
, orCORDERUS (Balthasar), a learned editor, was born at Antwerp in 1592, belonged to the society of Jesuits in the Low Countries, and was doctor of theology at Vienna, where he attained a considerable share of celebrity, as professor of that faculty. He was a man of great learning, particularly in Greek literature. He died at Rome June 24, 1650. His principal works, as editor and author, were “S. Dionysii Areopagitae Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis, &c.1634, in 2 torn. fol. “Expositiones Patrum Graecorum in Psalmos,1643, in 3 torn, fol. “S. Cyrilli Homilise in Jeremiam,1648, 8vo, &c. &c.2