Clemencet, Charles
, was born at Painblanc, in the diocese of Autun, in 1704, and entered among the Benedictines of the congregation of St. Maur, 1723. His piety and strict attachment to the observance of all his duties, made him admired and respected by the nuns and solitaries of Port Royal, whose history he wrote under the title of “Hist, generale du Port Royal,” 1755, 10 vols. J2mo. He died April 5, 1778, in the monastery des Blanc-Manteaux, aged 75. He composed with D. Durand “PArt de verifier les dates,” 1750, 4to, reprinted in 1769, folio, and continued the “Hist. Litte*raire de la France,” with D, Clement; which consists of 12 vols. 4to. He published alone the letters to Morenas on his abridgement of Fleury’s ecclesiastical history, 1757, J2mo, and the posthumous works of Racine, 1759, 12mo. He published also | the “Conferences de la Mere Angelique, de St. Jean Arnaud de Port Royal,” 1760, 3 vols. 12mo. 1