Necker, Charles Frederick
, professor of civil law at Geneva, about 1724, was created a citizen of Geneva in 1726, and died there in 1760. He published “Four letters on Ecclesiastical Discipline,” Utrecht, 1740;“A description of the Government” of the Germanic Body,“Geneva, 1742, 8vo, and a few other professional tracts. His eldest son, Louis Necker, a pupil of D’Alembert’s, became professor of mathematics at Geneva in 1757, but quitted that city for Paris, where he entered into partnership with the bankers Girardot and Haller, the son of the celebrated physician; and in 1762 settled at Marseilles, whence in 1791 he returned to Geneva. In 1747 he published” Theses de Electricitate,“4to, and wrote in the French Encyclopaedia, the articles of Forces and Friction. There is also a solution of an algebraical problem by him in the” Memoirs des savans etrangers," in the collection of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. He died about the end of the last century. 2