
. This family of celebrated printers at Amsterdam and Leyden greatly adorned the republic of letters by many beautiful editions of the best authors of antiquity. They fell somewhat below the Stephens’s in point of learning, as well as in their editions of Greek and Hebrew authors; but as to the choice of good books they seem to have equalled, and in the neatness and elegance of their small characters, greatly to have exceeded them. Their Virgil, Terence, and Greek Testament, have been reckoned their master-pieces; and are indeed so very fine, that they justly gained them the reputation of beiug the best printers in Europe. There were five of these Elzevirs, namely, Lewis, Bonaventure, Abraham, Lewis, and Daniel. Lewis began to be famous at Leyden in 1595, and was remarkable for being the first who observed the distinction between the v consonant and u vowel, which had been recommended by Ramus and other writers long before, but was hitherto neglected. Daniel died in 1680, or 1681; and though he left children who carried on the | business, passes nevertheless for the last of his family who excelled in it. The Elzevirs have printed several catalogues of their editions; but the last, published by Daniel, is considerably enlarged, and abounds with new books. It was printed at Amsterdam, 1674, in 12mo, and divided into seven volumes. 1


Moreri.—Baillet Jugemens.