Essenius, Andrew
, a learned and orthodox Dutch divine, was born at Bommel, in the duchy of Guelderland, in February 1618, and after having been instructed in classical learning at home, was sent to Utrecht, where he studied under Antonius Emilius, who was at that time moderator of the university. He then went through a course of philosophy, mathematics, and theology, under the ablest professors, and in 1639 his name was put into the list of students who were candidates for the ministry. The following year he was admitted to his degree of M. A. In 1641 he was appointed pastor of the church of Nederlangbroeck. In 1645 he took his doctor’s degree in theology; and in 1651 was chosen minister of the church of Utrecht: two years after, he was appointed joint professor of divinity with Walter de Bruyn, and began his course of lectures, according to the usual mode, by a discourse “De tractatione verbi divini.” He died May 18, 1672, and an eulogium was pronounced on him by his quondam fellowstudent, John Voetius, as appears by one of Graevius’s letters in Burman’s “Sylloge,” vol. IV. p. 419. His works were, 1. “Triumphus Crucis, sive fides catholica de satisfactione Jesu Christi,” Amst. 1649, a work levelled at the Socinian opinions, especially those of Crellius. It | was the reputation of this learned performance which first pointed him out as fit for the professor’s chair. 2. “De morah’tate Sabbathi,” 1658. 3. “Disquisitio de moralitate Sabbathi hebdomadalis,” 1665. 4. “Dissertationes de Decalogo et die Sabbathi adversus Abrahamum Heidanum,” Utrecht, 1666, 4to. 5. “Vindiciae quarti praecepti in Decalogo,” ibid. 1666, written in answer to Francis Barman, who defended the opinions of Cocceius. 6. “Defensio concilii Theologici Ultrajectini de Canonicatibus, Vicariatibns, &c.” 1658, 4to, which was answered by Desmarais, in his “Vindicirc de Canonicis,” printed at Groningen, 1660, 4to. 7. “Systema Theologicum,” Utrecht, 1659, 2 vols. 4to, in the preface to which he promises a system of practical divinity. 8. “Synopsis controversiarum Theologicarum, et index locorum totius sacrae Scripturoc,” Arnst. 1661, and Utrecht thrice reprinted, y. “Compendium Theologiae dogmaticum,” Utrecht, 1669, and 1685, 8vo. 10. “Apologia pro ministris in Anglia non conformistis.” The date of this is not in our authority, but the work must not be mistaken for one with a similar title, supposed by Hickman, mentioned in our account of Durell; (see Durell). 11. “Dissertatio de subjectione Christi ad legem divinam.” 12. “Doctrina de nostra redemptione per meritum Jesu Christi.” 13. “Instructio salutaris de Judaeis.” 14. “Refutatio vere catholica contra pontificios.” 15. “Oratio de celsitudine perseverantiie.” 16. “Oratio funebris in obitum Gualteri de Bruyn,” Utrecht, 1653. 17. “Oratio funebris in obitum Gisberti Voetii,” ibid. 1677, 4to. He published also in Dutch, a treatise on the tributemoney, from Matthew xvii. verse 24, &c. and various theological dissertations written as theses for disputation. 1
Burtnan Traject Eruditum. Mreri.