Gallucci, Angelo
, an Italian Jesuit, was born at Macerata in 1593, and in his thirteenth year entered the Jesuits’ college, where he was educated, and where he afterwards taught rhetoric for twenty-four years. He died at Rome, Feb. 28, 1674. He is the author of some Latin orations, but principally of a history of the wars of the Netherlands, “Commentarii de Bello Belgico,” including the period from 1593 to 1609. This history, which is written in Latin, was published at Rome, 1671, 2 vols. fol. and in 1677 in 2 vols. 4to. It was afterwards translated into Italian by James Cellesi. His style is pure, but less flowing than his predecessor on the same subject, Strada. 2
Gen. Dict. —Moreri.