Launay, Francis De
, an able French lawyer, was born August 6, 1612, at Angers. He was received | advocate at Paris 1638, became eminent afterwards at the bar, and was the first professor of French law at the college of Cambray, that chair being newly founded 1680. He died July 9, 1693, aged 81. His works are, “Commentaries on Anthony Loisel’s Instituts Couturaiers,” 1688, 8vo; “Traite 1 du Droit de Chasse,” 1681, 12mo “Rémarques sur l’Institution du Droit Romain, et du Droit François,” 1686, 4to, and other valuable works. 1
Moreri.—Niceron, vol. XV.—Dict. Hist.