Ettmuller, Michael

, a physician, was born at Leipsic, May 26, 1644, and studied there and at Wittemberg. He took his master’s degree at Leipsic in 1662, travelled for two years in Italy, France, England, and Holland; on his return was admitted M. D. at Leipsic in 1666, where he assiduously read and disputed, was appointed in 1676 assessor of the faculty, and afterwards, in 1681, ordinary professor of botany, and extraordinary professor of surgery and anatomy. He wrote, 1. “Synopsis collegii institutionum medicarum.” 2. “Institutiones medicae.” 3. “Collegium chymicum.” 4. “Collegium pharmaceutiCum.” 5. “De pracscribendis formulis.” 6. “Collegium practicum doctrinale.” 7. “Tract, de morborum curationibus.” 8. “Fundamenta medicinae vera.” 9. Chymia rationalis & experimentalis curiosa which last was published by John Ephraim Aussfeldt, Leyden, 1684, 4to. 10. “Dissertationes de corpulentia nimia,” and many other topics, which were published together in 1708, at Francfort on the Mayne, by his son Dr. Michael Ernest Ettmuller, and also in 1729 at Naples by professor Cyrillo, in 5 vols. folio, with annotations, and are highly esteemed not only in Germany but over all Europe. He fell ill, after an unsuccessful chemical operation, and died in the prime of life, March 9, 1683. 2


Moreri. Manjet. —Haller Bibl. Md. Pract.