuques, par C. Dollincan,” by Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Publication: “De propria ratione qua res supernaturales a rebus naturalibus differunt,” by Argentre, Charles Duplessis D' bishop
Publication: “Tableau de la Cour de Rome,” by Aymon, John a Piedmontese author
Died: Baglivi, George physician
Publication: “Reponse a l'histoire des Onicles de M. de Fontenelle,” by Baltus, John Francis Jesuit
Publication: “Tomyris, Reine des Mussagetes,” by Barbier, Mary Anne a French lady
Publication: “Des Instructions Pastorales;” by Belsunce, Henry Francis Xavier De bishop
Born: Bentham, Edward canon of Christ-church
Publication: “Dissert, tres de Lino,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Died: Beveridge, William divine
Born: Beyer, Augustus a German Protestant minister
Publication: “Index locorum scripture sacra,” by Bigne, Marguerin De La a priest
Publication: “Founder of the poetical lectures,” by Birkhead, Henry poet
Born: Blanchet, Francis a French abbé of considerable talents and amiable character
Publication: “Enchiridion Precum, cum introductione de natura Orationis,” by Boehm, Anthony William minister of the German chapel at St
Publication: “De ortu atque progressu Philosophise moralis,” by Boerner, Christian Frederick professor of theology at Leipsic
Publication: “De Socrate, singular! boni ethici exemplo,” by Boerner, Christian Frederick professor of theology at Leipsic
Publication: “Observatiunes Misceilanex ad loca quaedam cum Novi Fcederis, turn externorum Scriptorum Græcorum,” by Bos, Lambert philologist
Publication: “An account of Church-government and governors, wherein is shewed that the government of the church of England is most agreeable to that of the primitive church; for the instruction of a near relation, who had been brought up among the Dissenters,” by Brett, Thomas, Ll. D. divine
Died: Broeckhusius, John scholar
Born: Buffon, George Louis Le Clerc, Count Of naturalist
Publication: “A letter to Mr. Hoadly, in answer to his Defence of the Reasonableness of Conformity.” by Calamy, Edmund divine
Publication: “Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l'Aneten et da Nouyeau Testament,” by Calmet, Augustine Benedictine
Died: Casati, Paul Jesuit
Died: Cavendish, William the first duke of Devonshire
Died: Charleton, Walter physician
Born: Church, Thomas was born in 1707
Publication: “A letter to the learned Mr. Henry Dodwell, containing some remarks on a pretended demonstration of the immateriality and natural immortality of the soul, in Mr. Clarke’s answer to his late epistolary discourse,” by Collins, Anthony writer
Publication: “A reply to Mr. Clarke’s defence of his letter to Mr. Dodwell with a postscript to Mr. Milles’s answer to Mr. Dod well’s epistolary discourse,” by Collins, Anthony writer
Publication: “Reflections on Mr. Clarke’s second defence of his letter to Mr. Dodwell,” by Collins, Anthony writer
Publication: “De jure precum primariarum,” by Corradini, De Sezza, Peter Marcellinus antiquary
Born: Cotton, Nathaniel physician
Born: Crebillon, Claude Prosper Joliot De was born at Paris February 12
Publication: “Dissertations historiques sur divers sujets,” by Croze, Mathuiun Veyssiere La writer
Publication: “Collectanea de Cyrillo Lucario,” by Cyrillo, Dominic
Publication: “M. Minucii Felicis Octavius,” by Davies, John critic
Publication: “Sermons preached upon several occasions before king William and queen Anne,” by Dawes, Sir William archbishop
Publication: “Orpheus and Eurydice,” by Dennis, John poet
Publication: “Dionysii Geographia emendata,” by Dionysius, Periegetes poet
Publication: “Acta Eruditortim,” by Ditton, Humphrey mathematician
Publication: “A farther prospect of the Case in View, in answer to some new objections not then considered,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Died: Drake, James physician
Publication: “Treatise on the Sacrament,” by Earle, Jabez a dissenting minister of considerable note
Died: Edelinck, Gerard engraver
Publication: “Veritas redux, or evangelical truths restored,” by Edwards, John divine
Born: Ernesti, John Augustus was born at Tacnnstadt in Thuringia
Born: Euler, Leonard mathematician (?–1783)
Publication: “Traité de la noblesse des Capitouls,” by Faille, Germain De La writer
Publication: “Systema Planetarum,” by Falconet, Camille born at Lyons in 1671
Born: Fielding, Henry writer
Died: Filicaia, Vincent De poet
Publication: “Poesie Toscane di Vincenzo da Filicaia,” by Filicaia, Vincent De poet
Born: Flexman, Roger, D. D. clergyman
Publication: “The Physicians’ Pulsewatch,” by Floyer, Sir John physician
Publication: “Pietas Hallensis,” by Francke, Augustus Herman divine
Died: Gerbillon, John Francis Jesuit
Born: Gilchrist, Ebenezer physician
Born: Goldoni, Charles an eminent modern Italian dramatist
Died: Gramont, Philibert, Count Of son of Antony duke of Gramont
Publication: “A treatise on the original Institution, &c. of Parliaments,” by Hale, Sir Matthew lawyer
Born: Harte, Walter divine
Born: Hoare, William artist (?–1792)
Publication: “Opnscula Anatomico-Chirurgica,” by Hoorne, John Van anatomist
Born: Horbery, Matthew divine
Born: Huber, John James anatomist
Publication: “De Vita Pythag. Liber. Gr. et Lat. ex emendatione et cum notis Ludolphi Kusteri,” by Jamblicus a native of Chalcis in Ccelosyria
Publication: “Defensio S. Augustini adversus Jo. Phereponum,” by Jenkin, Robert divine
Born: Ihre, John professor of rhetoric and politics in the university of Upsal
Born: Le Blanc, John Bernard Le historiographer of buildings of the academy della Crusca
Publication: “Homer’s Iliad,” by Lederlin, John Henry critic
Publication: “Archasologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto published of the languages, histories, and customs, of the original inhabitants of Great Britain, from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwall, Bas Bretagne, Ireland, and Scotland, Vol, I. Glossography *.” by Lhuyd, Edward antiquary
Born: Linnæus, Charles afterwards Von Linne'
Born: Lyonet, Peter naturalist
Publication: “De constructione aequationum differentialium primi gradus,” by Manfredi, Gabriel was born at Bologna
Publication: “A Bible with short notes,” by Martin, David divine
Born: Mazzuchelli, John Maria a nobleman of Brescia
Died: Morin, Lewis botanist
Born: Mounteney, Richard lawyer
Publication: “Great duty of frequenting the Christian Sacrifice,” by Nelson, Robert a learned and pious English gentleman
Died: Pettyt, William student of the Middle Temple
Born: Pringle, Sir John baronet (1707–1782)
Died: Regis, Peter Sylvan philosopher
Born: Riccati, Vincent mathematician
Born: Robins, Benjamin mathematician (?–1751)
Died: Ruinart, Thierry a French theologian
Died: Sherlock, Dr. William divine
Born: Skelton, Philip clergyman
Publication: “Phaedra and Hippolitus,” by Smith, Edmund one of those writers who
Publication: “Vitae quorundam eruditissimorum & illustrium virorum,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Died: Stepney, George poet and statesman
Died: Stratford, Nicholas bishop
Publication: “Tyrocinia mathematica,” by Sturmius, John Christopher mathematician
Publication: “The second pa/t of the Wolf stripped of Shepherd’s cloa thing, in answer to a late book entitled The Rights of the Christian Church asserted, published at London in March,” by Tindal, Dr. Matthew writer
Publication: “Two treatises, one of the Christian Priesthood, the other of the dignity of the Episcopal Order, formerly written, and npw published to obviate the erroneous opinions, fallacious reasonings, and bold and false assertions, in a late book entitled The Rights of the Christian Church; with a large prefatory discourse, wherein is contained an Answer to the said book; all written by George Hickes, D. D.” by Tindal, Dr. Matthew writer
Publication: “A thorough examination of the false principles and fallacious arguments advanced against the Christian Church, Priesthood, and Religion, in a late pernicious book, ironically entitled The Rights of the Christian Church asserted, &c. in a dialogue between Demas and Hierarcha: humbly offered to the consideration of the nobility and gentry of England; by Samuel Hill, rector of Kilmington, and archdeacon of Wells.” by Tindal, Dr. Matthew writer
Publication: “Appendix to Pierius Valerian us’s treatise De Infelicitate Literatorum,” by Tollius, James physician
Born: Tooke, Thomas was born in East-Kent
Died: Vandervelde, William called The Young
Died: Vauban, Sebastian Le Prestre, Seigneur De marechal of France
Publication: “La Dixme Roïale,” by Vauban, Sebastian Le Prestre, Seigneur De marechal of France
Publication: “History of Infant Baptism” by Wall, William the able defender of infant-baptism
Publication: “Essay on the Revelation of St. John;” by Whiston, William divine (1667–1752)
Publication: “Arithmetic* Universalis,” by Whiston, William divine (1667–1752)
Publication: “Reflections on some assertions and opinions of Mr. Dodweli, contained in a hook entitled ' An Epistolary discourse proving from the Scripture and first fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal. Shewing the falsehood and the pernicious consequences of them. To which is added an answer to a pamphlet, entitled, some passages in Dr. Whitby’s paraphrase and annotations on the New Testament contrary to Scripture and the received Doctrine of the Church of England,” by Whitby, Daniel divine
Died: Adimari, Lewis poet
Born: Ambrose De Lombes, Pere a pious and learned capuchin
Publication: “A devout collection of Divine Hymns and Poems, on several occasions,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “The Re-union of Christians translated from the French,” by Atterbury, Lewis was born at Caldecot
Publication: “Suite de la Reponse, &c.” by Baltus, John Francis Jesuit
Born: Batoni, Pompeo one of the greatest painters of the last century
Died: Battely, Dr. John antiquary
Publication: “Funeral Sermon” by Beaufort, Margaret the foundress of Christ’s and St
Publication: “Essay on singing David’s psalms,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Publication: “Responsa ex omni jure,” by Berger, John Henry De lawyer
Publication: “Origines Ecclesiastics, or the Antiquities of the Christian Church,” by Bingham, Joseph writer
Publication: “Plain directions for reading the Holy Bible,” by Boehm, Anthony William minister of the German chapel at St
Publication: “Institutiones medicae in usus exercitationis annuae domesticos,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “Prselectiones publicae de morbis oculorum,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Born: Boyse, Samuel and whose life affords an excellent moral (?–1749)
Publication: “Historia judicii habiti annis 1618 and 1619^ de tribus captivis, Barnevelt, Hogerbeets, et Grotio,” by Brandt, Gerard historian
Died: Brandt, John the youngest son of Gerard
Publication: “Two letters on the times wherein Marriage is said to be prohibited,” by Brett, Thomas, Ll. D. divine
Publication: “AlbiiTibulli quse extant, &c.” by Broeckhusius, John scholar
Born: Bruys, Francis born at Serrieres in the Maconnois in 1708
Born: Campbell, John an eminent historical
Born: Chomel, James Francis physician
Publication: “A farther Vindication of the Short View, &c. in whjch the objections of a late book, entitled A Defence of Plays, are considered,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Publication: “An answer to Mr. Clarke’s third defence of his letter to Mr. Dodwell,” by Collins, Anthony writer
Publication: “Letter concerning Enthusiasm,” by Cooper, Anthony Ashley earl of Shaftesbury
Died: Corneille, Michael born at Paris in 1642
Publication: “Vindiciae Veterum Scriptorum, contra Hardouinum,” by Croze, Mathuiun Veyssiere La writer
Born: Dalin, Olaus Von a learned Swede
Born: Dawes, Richard critic
Publication: “An Essay upon the Execution of the Laws against Immorality and Profaneness. With a Preface addressed to her Majesty’s justices of the peace,” by Disney, John divine
Publication: “An Explication of a famous passage in the Dialogue of S. Justin Martyr with Tryphon, concerning the immortality of human souls. With an Appendix, consisting of a letter to the rev. Mr. John Norris, of Bemerton; and an expostulation relating to the late insults of Mr. Clarke and Mr. Chishull,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Publication: “Treatise of Faith and Justification,” by Edwards, John divine
Publication: “A treatise on the weights and measures of various nations, and on the value of the coins of the ancients,” by Eisenschmidt, John Caspar was born at Strasbourg Sept. 25
Died: Fosse, Antony De La nephew of the former
Publication: “Feb. 7, 1700. Ordered, that in consideration the bishop of Gloucester has a long time, at his own charge, provided a lecturer in this parish, and been otherwise kind and bountiful to the same, that the chancel of this parish church be forthwith put in good repair at the charge of the parish.” by Fowler, Edward prelate
Publication: “System of the Heart,” by Gamaches, Stephen Simon writer
Born: Gaubil, Antony one of the French missionaries in China
Died: Gobien, Charles Le Jesuit
Publication: “Origines mundi, et in eo regnorum,” by Gurtler, Nicolas divine
Born: Guthrie, William writer
Born: Hagedorn, Frederic poet
Born: Haller, Albert De one of the most eminent physicians and philosophers of the eighteenth century
Died: Hare, Henry, Lord Colerane third and last baron of that name and family
Born: Hayes, William composer
Born: Hayman, Francis artist
Publication: “Livy,” by Hearne, Thomas antiquary
Publication: “A Letter containing an account of some Antiquities between Windsor and Oxford, with a list of the several pictures in the school gallery adjoining to the Bodleian library,” by Hearne, Thomas antiquary
Publication: “Select Colloquies of Lucian, and his Timon,” by Hemsterhuis, Tiberius one of the most famous critics of his country
Died: Heusinger, John Michael divine
Died: Hickeringill, Edmund writer
Died: Jacquelot, Isaac divine
Publication: “Clergyman’s Vade-Mecum,” by Johnson, John divine
Publication: “Recherches Historiques et Genealogiques des Grands d'Espagne,” by Imhoff, John a very famous genealogist
Publication: “Stemma regium Lusitanicum,” by Imhoff, John a very famous genealogist
Publication: “The Christian Scholar, in rules and directions for children and youth sent to English schools,” by Kennet, White writer
Publication: “Bibliotheque choisie,” by Kuster, Ludolf critic
Publication: “Philologia Barbaro-Grseca,” by Lang, John Michael divine
Publication: “An Examination of Malebranche’s Opinion of seeing all Things in God.” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Methode Hebraique du P. Renou,” by Long, James Le bibliographer
Publication: “Synopsis Apocalyptica; or a short and plain Explication and Application of Daniel’s Prophecy, and St. John’s Revelation, in consent with it, and consequential to it; by G. E. of C. tracing in the steps of the admirable lord Napier of Merchiston,” by Mackenzie, George viscount Tarbat
Publication: “Museum Chymicum,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Born: Marchmont, Hugh Hume, Campbell, Third Earl Of a nobleman of great learning and accomplishments
Publication: “Eight Sermons,” by Martin, David divine
Died: Masham, Lady Damahis a lady distinguished by her piety and extraordinary accomplishments
Publication: “Gccasional Thoughts in reference to a virtuous and Christian Life.” by Masham, Lady Damahis a lady distinguished by her piety and extraordinary accomplishments
Died: Maucroix, Francis De a French translator
Born: Mittarelli, John Benedict historian
Publication: “Some Letters to Mr. Locke,” by Molyneux, Thomas The preceding William Molyneux had also a brother
Publication: “Introduzione alle paci private,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Born: Norden, Frederick Lewis traveller
Publication: “A Philosophical Discourse concerning the Natural Immortality of the Soul, wherein the great question of the Soul’s Immortality is endeavoured to be rightly stated and cleared,” by Norris, John divine
Publication: “The natural Mortality of the Human Souls clearly demonstrated from the Holy Scriptures, and the concurrent Testimonies of the Primitive Writers,” by Norris, John divine
Died: Oldys, William bibliographer
Publication: “History of the Apostles’ Creed,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name
Born: Olivieri, Hannibal antiquary
Publication: “Consideration on the sixth Chapter of the Abridgment of the London Cases, relating to Baptism and the sign of the Cross,” by Peirce, James an eminent dissenting minister
Born: Petit, Anthony anatomist
Died: Philips, John poet
Born: Pitt, William earl of Chatham
Publication: “A Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous Authors,” by Placcius, Vincent an eminent philologer of Hamburgh
Publication: “A large and curious Account of the Amianthos or Asbestine Linen,” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England
Died: Poupart, Francis anatomist
Publication: “Roscius An^licanus, or an Historical View of the Stage,” by Purcell, Henry musician
Publication: “Callipaedia” by Quillet, Claudius writer
Born: Racine, Bonaventure historian
Publication: “Analyse Demontree,” by Reyneau, Charles-Rene commonly called Father Reyneau
Died: Rooke, Sir George a brave naval officer
Died: Saint-John, Henry lord viscount Bolingbroke
Publication: “Itinera Alpina,” by Scheuchzer, John James naturalist
Publication: “Piscium querelse et vindicise,” by Scheuchzer, John James naturalist
Died: Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel a learned German
Publication: “Triumphs for the Inauguration of the Lord-mayor,” by Settle, Elkanah a poetaster
Died: Stillingfleet, Benjamin naturalist
Died: Stork, Abraham painter
Died: Tallents, Francis divine
Publication: “Itinera Alpina,” by Thorpe, John antiquary
Died: Tyson, Edward physician
Died: Vaillant, John Francis Foi was born at Rome in 16G5
Died: Van-Dale, Anthony writer
Died: Vert, Claude De monk
Born: Wall, John physician
Died: Walsh, William critic
Died: Witsius, Herman divine
Publication: “Aurelianus de Morbis acutis et chronicis,” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Publication: “Memoires concernant les vies et les ouvrages de plusieurs modernes celebres dans la Republique des Lettres,” by Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Born: Ashworth, Caleb a dissenting minister
Died: Atkyns, Sir Robert lord chief baron of the exchequer
Publication: “Reflections on a late scandalous report about the repeal of the Test Act.” by Atterbury, Francis bishop
Died: Bacici, John Baptist Gauli surnamed the Painter
Died: Bagshaw, Henry brother of the above
Born: Banks, John writer
Born: Barbeu Du Bourg, James physician
Publication: “Traite de jeu,” by Barbeyrac, John was born the 15th of March 1674
Publication: “Entretiens sur la Religion,” by Basnage, James de Franquener
Publication: “De Thennis Carolmis commentatio,” by Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Born: Bignicourt, Simon De a counsellor of the presklial of Rheims
Publication: “Oratio de usu ratiocinii mechanici in Medicina,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “Aphorisini de cognoscendis et curandis morbis, in usum doctritirc Medicinse,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Born: Bollioud-Mermet, Louis writer
Publication: “Musaeum collegii Romani Kircherianum,” by Bonanni, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Septuagint,” by Bos, Lambert philologist
Died: Bourdelot, Peter Bonnet physician
Born: Brett, Sir Piercy, Knt admiral of the blue
Born: Brosses, Charles De writer
Born: Brown, James scholar
Publication: “History of the Lives of English Divines,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Died: Cally, Peter philosopher
Died: Chaise, Francis De La Jesuit
Born: Champion, Joseph a celebrated English penman
Publication: “Universal Martyrology,” by Chastelain, Claude canon of the cathedral church of Paris
Publication: “Universal Medicince Theoricse pars prima, seu Physiologia, ad usum scholae accommodata,” by Chomel, James Francis physician
Born: Colle, Charles secretary and reader to the duke of Orleans
Publication: “An essay concerning the use of reason in propositions, the evidence whereof depends upon human testimony:” by Collins, Anthony writer
Publication: “Gallia Orientalis,” by Colomies, Paul a learned French protestant
Publication: “Des opuscules critiques & historiques,” by Colomies, Paul a learned French protestant
Died: Corneille, Thomas poet
Publication: “Memoirs of Literature,” by Coronelli, Vincent a celebrated geographer of the Minime order
Died: Cowper, William anatomist
Publication: “Thesaurus secretorum curiosorum, in quo curiosa, ad omnes corporis humani, turn internes turn externos, morbos curandos, &c. continentur,” by Cramer, Gabriel mathematician
Born: Dalton, John, D. D. was born in 1709
Publication: “Leg principes du Blason en quatorze planches,” by Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Publication: “Reflections upon the Constitution and Management of the Trade to Africa, through the whole course and progress thereof, from the beginning of the last century to this time,” by Davenant, Charles the eldest son of sir William Davenant
Publication: “History of the Union” by De Foe, Daniel writer
Born: De La Cour, James writer
Publication: “Muse’s Mercury,” by Dennis, John poet
Born: Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Publication: “Histoire de la ligue de Cambrai, faite Tan 1508, centre la republique de Venise,” by Dubos, John Baptist critic
Publication: “Programma de antiquissimo Helmstadiistatu,” by Eccard, John George antiquary
Publication: “The Preacher,” by Edwards, John divine
Born: Elizabeth, Petrovna daughter of Peter the great
Died: English, Hester a French woman by extraction
Publication: “Journal de Verdun,” by Faille, Germain De La writer
Died: Faydit, Peter a priest of Riom
Publication: “Osservazioni sopra l'antichita di Roma descritte nel Diario Italico del Montfaucon,” by Ficoroni, Francis a famous Roman medallist
Publication: “History of hot and cold Bathing, ancient and modern, with an Appendix by Dr. Baynard,” by Floyer, Sir John physician
Died: Fontaine, Nicholas writer
Died: Galle, Servatius writer
Born: Gesner, John a canon of Zurich
Died: Gibson, Richard commonly called the Dwarf
Born: Gmelin, John George botanist
Publication: “An Essay towards a Paraphrase on the Psalms,” by Godeau, Anthony bishop
Publication: “Satire Menipee,” by Godefroi, Denys the third of that name
Publication: “Selecta ex Historia Litteraria,” by Goetze, George Henry a learned and zealous Lutheran
Publication: “Meletemata Annebergensia,” by Goetze, George Henry a learned and zealous Lutheran
Publication: “Disquisitio geometrica in systema sonorum D. Narcissi (Marsh) archiepiscopi Armachani,” by Grandlus, Gumo mathematician
Born: Gresset, John Baptist Lewis poet
Publication: “A History of. the Orders of Knighthood,” by Gryphius, Christian and one of the greatest geniuses that Germany has produced
Died: Hanckius, Martin a learned German professor
Born: Harris, James esq. an English gentleman of very uncommon parts and learning
Publication: “The Pilgrim, or the happy Convert, a pastoral tragedy,” by Harrison, William a young gentleman high in esteem
Publication: “Ethica amoris,” by Henry De St. Ignace divine
Died: Holt, Sir John knight
Publication: “Memoires de Trevoux” by Huet, Peter Daniel bishop
Born: Jerusalem, John-Frederick William divine
Born: Johnson, Samuel one of the most eminent and highly-distinguished writers of the eighteenth century
Died: Inglis, Hester a lady celebrated for her skill in calligraphy
Publication: “The French favourite, or the seven discourses of Balzac’s Politics,” by Kennet, White writer
Born: Kortholt, Christian was born in 1709
Born: Ladvocat, John Baptist writer
Died: Lamoignon, Christian Francis De was born at Paris in 1644
Publication: “Vigerus de praecipuis Grsecae dictionis idiotismis,” by Lederlin, John Henry critic
Publication: “Commentarii tie scriptoribus Britannicis,” by Leland, John antiquary
Died: Lhuyd, Edward antiquary
Publication: “A Journey to London.” by Lister, Martin philosopher
Publication: “Bibliotheca Sacra, sive syllabus omnium ferme Sacrse Scripture eclitionum ac versionum,” by Long, James Le bibliographer
Born: Ludwig, Christian Theophilus writer
Born: Lyttelton, George writer
Born: Mably, Gabriel Bonnot, Abbe' De writer
Publication: “An Essay against Arianism, and some other Heresies; or a Reply tp Mr. William Whiston’s Historical Preface and Appendix to his Primitive Christianity revived,” by Maittaire, Michael an eminent classical editor
Born: Margraf, Andrew Sigismond a celebrated chemist
Died: Mauduit, Michael divine
Died: Mauriceau, Francis an eminent French accoucheur
Born: Mettrie, Julien Offray De La physician
Publication: “Epistola ad Jo. Albert. Fabricium,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Publication: “De Forma emendandi doli mali in contrahendis negotiis admissi apud Veteres,” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “Dissert, de adoratione Dei Patris per Jesum Christum,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name
Publication: “Philostratus,” by Olearius, Godfrey the most considerable of a family of learned men of thU name
Died: Papin, Isaac some time a minister of the church of England
Died: Pechantre, Nicolas De a French wit
Died: Piles, Roger De an ingenious Frenchman
Born: Pompignan, John James Le Franc marquis of
Publication: “Essay on Criticism,” by Pope, Alexander the most elegant and popular of all English poets
Born: Puy, Louis Du perpetual secretary of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres
Born: Ramsay, Allan painter
Publication: “The Apologies of the Fathers, with a dissertation on the right use of the Fathers,” by Reeves, William divine
Born: Rezzonico, Anthony Joseph, Count scholar
Born: Robinson, Richard archbishop
Publication: “Turcaret,” by Sage, Alain Rene' Le the first of French novelists
Publication: “Herbarium Diluvianum,” by Scheuchzer, John James naturalist
Born: Shebbeare, John writer
Born: Silhouette, Stephen De writer
Publication: “Ignatii Epistolae,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Publication: “Three short treatises, viz. 1. A modest plea for the Clergy, &c. 2. A Sermon of the Sacerdotal Benediction, &c. 3. A Discourse published to undeceive the people in point of Tithes, &c. formerly printed, and now again published, by Dr. George Hickes, in defence of the priesthood and true rights of the church against the slanderous and reproachful treatment of The Rights of the Christian Church,” by Tindal, Dr. Matthew writer
Publication: “Adversaria; or truths opposed to some of the falsehoods contained in a book called The Rights of the Christian Church asserted,” by Tindal, Dr. Matthew writer
Publication: “The natural history of Superstition,” by Trenchard, John writer
Publication: “Considerations on the public debts,” by Trenchard, John writer
Born: Tronchin, Theodore physician
Born: Wagenaar, John historian
Publication: “Answer to the Representation of the House of Lords on the state of the Navy,” by Walpole, Sir Robert earl of Orford
Born: Whitehead, Paul poet
Born: Williams, Charles Hanbury statesman
Died: Williams, John divine
Born: Wilmot, John Eardley lawyer
Died: Wirz, John artist
Publication: “Phcenix Paulina, a poem on St. Paul’s cathedral,” by Wright, Abraham divine