Fabricy, Gabriel
, a French Dominican, was born in 1726 at St. Maximin in Provence, and, in 1757, was appointed secretary to the library of la Casanati in Rome; and in 1771 French theologist to that establishment. He was also admitted a member of the Arcadi. He died Jan. 13, 1800. His principal works’ are, 1. “Recherches sur Tepoque de l‘equitation, et de i’usage des chars equestres, | chez les anciens,” Rome, 1764, 1765, 2 vols. 8vo. 2 f “Memoire pour servir a Thistoire litteraire de la vie des deux P. P. Ansaldi, des P. P. Mamachi, Palnzzi, Richini, 6t Rubeis,” inserted in Richards’s “Diet. Univ. des Sciences Ecclesiastiques,” vol. V. and Vj. 3. “Des litres primitifs de la revelation, ou, considerations critiques sur la purete* et I‘integrit6 du texte original des livres saints de l’Ancien Testament,” Rome and Paris, 1772, 2 vols. 8vo, recommending a new translation of the Bible. 4. “Diatribe qua bibliographies antiquarise et sacrae critices capita aliquot illustrantur,” Rome, 1782, 8vo. He wrote also some papers in the literary journals. 1