Gallonius, Anthony
, a native of Rome, where he died in 1605, excelled in theology, and was priest of the congregation of the oratory. His works were numerous, but he is chiefly known by his “Trattato de gli instrumenti di Martirio, &c.” “A Treatise on the different kinds of Cruelties inflicted by the pagans on the Martyrs of the primitive Church, illustrated with engravings of the instruments of torture made use of by them.” This work, first published in Italian in 1591, was compiled from unquestionable authorities. In 1594 the author translated it into Latin, and published it at Rome, under the | title “De Sanctorum Martyrum Cruciatibus, &c.” illustrated with wood cuts. It has since gone through many editions on the continent. In 1591 he published his “History of the Virgins,” also in Italian “The Lives of certain Martyrs,” 1697, 4to “The Life of St. Philip Neri” and “De Monachatu Sancti Gregorii,” the account of St. Gregory when a monk, in 1604. 1
Moreri. Gen. Dict.