Heusinger, John Michael
, a celebrated Saxon divine and scholar, was born in September 1690, at Sunderhausen in Thurmgia. He studied at home and at Gotha, when having determined for the clerical profession, he removed in 1708 to Halle. Hence, after a short stay, he went to Jena, where he pursued his theologic1 studies under the celebrated Budcleus, and his philological under Dauzius. In 1711, he returned to Halle; but, being obliged by iii Health to change the air, he took a literary tour to Eisenach, Cassel, Marpurg, and Giessen. At the latter of these places he settled, and took pupils in 1715; | but in 1722 undertook the care of a school at Laubacb, In 1730 he was appointed a professor at Gotha, where he remained till 1738, when, by particular invitation, he g-n-e up that situation for a similar one of more profit at Eisenach. Heusinger was married, and had a son and two daughters. He died in March 1751. This philologer is highly praised by his biographer for learning, piety, good temper, and sound judgment. He published seve al editions of classical books as, “Julius Caesar,” with notes, G >tha, 1736; “u^sop’s Fables,” in Greek “Phajdrus;” “Three Orations of Cirevo;” “Cornelius Nepos,” Eisenach, 1747, and others; besides several valuable editions of mpdern philological works. His original productions consist chiefly of academical prolusions and disputations, of which his biographer gives a long list. 1
Harles de Vitis Philol. vol. III. —Saxii Onomast.