The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Achard, Anthony divine
Publication: “Glossarium manuale ad scriptores medii et infimae Latinitatis,” by Adelung, John Christopher a learned German grammarian (?–1806)
Publication: “Letter to the earl of Bute,” by Almon, John bookseller
Publication: “The Chinese Military Art,” by Amiot, Father one of the most learned French missionaries in China
Publication: “Histoire de S. Maur, abbé de Glanfeuil,” by Ansart, Andrew Joseph historian
Publication: “L'empire Turc considéré dans son etablissment et ses accroissemens,” by Anville, John-Baptiste Bourignon D' first geographer to the king of France (?–1782)
Publication: “L'empire de Russie, considéré dans son origine et ses accroissemens,” by Anville, John-Baptiste Bourignon D' first geographer to the king of France (?–1782)
Died: Aquino, Louis Claude De musician
Publication: “L‘Histoire ancienne des peuples de l’Europe par de Buat,” by Arnaud, Francis writer
Died: Bagard, Charles physician
Publication: “Indices Tres,” by Baker, William a learned printer
Publication: “Observations on Church Authority.” by Balguy, Thomas son of the above
Born: Barral, Abbe Peter born at Grenoble
Publication: “Electricismo artificiale,” by Beccaria, John Baptist monk
Publication: “History of Embanking,” by Bell, Beaupre antiquary
Died: Bellin, Nicholas geographical engineer of the marine
Publication: “Some historical account of Guinea, with an enquiry into the rise and progress of the Slave Trade, its nature, and lamentable effects,” by Benezet, Anthony an American philanthropist
Publication: “Riflessioni sur Gesuitismo,” by Benvenuti, Charles Jesuit
Publication: “Histoire de Geneve, depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours,” by Berenger, John Peter writer
Publication: “Recueil pour les Astronomes,” by Bernoulli, John the grandson of the preceding John
Died: Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Died: Bleterie, John Philip Rene De La was born at Rennes
Publication: “Architecture Francaise,” by Blondel, James Francis and a man of abilities
Publication: “The Freeholder,” by Boyd, Hugh writer
Publication: “Corrections in verse, from the father of the college, on son Cadogan’s Gout dissertation; containing false physic, false logic, false philosophy,” by Browne, Sir William physician
Publication: “Speech to the Royal Society,” by Browne, Sir William physician
Publication: “Analecta veterum Poetarum Graecorum,” by Brunck, Richard Francis Frederick critic
Publication: “L‘Histoire ancienne des peuples de l’Europe,” by Buat-Nancay, Louis Gabriel Du chevalier and count of Nanay
Publication: “Heche rches sur l‘Histoire d’Allemagne,” by Buat-Nancay, Louis Gabriel Du chevalier and count of Nanay
Publication: “Introduction to the law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius,” by Buller, Sir Francis a judge of the court of king’s-bench and common-pleas
Died: Camus, Antony Le physician
Publication: “Remarks on Gibbon’s Roman History,” by Chelsum, James divine
Born: Cottin, Sophia De a French lady of considerable talents
Publication: “Thoughts onour acquisitions in the East Indies, particularly respecting Bengal,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer
Publication: “General View of the East India Company’s Affairs (written in January 1769), to which are added some Observations on the present State of the Company’s Affairs,” by Dalrymple, Alexander an eminent hydrographer
Publication: “Experiences sur la Bile, et les cadavres des pestiferes, faites par M. D.; accompagnees des Lettres, &c.” by Deidier, Anthony writer
Publication: “History and Antiquities of Rochester,” by Denne, Samuel was born at the deanry in Westminster
Died: Duclos, Charles Dineau born at Dinant in Bretagne
Publication: “Confusion worse confounded Rout on Rout or the bishop of Gloucester’s Commentary upon Rice or Arise Evans’s Echo from Heaven, examined and exposed. By Indignatio,” by Evans, Arise was a Welch conjuror
Publication: “An address to the serious and candid professors of Christianity,” by Evans, Caleb a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion at Bristol (1737–1791)
Publication: “The Love of our Country, with historical notes,” by Evans, Evan divine and poet
Publication: “Des litres primitifs de la revelation, ou, considerations critiques sur la purete* et I‘integrit6 du texte original des livres saints de l’Ancien Testament,” by Fabricy, Gabriel Dominican
Publication: “Aphorismi de Marasmo, ex summis medicis collecti,” by Farr, Samuel physician
Publication: “Astronomy x explained upon sir Isaac Newton’s principles,” by Ferguson, James philosopher
Publication: “Lectures on select subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics,” by Ferguson, James philosopher
Died: Florez, Henry a Spanish Augustine
Publication: “The Nabpb,” by Foote, Samuel esq. called the English Aristophanes
Publication: “The Bankrupt,” by Foote, Samuel esq. called the English Aristophanes
Died: Frezier
Publication: “Second Persian Journey,” by Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb was born at Tubingen in 1743; where he was educated
Died: Græme, John a young man of Scotland whose genius and learning have been most injudiciously heightened
Publication: “Bibliotheque ecclesiastique,” by Guyon, Marie-Claude historian
Publication: “Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies,” by Hamilton, Sir William a gentleman of great eminence in the literary and political world
Publication: “On the origin of Language,” by Herder, John Gottfried philosopher (?–1803)
Publication: “Genuine Letters from a gentleman to a young lady his pupil,” by Hull, Thomas writer
Died: Jebb, Samuel, M. D. a native of Nottingham (1694–?)
Publication: “Hamlet,” by Jennens, Charles, Esq. a gentleman of considerable fortune at Gopsal
Publication: “Reflections on the Negro Cause,” by Long, Edward author of a valuable History of Jamaica
Publication: “A comment on the Thirty-nine Articles,” by Madan, Martin preacher
Publication: “Memoirs of Russia,” by Manstein, Christopher Herman De writer
Publication: “Eifnda” by Mason, William divine
Publication: “Journal,” by Morland, Sir Samuel, Bart. a man of very considerable celebrity in his day
Publication: “Journal of the Swedish Embassy in 1653 and 1654,” by Morton, Charles antiquary
Died: North, George antiquary
Died: Nugent, Thomas writer
Publication: “The Joineriana or, The Book of Scraps,” by Paterson, Samuel a gentleman who deserves honourable notice in the literary history of his country
Publication: “An assemblage of coins fabricated by authority of the archbishops of Canterbury. To which are subjoined two Dissertations,” by Pegge, Samuel antiquary
Publication: “Fitz-Stephen’s Description of the city of London,” by Pegge, Samuel antiquary
Publication: “Tour in Scotland,” by Pennant, Thomas traveller
Publication: “An Account of the Method of obtaining a perfect or radical Cure of the Hydrocele, or Watry Rupture, by means of a seton,” by Pott, Percival surgeon (1713–1788)
Publication: “Considerations on the indignity suffered by the Crown, and dishonour brought upon the Nation, by the Marriage of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland with an English subject,” by Pownall, Thomas a gentleman of considerable learning and political knowledge
Publication: “Observations on different kinds of Air,” by Pringle, Sir John baronet (1707–1782)
Publication: “Academical Discourses” by Rezzonico, Anthony Joseph, Count scholar
Publication: “La Morale evangelique, comparée à celle des differentes sectes de religion et de philosophie,” by Rose, John Baptist a worthy French priest
Publication: “Natural History of the county of Dublin.” by Rutty, John writer
Publication: “An Essay towards a Natural History of the County of Dublin,” by Rutty, John writer
Publication: “Sermons” by Sharpe, Gregory master of the Temple
Publication: “Gent. Mag.” by Spence, Joseph divine
Publication: “De coiica pictonum,” by Strack, Charles physician
Died: Swedenborg, Emanuel a Swedish enthusiast
Died: Toussaint, Francis Vincent writer
Died: Usher, James writer
Publication: “Essai sur Pindare,” by Vauvilliers, John Francis writer
Publication: “Proprietates Algebraicarum Curvarum,” by Waring, Edward Lucasian professor of mathematics in the university of Cambridge
Died: Wilkie, William poet
Died: Wilson, Bernard divine