Menard, Claude
, a French magistrate and antiquary, was one of several authors of the name of Menard
who obtained considerable reputation in France. Claude,
who was born in 1582, had a situation in the magistracy of
Angers (lieutenant de la prevote), and was distinguished
for his knowledge and virtue. Having had the misfortune
to lose his wife towards the latter end of his career, he
| quitted the world, became an ecclesiastic, and led a very
austere life. He was passionately attached to the study of
antiquities, and rescued from oblivion several curious
pieces. He died Jan. 20, 1652, at the age of seventytwo. He published, 1. “
Joinville’s History of St. Louis,”
1617, 4to, with notes full of erudition and judgment. 2.
The two books of St. Austin against Julian,” which he
discovered in the library at
Angers. 3. “
Researches concerning the body of St. James the greater,” who, as is
pretended, was buried in the collegiate church of
The credulity of this casts some shade upon his other
works. It is also heavily written. 4. “
History of Bertrand du Gueschiin,”
1618, 4to. The learning of this
author was great, but his style was heavy and bad.
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