Elstob, Elizabeth
, sister of Mr. William Elstob,
and engaged in the same learned pursuits, was born at
Newcastle, Sept. 29, 1683. It is said, that she owed the
rudiments of her extraordinary education to her mother;
of which advantage, however, she was soon deprived; for
at the age of eight years she had the misfortune of losing
this intelligent parent. Her guardians, who entertained
different sentiments, discouraged as much as they were
able her progress in literature, as improper for her sex;
but she had contracted too great a fondness for literary
studies to be diverted from the prosecution of them.
During her brother’s continuance at
Oxford, she appears to
have resided in that city, where she was esteemed and
respected by Dr.
Hudson and other Oxonians. Upon her
brother’s removal to
London, she probably removed with
him; and, it is certain, that she assisted him in his antiquarian undertakings. The first public proof which she
gave of it was in 1709, when, upon Mr. Elstob’s printing
the homily on St.
Gregory’s day, she accompanied it with
an English translation. The preface, too, was written by
her, in which she answers the objections made to female
learning, by producing that glory of her sex, as she calls
her, Mrs. Anna Maria Schurman. Mrs. Elstob’s next publication was a translation of madame Seudery’s “
t-ssay on
Glory.” She assisted, also, her brother in an edition of
Gregory’s pastoral, which was probably intended to have
included both the original and Saxon version; and she had
transcribed all the hymns, from an ancient manuscript in
Salisbury cathedral. By the encouragement of Dr. Hickes,
she undertook a Saxon Homilarium, with an English translation, notes, and various readings. To promote this design, Mr. Bowyer printed for her, in 1713, “
Some testimonies of learned men, in favour of the intended edition
of the Saxon Homilies, concerning the learning of the
author of those homilies, and the advantages to be hoped
for from an edition of them. In a letter from the publisher to a doctor in divinity.” About the same time she
wrote three letters to the lord treasurer, from which it
appears, that he solicited and obtained for her queen
Anne’s bounty towards printing the homilies in question.
Her majesty’s decease soon deprived Mrs. Elstob of this
benefit; and she was not otherwise sufficiently patronized,
so as to be able to complete the work.
A lew only of the
homilies were actually printed at
Oxford, in folio. Mrs.
Elstob’s portrait was given in the initial letter
G of
The English. Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St,
George.” In
1715, she published a Saxon grammar, the
types for which had been cut at the expence of the lord
chief justice Parker, afterwards earl of
Macclesfield. Mrs.
Elstob had other literary designs in view, but was prevented from the prosecution of them, by her distressed circumstances, and the want of due encouragement. After her
brother’s death, she was so far reduced, that she was obliged to retire to Evesham in
Worcestershire, where she
subsisted with difficulty by keeping a small school. In
| this situation she experienced the friendship of Mr.
Ballard, and of Mrs. Capon, wife of the rev. Mr. Capon,
who kept a boarding-school at Sianton, in
These worthy persons exerted themselves among their acquaintance, to obtain for Mrs. Elstub some annual provision.
At length she was recoiflmended to queen Caroline, who
granted her a pension of twenty guineas a year. This
being discontinued on the queen’s decease, Mrs. Elstob was
again brought into difficulties, and, though mistress of
eight languages, besides her own, was obliged to seek for
employment as a preceptress of children. She may, however, be considered as having been very fortunate in the
situation which she obtained in this capacity; for, in 1739,
she was taken into the family of the duchess Dowager of
Portland, where she continued till her death, which happened on the 30th of
May 1756. She was buried at St.
Westminster. Mr. Rowe Mores describes her
as having been the indefessa comes of her brother’s studies,
and a female student of the university; and as having
originally possessed a genteel fortune, which, by pursuing
too much the drug called learning, she did not know how
to manage. He adds, that upon visiting her in her sleeping-room at Bulstrode, he found her surrounded with
books and dirtiness. She was, however, one of the most
extraordinary women of her age, the first, and as far as
we know, the last of her sex, who was a Saxon scholar.
A more particular account of her
Mss. and other productions is given in our first authority.
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