Lalande, James De
, an able counsellor, and professor of law at Orleans, was born in that city Dec. 2,
1622. He discharged various important offices at Orleans
with the greatest credit, as to abilities, and with so much
integrity, as to be called the father of the people. His
learning also procured him the honour of being appointed
professor and dean of the university. He died at an advanced age, Feb. 5, 1703, leaving several works, the principal of which are, I. “Commentaire sur la Coutume
d'Orleans,” 1677, fol. an edition which is more valued
than the subsequent one of 1704, in 2 vols. fol. 2. “Traite”
de Ban et de l’Arriere Ban," 1674, 4to. 1
Entry taken from
General Biographical Dictionary,
by Alexander Chalmers, 1812–1817.
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