Craig, Nicholas
, Cragius, was born in 1549, at Ripen, and was regent of the school of Copenhagen in 1576. He married two years qfter this, and then set out on his travels over Europe. On his return, he found at his house two children that did not belong to him, which he got rid of, together with their mother, by dissolving his marriage; and then, forgetting his disaster, he married again. His turn for business procured him the management of several important negociations, which he terminated much to the satisfaction of the king of Denmark. He died in 1602, at the age of 61, leaving a Latin work in high repute, on the republic of the Lacedemonians, “De Republica Lacedsemoniorum,” first printed in 1592, and then at Leyden in 1670, 8vo, and the annals of Denmark, “Annalium libri Sex,” from the death of Frederic I. to the year 1550, Copenhagen, 1737, folio, a reprint. He was the author also of a “Latin Grammar,” 1578; “Titi Livii Patavini sententiose dicta,” with sentences taken from Sallust and “Differentia Ciceronis,” 1589, of which last, however, he is thought to have been only the editor. 2
Moreri. —Chaufepie. Saxii Onoraasticon.