Duchat, Jacob Le
, a French editor, distinguished among the literati of his time, was born at Metz in 1658. He was trained to the law, and followed the bar, till the reformed were driven out of France, by the revocation of the edict of Nantz. In 1701 he settled at Berlin became a member of the academy of sciences and died there in 1735. He was regarded as a very learned person, yet is distinguished as an editor rather than an author. His peculiar taste for the ancient French writers, led him to give new editions of the Menippean Satires, of the works of Rabelais, of the Apology for Herodotus, by Henry Stephens, &c. all accompanied with remarks of his own. He held a correspondence with Bayle, whom he furnished with many particulars for his Dictionary, and whose | attachment to expatiating on indelicate passages, notes, &c. he too closely copied. After his death was published a “Ducatiana,” at Amsterdam, 1738, 2 vols. 12mo. 1
Moreri—Dict. Hist. Bibl. Gernianique, vol. XXXIV. —Niceron. vol. XXXIX.