
, bishop of Nice, flourished in the beginning of the twelfth century, and was celebrated for his polemic writings in divinity, and his philosophical works. Anna Comnena says of him, that “he was a man wise in divine knowledge; and, in the profane disputations of the schools, superior to the best ornaments of the academy, and the porch.” His Greek commentaries on Aristotle’s latter analytics, and on his ethics, are still extant; the former published at Venice in 1534, the latter at the same place in 1536, and at Paris in 1543. A work against Chrysolanus on the Holy Ghost is said also to be extant in manuscript.

There was another Eustratius, a priest of Constantinople, whose time is not exactly known, but conjectured to be the sixth century. Photius has given a character of his writings, and an account of a work by him on the state of the dead, and a life of the patriarch Eutychius. 2


Cave, vol. 1. and ii, JDupin. —Moreri.
