Hugo, Herman
, a learned Jesuit, was born at Brussels in 1588; and died of the plague at Rhinberg in 1639. He published his first work in 1617, which was “De prima scribendi origine, et universae rei literarise antiquitate,” Antwerp, 8vo. This book was republished by Trotzius in 1738, with many notes. 2. “Obsidio Bredana, sub Ambrosio Spinola,” Antwerp, 1629, folio. 3. “Militia equestris, antiqua et nova,” Antwerp, 1630, folio. 4. His “Pia | JDesideria,” the work by which he is best known, was first published in 1632, 8vo, and reprinted in 32mo, with all the clearness of Elzevir, and adorned with rather fanciful engravings. These “Pia Desideria” are in Latin, and consist of three books, the subjects of which are thus arranged. B. 1. “Gemitus Animae penitentis.” 2. “Vota animae sanctas.” 3. “Suspiria animae amantis.” They consist of long paraphrases in elegiac verse, on various passages of scripture. His versification is usually good, but he wants simplicity and sublimity; yet he is sometimes p oetical, though his muse is not like that of David. 1