Minderer, Raymond
, a physician of Augsburg, of the chemical sect, lived in the early part of the seventeenth century. He was eminent as a military physician, in which capacity he served several campaigns, and also rose to high reputation and practice in the courts of Vienna and Munich, where he was consulted by the principal nobility. He published the result of his experience relative to the diseases of armies, in the German language; and this work was translated into Latin, with the title of “Medicina | Militaris, seu, Liber Castrensis, euporista et facilè parabilia Medicamenta continens,” Vienna, 1620, 8vo. This work was several times reprinted, and was also translated into English in 1674. He was likewise author of the following works “De Pestilentia Liber unus,” ibid. 1608 “Albedarium Marocostinum,” ibid. 1616, and afterwards republished “De Calcantho, seu Vitriolo, ejusque qualitate, virtute, et viribus,” 1617 “Threnodia Medica, seu, Planctus Medicinæ lugentis,” 1619. His chemical reputation is evinced by the connection of his name in the shops, even at this day, with the neutral salt, the acetate of ammonia, which is called Mindererus’ spirit. 1
Eloy —Dict. Hist. de Medicine.—Rees’s Cyclopædia.