Latome, James

, a learned scholastib divine of the sixteenth century, a native of Gambron, in Hainault, doctor of Louvain, and canon of St. Peter’s in the same city, wrote against Luther, and was esteemed by his party one of the best controversialists of his time. He died 1544. All his works were collected and published, 1550, fol. by his nephew, James Latomus, who died 1596. They are in Latin, and consist of “Treatises on the Church,” the “Pope’s Primacy,” aud “Auricular Confession” a*' Defence of the Articles of Louvain“a tract” On the study of Divinity, and of the three Languages," in which he defends scholastic divinity. Erasmus having refuted this work, Latomus answered him by an Apology. He wrote Latin with facility, but without elegance, and neither understood Greek nor Hebrew. Luther’s confutation of Latomus’s defence of the articles of Louvain is accounted one of the ablest productions of that eminent reformer. 1