Heurnius, John
, a celebrated physician, born at Utrecht in 1543, after having made himself master of every thing belonging to his art at Louvain, Paris, Padua, Turin, was invited to Leyden to be professor, where he is said to have been the first who taught anatomy by lectures upon human bodies. He died of the stone in 1601. There are several of his productions extant, but the most capital is, “A Treatise upon Disorders of the Head.” Heurnius published Hippocrates in Greek and Latin, with explanatory commentaries, which have undergone many editions: the fourth was at Amsterdam, 1688, in 12mo. Gerard “Vossius calls him” summum medicum;“and says, that he was his master” in scientia naturali." His works were published in folio at Leyden, in 1658. He had a sou named Otto, who also obtained some celebrity. 2