Neal, Thomas
, an Oxford divine, was
born at Yeate, in Gloucestershire, in 1519, and was educated under the care of his uncle Alexander Belsire, who
was afterwards first president of St. John’s college, at
Winchester school. From this he was removed to New
college, Oxford, in 1538, and admitted fellow in 1540.
He also took his degree of M. A. and six years afterwards
was admitted into holy orders. He was reckoned an able
divine, but was most noted for his skill in Greek and Hebrew, on which account sir Thomas White, the founder
of St. John’s college, encouraged him by a yearly pension often pounds. His adherence to the popish religion
induced him to go to the university of Paris, during king
Edward the Sixth’s reign, where he took his degree of bachelor of divinity. On his return during Mary’s reign, he
held the rectory of Thenford in Northamptonshire, and
became chaplain to bishop Bonner but on the accession
| of queen Elizabeth, according to Dodd, he suffered himself to be deprived of his spiritualities, retired to Oxford,
and entered himself a commoner in Hart-hall. He had
not been long here before he professed conformity to the
newly-established religion, and in 1559 was appointed
Hebrew professor of the foundation of Henry VIII. in
which office he remained until 1569. When first appointed
he built lodgings opposite Hart-hall, joining to the westend of New college cloister, which were for some time
known by the name of Neal’s lodgings. During queen
Elizabeth’s visit to the university in 1566, he presented to
her majesty, a ms. now in the British Museum, entitled
“Rabbi Davidis Kimhi commentarii super Hoseam, Joellem, Amos, Abdiam, Jonam, Micheam, Nahum, Habacuc,
et Sophonian; Latine redditi per Thomam Nelum, Heb.
linguae profess. Oxonii; et R, Elizabethse inscripti.” He
presented also to her majesty a little book of Latin verses,
containing the description of the colleges, halls, &c.; and a
few days after exhibited a map of Oxford, with small views
very neatly drawn with a pen by Bereblock. These views,*
with the verses, were published by Hearne at the end of
Dodwell de parma equestri.” The verses are in the
form of a dialogue between the queen and the earl of
Leicester, chancellor of the university, and are not wanting
in that species of pedantic flattery so frequently offered to
her majesty. Neal, however, was never a conformist irr
his heart, and in 1569 either resigned, or being known to
be a Roman catholic, was ejected from his professorship,
and then retired to the village of Cassington near
where he lived a private and studious life. Wood can
trace him no further, but Dodd says that he was frequently
disturbed while at Cassington on account of his religion,
and being often obliged to conceal, or absent himself,
went abroad. The records of Doway mention that one
Thomas Neal, an ancient clergyman, who had suffered
much in prison in
England, arrived there
June 1, 1578,
and returned again to
England January 7, 1580. How
long he lived afterwards is uncertain. He was certainly
alive in 1590, as appears by an inscription he wrote for
himself to be put upon his tomb-stone in Cassington
church, which also states that he was then seventy-one
| years old. In the
British Museum, among the royal
is another
ms. of his, entitled “
Rabbinicae qusedam Observationes ex praedictis commentariis.” Wood speaks of
one of his names, of Yeate in
Gloucestershire, who dying
in 1590, his widow had letters of administration granted,
and adds, “
whether it be meant of our author I cannot
justly say, because I could never learn that he was married.” But nothing can be more improbable than the marriage of -a man who had suffered so much for a religion
that prohibits the marriage of the clergy, and who was so
inveterate against the reformed religion, that we are told
the fable of the Nag’s-head ordination was first propagated
by him.
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