Essex, Jamks
, F. S. A. a man whose astonishing
knowledge of gothic architecture could only be equalled
by his modesty, was the son of a builder and carpenter at Cambridge, where he was born in 1723, and was
educated under Mr. Heath, fellow of KingVcollege, and
then master of the college school near the chapel, the
perpetual contemplation of which probably inspired him
with that taste for and love of our ancient architecture,
which so eminently marked the whole of his progress. The
| repairs and improvements of that celebrated chapel, and
of Ely*
Lincoln minsters, planned and conducted by
him, will be a lasting monument of his skill, even if the
public should never be indulged with his drawings, admeasurements, and observations, on the first of these admirable specimens of that style of building; not to mention
his improvements of several colleges in
Cambridge, and
of Madingley, the seat of sir
John Hinde
Cotton, bart. in
that county, and his repair of the tower of
college chapel, as well as innumerable instances of his
friendly assistance. His proposals for publishing the plans
and sections of King’s-college chapel, in fifteen plates,
with remarks and comparisons, may be seen in Cough’s Brit.
Top. vol.
I. p. 237. All that were actually published of his
writing were, “
Remarks on the antiquity of different
modes of brick and stone buildings in England,” Archseol.
vol. IV. p. 73. “
Observations on Lincoln Cathedral,”
149, and “
On the origin and antiquity of round
churches, and of the round church at Cambridge in particular,” ib. vol. VI. p. 163, and “
On Croyland abbey
and bridge,” which forms the 22d number of the Bibliotheca Topog. Britann. He was preparing further remarks
on the rise and progress of his favourite science in its various parts, which death intercepted. His designs for the
new building of Bene’t, King’s, and Emanuel colleges,
Trinity-hall, and the Public Library at
Cambridge, were
engraved 1739, 1741, 1743, 1748, and 1752. The first
of these drew him into a controversy with the historian of
that house, who disputed his claim to the design, and
obliged him to publish “
A letter to his subscribers to the
plan and elevation ofan intended addition to Corpus
Christi college, in Cambridge,”
1749, 8vo,
which effectually closed the dispute. Mr.
Essex had particularly made himself master of the ancient site of
his native town. He married the daughter of Mr.
Thurlbourn, bookseller, by whom he left one daughter, who
died in 1787, the wife of the rev.
John Hammond. Mr.
Essex died at
Cambridge, Sept. 14, 1784, aged sixty-one,
and his widow in 1790.
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