The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Died: Aquino, Charles De writer
Died: Argentre, Charles Duplessis D' bishop
Died: Aubriet, Claude painter
Born: Bacon, John an eminent English sculptor
Born: Bagot, Lewis prelate
Died: Baratier, John Philip scholar
Publication: “Disquisitio historico-chronologica de successione antiquissima episcoporum Romanorum, cum quatuor dissertationibus,” by Baratier, John Philip scholar
Born: Baron, Richard a dissenting minister
Publication: “Divine Legation,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “Etica philosophica,” by Baumgarten, Alexander Theophilus philosopher
Publication: “Prefatory discourse,” by Benson, William critic
Publication: “A Letter to a fellow of a college; beingthe sequel of a Letter to a young gentleman of Oxford,” by Bentham, Edward canon of Christ-church
Born: Berenger, John Peter writer
Publication: “Dissertations melees sur divers sujets importans et curieux,” by Bernard, John Frederic bookseller
Born: Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie earl of
Publication: “Viridiciae canonicarum Scripturarum vulgatse Latinoe editionis,” by Bianchini, Joseph priest of the oratory of St
Publication: “A course of Sermons on the Lord’s Prayer,” by Bisse, Thomas divine
Died: Blondel, Laurence who was born at Paris in 1671
Born: Boccherini, Lewis composer
Publication: “Introductio in praxin clinicam,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Born: Boswell, James the friend and biographer of Dr
Died: Bray, Sir Reginald was second son of sir Richard Bray
Died: Brereton, Jane an English poetess
Publication: “Memoirs of the bashaw duke de Rippercla,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Died: Carte, Samuel divine
Publication: “The History of the Revolutions of Portugal, from the foundation of that kingdom to the year 1567, with letters of sir Robert Southwell, during his embassy there, to the duke of Ormonde; giving a particular account of the deposing don Alphonso, and placing don Pedro on the throne,” by Carte, Thomas historian
Born: Chelsum, James divine
Publication: “The English Malady: or, a treatise of Nervous diseases of all kinds; as Spleen, Vapours, Lowness of Spirits, Hypochondriacal and Hysterical distempers, &c.” by Cheyne, George physician
Died: Chicoyneau, Aime Francis born at Montpellier in 1702
Publication: “Life of Edward the Black Prince,” by Collins, Arthur antiquary
Born: Corilla, Maria Maddelana Fernandez a late celebrated improvisatrice
Died: Daubenton, Louis John Maria naturalist
Died: Daubuz, Charles divine
Publication: “An historical account of the life and rei^n of David king of Israel.” by Delany, Patkick a clergymnn of Ireland
Born: Downman, Hugh physician
Publication: “Academica, sive de judicio erga verum, in ipsis primis fontibus, opera P. Valentiae Zafrensis, editio jiova emendatior,” by Durand, David preacher
Publication: “Ruins of Rome,” by Dyer, John poet
Born: Earle, William Benson a very munificent benefactor
Publication: “The Journal of his Mission,” by Egede, Hans an enterprising Danish missionary
Publication: “Piombi antichi,” by Ficoroni, Francis a famous Roman medallist
Died: Fielding, Henry writer
Publication: “Remarques historiques sur les medaille* et monnoies,” by Formey, John Henry Samuel writer
Publication: “Journal de Berlin,” by Formey, John Henry Samuel writer
Died: Frederic Ii. surnamed the Great
Died: Gagnier, John an eminent orientalist
Publication: “Physical Astronomy,” by Gamaches, Stephen Simon writer
Born: Gaucher, Charles Stephen engraver
Publication: “Lettre a M. Berger de Charancy, Eveque de Montpellier,” by Gaultier, John Baptist was born about 1685
Publication: “Histoire des Amazones ancienneset modernes,” by Guyon, Marie-Claude historian
Publication: “Index to Dr. Edvards’s Preservative against Socinianism,” by Hearne, Thomas antiquary
Born: Hele, Thomas by birth an Englishman
Died: Hughes, Jabez was the younger brother of Mr
Died: Jago, Richard poet
Died: Jervas, Charles painter
Publication: “Riccimero Re de' Goti,” by Jomelli, Nicolo one of the most intelligent
Born: Kauffman, Mary Angelica artist
Born: Levi, David a learned Jew
Died: Linnæus, Charles afterwards Von Linne'
Publication: “Moral Philosopher.” by Lowman, Moses clergyman
Publication: “Parallele des Romains et des Franc.ais,” by Mably, Gabriel Bonnot, Abbe' De writer
Publication: “Monumenta Typographica,” by Mallinkrott, Bernard dean
Publication: “Oeuvres de Brantome,” by Marchand, Prosper an author to whom the curious in literary history are greatly indebted (1678–1756)
Publication: “Chef-d‘oeuvre d’un inconnu,” by Marchand, Prosper an author to whom the curious in literary history are greatly indebted (1678–1756)
Died: Marchmont, Hugh Hume, Campbell, Third Earl Of a nobleman of great learning and accomplishments
Publication: “Memoirs of the Academy of Paris,” by Martin, Benjamin an eminent optician
Publication: “Essays Medical and Philosophical,” by Martine, George physician
Died: Milles, Jeremiah antiquary
Publication: “Considerations sur la Commerce et la Navigation de la Grande Bretagne,” by Montesquieu, Charles De Secondat, Baron Of writer
Born: Nasmith, James antiquary
Publication: “Four letters on Ecclesiastical Discipline,” by Necker, Charles Frederick professor of civil law at Geneva
Publication: “Newtoni Genesis Curvarum per Umbras,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences” by Nollet, John Anthony a French abbe
Publication: “Table astronomiques,” by Parcieux mathematician
Publication: “Histoire des Celtes,” by Pelloutier, Simon writer
Died: Pepusch, John Christopher one of the greatest theoretic musicians of modern times
Born: Percival, Thomas physician
Died: Piper, Francis Le painter
Publication: “Monumenta inedita Rerum Germanicarum,” by Pontanus, John Isaac historiographer to his Danish majesty
Publication: “Coutume d'Orleans,” by Pothier, Robert Joseph son of a counsellor to the presidial of Orleans (1699–1772)
Publication: “Moallakat” by Reiske, John James scholar
Publication: “The Negotiation of Sir Thomas Roe, in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte, from 1621 to 1628 inclusive,” by Richardson, Samuel writer
Publication: “Dissertations on Duels, and the Orders of Knighthood,” by Roques, Peter clergyman
Born: Sanchez, Peter Anthony a learned Spanish ecclesiastic
Born: Saussure, Horace Benedict De naturalist
Publication: “Colomesiana,” by Scaliger, Joseph Justus and heir to his talents and temper
Born: Schmidt, Christopher a learned German
Born: Sheepshanks, William clergyman
Born: Smellie, William naturalist
Publication: “The principles and connexion bf Natural and Revealed Religion distinctly considered,” by Sykes, Arthur Ashley divine
Born: Throsby, John writer
Died: Tickell, Richard writer
Born: Toplady, Augustus Montague a strenuous champion for the Calvinism of the church of England
Publication: “The Theological Works of Dr. Pocock,” by Twells, Leonard divine
Born: Tyson, Michael artist
Publication: “Anatomical Dissertations” by Valsalva, Antony Maria physician
Died: Venn, Henry divine
Died: Walton, George a gallant naval officer
Publication: “An experimental inquiry on some parts of the animal structure,” by Wintringham, Clifton physician
Born: Wodhull, Michael the first translator into English verse of all the tragedies and fragments of Euripides which are extant
Publication: “Monumenta typographies,” by Wolfe, John Christopher scholar
Died: Achards, Eleazar-Francis De La Baume De was born at Avignon
Born: Adam, Alexander writer
Publication: “Orthopedic; ou l'art de prevenir et de corriger, dans les enfants, les Difformites du corps,” by Andry, Nicholas surnamed Bois-Regard
Publication: “Histoire de premieres expeditions de Charlemagne pendant sa jeunesse et avant son regne,” by Angilbert, St. abbot
Died: Arnall, William writer
Publication: “De Gneca Latini sermonis origine,” by Arntzenius, Otho was born in 1703
Born: Bahrdt, Charles Frederick one of those German writers who have of late years disgraced the profession of religion and philosophy
Died: Banier, Anthony licentiate in laws
Born: Barry, James artist
Publication: “An essay towards explaining the third chapter of Genesis, in answer to Mr. Warburton,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “An Enquiry into the nature of the human Soul, wherein its immateriality is evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy;” by Baxter, Andrew philosopher
Publication: “Observations sur les Plantes,” by Bazin, N. physician
Publication: “Scripture Chronology, demonstrated by astronomical calculations, in eight books,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Publication: “The doctrine of Justification by Faith stated according to the articles of the church of England. Contained in nine questions and answers,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Publication: “Ad disciplinam Mechanicam, Nauticam, et Geographicam Acroasis critica et historica,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Born: Benyowsky, Count Mauritius Augustus De an adventurer of very dubious
Publication: “Methodus cranii ossa dissuendi, et machinse hunc in finem constructs, delineatio,” by Bergen, Charles Augustus De anatomist
Died: Beyer, Augustus a German Protestant minister
Publication: “De‘ gran duchi di Toscana della real casa de’ Medici,” by Bianchini, Joseph Maria scholar
Publication: “Acta scholastica,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Publication: “Account of Milton,” by Birch, Thomas writer
Died: Blackbourne, John divine
Publication: “De precavenda polyporum generatione.” by Boehmer, Justin Henning lawyer
Publication: “Visitation sermon” by Bolton, Robert dean
Publication: “Exposition de la Doctrine Chretienne par demandes et par reponses,” by Bougeant, William Hyacinth historian
Died: Bretonneau, Francis born at Tours in 1660
Born: Brunswick-Oels, Frederick Augustus, Duke Of a general of infantry in the Prussian army
Publication: “L'Histoire de Thamas Kouli-Kan, sophi de Perse,” by Cerceau, John Antony Du Jesuit
Born: Chamfort, Sebastian Roche Nicolas writer
Born: Chantreau, Peter Nicholas writer
Publication: “Elements of Geometry,” by Clairault, Alexis Claude mathematician
Born: Desrochers, Andier Stephen John engraver
Publication: “The Blind Beggar of Bethnal-green,” by Dodsley, Robert poet
Publication: “Visitation Sermon on the desireableness of the Christian Faith, published at the request of bishop Sherlock,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Born: Dundas, Henry Lord Viscount Melville
Born: Farr, Samuel physician
Publication: “Virgil,” by Foggini, Peter Francis a learned Italian ecclesiastic
Publication: “La Belle Wolfienne,” by Formey, John Henry Samuel writer
Publication: “Memoires pour servir a Tbistoire de Pologae,” by Formey, John Henry Samuel writer
Publication: “Christianity, Tidings of Joy,” by Gambold, John bishop
Died: Gibert, Balthasar scholar
Died: Granet, Francis deacon of the church of Aix
Publication: “The Philosopher;” by Hagedorn, Frederic poet
Publication: “Dissertation on the Chronology of the Septuagint,” by Hayes, Charles esq. a very singular person
Born: Herder, John Gottfried philosopher (?–1803)
Publication: “Commentatio de Medulla Spinali, speciatim de Nervis ab ea provenientibus,” by Huber, John James anatomist
Born: Hunter, Henry preacher
Died: Jablonski, Daniel-Ernest divine
Born: Lavater, John Caspar the celebrated physiognomist
Publication: “Traité historique et pratique sur le chant ecciesiastique,” by Lebeuf, John antiquary
Publication: “Of Queen Elizabeth,” by Leti, Gregory writer
Born: Linnæus the oldest
Publication: “Observations sur l'Electrical,” by Louis, Anthony surgeon
Publication: “Dissertation sur les forces motrices des corps,” by Mairan, John James D'Ortous De philosopher
Publication: “Lettre a Madame du Chatelet, sur ia question des forces vives,” by Mairan, John James D'Ortous De philosopher
Publication: “Apophthegmata,” by Maittaire, Michael an eminent classical editor
Died: Marcello, Benedetto a nobleman celebrated for musical knowledge
Born: Masson, Francis botanist
Publication: “La vita di Pietro Aretino,” by Mazzuchelli, John Maria a nobleman of Brescia
Publication: “De rebus mancipi et nee mancipi.” by Meerman, Gerard lawyer
Publication: “De Antiquitate Punctorum Vocalium.” by Michaelis, John David critic
Publication: “Elements of Hebrew accentuation,” by Michaelis, John David critic
Publication: “Public Register,” by Mordaunt, Charles earl of Peterborough
Publication: “Historia Tartarorum ecclesiastica,” by Mosheim, John Lawrence divine (1695–1755)
Publication: “Memoirs of his Travels” by Oliveyra, Francis Xavier De knight
Publication: “Letters, familiar, historical, political, and critical,” by Oliveyra, Francis Xavier De knight
Publication: “Memoires concernant le Portugal,” by Oliveyra, Francis Xavier De knight
Publication: “Infallabilitas act. Rom. Pont.” by Orsi, Francis Joseph Augustine cardinal
Born: Pallas, Peter Simon naturalist
Publication: “A mechanical and critical Enquiry into the nature of Hermaphrodites,” by Parsons, James physician
Born: Pechmeja, John De a man of letters in France
Born: Perouse, John Francis Galaupde La an able but unfortunate navigator
Died: Petit, Francis Pourfour Du physician
Died: Polignac, Melchior De cardinal
Publication: “Dictionary of Cases of Conscience” by Pontas, John a celebrated casuist
Died: Porée, Charles Jesuit
Publication: “An Account of Tumours which soften the Bones,” by Pott, Percival surgeon (1713–1788)
Died: Rollin, Charles writer
Died: Scott, David was born near Haddington
Publication: “Miscellanies,” by Silhouette, Stephen De writer
Publication: “Traite* mathematique sur le bonheur,” by Silhouette, Stephen De writer
Publication: “Epitres morales, Lettres phiiosophiques, et Traits mathematiques,” by Silhouette, Stephen De writer
Publication: “Moral contemplations of the works of Nature” by Sulzer, John George a very eminent German
Died: Synge, Edward archbishop
Born: Trimmer, Sarah a very ingenious lady
Publication: “Epistola ad virum eruditum Conyers Middleton, c.” by Tunstall, James divine
Publication: “Defence of Leibnitz’s philosophy against M. de Crousaz,” by Vattel, Emer De, an eminent publicist
Publication: “A general and complete Abridgment of Law and Equity,” by Viner, Charles an eminent benefactor to the study of law
Died: Weston, Stephen bishop (?–1742)
Publication: “Gentleman’s Diary” by Witchell, George astronomer
Born: Withering, William botanist
Publication: “Reflexions on the Augsburgh Confession,” by Ahlwardt, Peter professor of logic and metaphysics at GreifewaJd
Died: Amhurst, Nicholas writer
Died: Andry, Nicholas surnamed Bois-Regard
Publication: “Ragioni della Sede apostolica sopra il Ducato di Parma e Piacenza esposte a‘ sovrani e principi Catholici dell’ Europa,” by Antonelli, Nicholas Maria count of Pergola
Publication: “Bibliothecae Mediceo-Laurentianse et Palatinoe codicum manuscr. Orientalium catalogus,” by Assemani, Stephen Evodius archbishop
Publication: “Dissertatio de Calculorum seu Latrunculorum ludo,” by Averani, Joseph was born at Florence the 19th of March 1662
Born: Baker, William a learned printer
Died: Beattie, James philosopher
Publication: “Ad disciplinam Hydrostaticam Acroasis historica et critica,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Died: Benedictus, Peter a celebrated Maronite
Publication: “Gnomon Nov. Test, in quo ex nativa verborum vi simplicitas, profunditas, concinnitas sensuum ccelestium indicatur,” by Bengel, John Albert divine
Publication: “Dissertatio posthuma de tribus generibus instrumentorum musicse veterum orgatiicse,” by Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Publication: “Elementa physices,” by Bilfinger, George Bernard philosopher
Publication: “Our Saviour’s divine sermon on the mount, explained and the pi-actice of it recommended in divers sermons and discourses,” by Blair, James, M. A. was born and bred in Scotland
Publication: “Chylificationis historia,” by Bordeu, Theophilus De was born Feb. 22
Born: Born, Ignatius Baron
Publication: “Dissertation sur le grand pontifical des empereurs Remains,” by Bouhier, John president a mortier of the parliament of Dijon
Died: Bourguet, Louis who was born at Nimes in 1678
Publication: “Traite des petrifactions,” by Bourguet, Louis who was born at Nimes in 1678
Publication: “Miscellaneous Tracts.” by Bowyer, William the most learned English printer of whom we have any account (?–1777)
Died: Bremond, Francis De a member of the French academy of sciences
Publication: “Historia Critica Philosophiae,” by Brucker, John James the learned author of the “History of Philosophy
Publication: “Dissertations surPincertitude des signesde lamort, et Tabus des enterremens et embaumemens precipites,” by Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt physician
Born: Byrne, William engraver
Born: Cadell, Thomas bookseller
Publication: “Concise history of Spanish America,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “A full Answer to the Letter from a bystander,” by Carte, Thomas historian
Publication: “A short and plain Catechism, being an explanation of the Creed, Ten Commandments, and the Lord’s Prayer, by way of question and answer,” by Chandler, Samuel an eminent dissenting minister
Died: Clarke, Dr. Alured divine
Publication: “The Church discipline respecting the fast of Lent,” by Concina, Daniel divine
Died: Crawford, William was born at Kelso
Born: Dombey, Joseph botanist
Died: Dorigny, Lewis painter
Died: Dunlop, Alexander, A. M. was brother to the above
Publication: “Templum Libertatis,” by Ellis, John writer
Born: Evans, Thomas bookseller
Died: Falle, Philip a learned man
Publication: “A Literary History of Aquileia, in Latin,” by Fontanini, Juste archbishop
Died: Fontenay, Peter Claude Jesuit
Publication: “Commissaire pour les extraits,” by Garengeot, Rp.Ne Jamf.S Croissant De surgeon
Publication: “Bibliotheca Cardinalis Imperialis,” by Goodal, Walter antiquary
Died: Gotti, Vincent Lewis cardinal
Publication: “De vita et studiis, &c.” by Gotti, Vincent Lewis cardinal
Died: Grandlus, Gumo mathematician
Publication: “A Sj’stem of Morality,” by Gravesande, William James philosopher
Died: Gray, Thomas poet
Publication: “Epistolae ab Ecclesiie Helvetica; reformatoribus vel ad eos scriptae,” by Grey, Lady Jane was an illustrious personage of the blood royal of England by both parents: her grandmother on her father’s side
Publication: “Sage;” by Hagedorn, Frederic poet
Died: Hammond, James well remembered as a man esteemed and caressed by the elegant and great
Died: Havercamp, Sigebert a classical editor of considerable fame
Publication: “Sallust.” by Havercamp, Sigebert a classical editor of considerable fame
Publication: “Oratio anniversaria in Theatro Coll. Medicor. Londinensium, ex Harveii instttuto habita die 18 Oct. A. D. 1742, a Benj. Hoadly, M. D. Coll. Med. & S. R. S.” by Hoadly, Benjamin bishop
Born: Holt, John writer (?–1801)
Publication: “An account of the conduct of the dowager duchess of Marl borough, from her first coming to court to the year 1710.” by Hooke, Nathaniel celebrated for a “Roman History
Publication: “Commentatio de Vaginas Uteri structura rugosa, necnon *de Hymene,” by Huber, John James anatomist
Publication: “Humphr. Hodii, lib. 2. de Græcis illustribus Linguæ Græcæ Literarumque humaniorum instauratoribus,” by Jebb, Samuel, M. D. a native of Nottingham (1694–?)
Publication: “Anacreon,” by Lami, John an Italian ecclesiastic
Publication: “Memorabilia Italorum eruditione praestantium, quibus vertens sseculum gloriatur,” by Lami, John an Italian ecclesiastic
Publication: “Dialogi d'Aniceto Nemesio,” by Lami, John an Italian ecclesiastic
Died: Leonardo, Leo principal organist of the chapel royaj at Naples
Publication: “Pamela, a Comedy,” by Love, James writer
Publication: “A complete system of Fluxions, with their application to the most considerable problems in geometry and natural philosophy.” by Maclaurin, Coun mathematician
Publication: “Philo Judaeus,” by Mangey, Thomas divine
Publication: “Oeuvres de Villon,” by Marchand, Prosper an author to whom the curious in literary history are greatly indebted (1678–1756)
Born: Marshal, Andrew anatomist
Publication: “Treatise of the acute diseases of Infants,” by Martyn, John professor of botany at Cambridge
Publication: “Specimen calculi fluxionalis,” by Meerman, Gerard lawyer
Publication: “Geographia Antiqua & Nova; taken partly from Dufresnoy’s ‘ Methode pour etudier la Geographic;’ with Ceilarius’s Maps,” by Morant, Philip antiquary
Died: Nettleton, Thomas physician
Publication: “An Ode to the Right Honourable the Earl of Orford, on Retirement,” by Newcomb, Thomas son of a worthy clergy
Publication: “Tables for purchasing College Leases,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Died: Norden, Frederick Lewis traveller
Publication: “La Bibliotheqtie des Auteurs de Bourgogne,” by Papillon, Philibert a learned canon of la Chapelle-au Riche
Publication: “A description of the Urinary Human Bladder, and the parts belonging to it, with figures,” by Parsons, James physician
Publication: “Philo was an author that deserved to have a better text and a better version.” by Philo, Judæus writer
Publication: “Dissertazione sopra al Tempio di Diana di Efeso,” by Poleni, John an Italian marquis
Born: Reed, Isaac a gentleman eminently conversant in literary history
Publication: “Eight Sermons at Lady Moyer’s lecture,” by Ridley, Dr. Gloster divine
Died: Sabatier, Peter Benedictine
Born: Scheele, Charles William a very learned chemist
Died: Sheffield, John duke of Buckinghamshire
Publication: “Alliance,” by Silhouette, Stephen De writer
Born: Stuart, Gilbert historian
Died: Townley, Charles scholar
Died: Tyrwhitt, Thomas one of the most eminent scholars and critics of the last century
Publication: “After the revolution he retired into Flanders, where he died soon after. He left two children, a daughter who became a nun, and a son whom Dodd speaks of as” by Ward, Thomas whom we mentioned under the article Edward Ward
Publication: “A summary view of the doctrine of Justification. 2. An Inquiry concerning the antiquity of the practice of infant communion, as founded on the notion of its necessity. The whole published from the originals, in pursuance of the request of the author, by Joseph Clarke, M. A.” by Waterland, Daniel divine
Publication: “A Letter to the Rev. Mr. William Warburton, M. A. occasioned by some passages in his book, entitled ‘The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated.’ By a gentleman of Lincoln’s Inn,” by Webb, Philip Carteret
Died: Wheatley, Charles the author of an excellent illustration of the Book of Common Prayer
Publication: “Animadversionum ad Æschylum libri duo; accedunt annotationes ad qusedam loca Novi Testament!,” by Abresch, Frederic Louis scholar
Publication: “Traite” by Alembert, John Le Rond D' philosopher
Died: Anderson, John a learned German
Died: Arlaud, James Anthony painter
Died: Astori, John Anthony antiquary
Died: Baker, Sir George physician
Publication: “A defence of Mr. Hutchinson’s plan,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “The Loves of Ismene & Isménias,” by Beauchamps, Pierre François Godard De writer
Publication: “De longis jejuniis dissertatio.” by Beccaria, James Bartholomew physician
Publication: “Horye Mathematics Vacua*, or a treatise of the Golden and Ecliptick Numbers,” by Bedford, Arthur clergyman
Publication: “De Phialis vitreis ex minimi silicis casa dissilientibusAcroasis,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Died: Benzelius, Eric archbishop
Publication: “Elettra,” by Bergalli, Louisa an Italian poetess
Publication: “Pentas obervationum anatomico-physiologicarum,” by Bergen, Charles Augustus De anatomist
Publication: “De lacteorum vasorum positionibus et fabrica,” by Bianchi, John Baptist anatomist
Died: Bibbiena, Ferdinand Galli architect
Publication: “De insolentia titulorum librariorum,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Publication: “Specimen theologiae naturalis,” by Bock, Frederic Samuel professor of divinity and Greek in the university of Konigsberg
Publication: “Institutions et Aphorismes,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “Consultationes medicse, sive sylloge epistolarum cum responsis,” by Boerhaave, Herman physician
Publication: “Dissertatio physiologica de sensu generice considerate,” by Bordeu, Theophilus De was born Feb. 22
Born: Brand, John secretary to the society of antiquaries
Born: Cagliostro, Count Alexander a noted impostor
Died: Campbell, John second duke of Argyle
Publication: “Hermippus Redivivus,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “The Musical Century,” by Carey, Henry composer
Publication: “A full and clear vindication of the full answer to a Letter from a bystander,” by Carte, Thomas historian
Publication: “Catalogue des rolles Gascons, Normans, et Francois, conserves dans les archives de la Tour de Londres; tire* d‘apres celui du Garde* desdites archives; & contenant la precis & le sommaire de tous les titres qui s’y trouvent concernant la Guienne, la Normandie, & les autres provinces de la France, sujettes autres fois auX rois d’Angleterre, &c.” by Carte, Thomas historian
Publication: “Vrai systeme de physique generate de Newton,” by Castel, Lewis Bertrand philosopher
Born: Cecil, Richard clergyman
Died: Cheyne, George physician
Publication: “Theory of the Figure of the Earth,” by Clairault, Alexis Claude mathematician
Publication: “Del vitto Pythagorico,” by Cocchi, Anthony of Florence
Publication: “Dissertations theological, moral, and critical, on the history of probability and rigourism,” by Concina, Daniel divine
Born: Condorcet, John Antony Nicolas Caritat Mapquis De mathematician
Died: Corradini, De Sezza, Peter Marcellinus antiquary
Born: Cowley, Hannah writer
Died: Cuming, Sir Alexander a man of considerable talents
Died: Dahl, Michael painter
Publication: “The Liberty of Sweden,” by Dalin, Olaus Von a learned Swede
Publication: “Essay on Maritime Power and Commerce,” by Deslandes, Andrew Francis Boltreau writer
Died: Despohtes, Francis painter
Publication: “Two Sermons on the eternity of future punishment, in answer to Whiston with a Preface,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Born: Edwards, Bryan historian
Publication: “The Doctrine of Fluxions,” by Emerson, William mathematician
Born: Ewald, John poet (?–1781)
Publication: “Gallia Christiana.” by Florez, Henry a Spanish Augustine
Publication: “Basilica Bruxellensis” by Foppens, John Francis historian
Publication: “Reflections on the natural antiquity of government, arts, and sciences, in Egypt,” by Forster, Nathaniel divine
Died: Fourmont, Stephen professor of the Arabic and Chinese languages at Paris
Publication: “Horace” by Francis, Philip clergyman
Died: Gayot De Pitaval, Francis a French author
Publication: “Bibliotheque des Gens de Cour.” by Gayot De Pitaval, Francis a French author
Born: Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb was born at Tubingen in 1743; where he was educated
Born: Guibert, James Antony Hypolitus writer
Died: Halde, John Baptist Du historian
Publication: “Museum Richterianum,” by Hebenstreit, John Ernest physician
Died: Herring, Thomas prelate
Died: Hervey, John, Lord Hervey Of Ickworth writer
Publication: “Vigerus de Idiotismis Linguae Graecae,” by Hoogeveen, Henry a very celebrated Dutch philologer
Died: Hunter, William, M. D. anatomist
Died: Keysler, John George antiquary
Born: Lavoisier, Anthony Lawrence philosopher
Publication: “M6moires sur l‘Histoire d’Anxerre,” by Lebeuf, John antiquary
Died: Lemery, Louis was born at Paris in January 1677
Died: Lorenzini, Francis Maria poet
Publication: “Lettres, Memoires, et Negociations du comte d'Estrades,” by Marchand, Prosper an author to whom the curious in literary history are greatly indebted (1678–1756)
Publication: “Mceurs et Usages cles Grecs,” by Menard, Leo a counsellor in the presidial court at Nismes
Publication: “The Christian’s Epinikion, or Song of Triumph; a paraphrase on I Cor. xv. attempted in blank Terse; with annotations, explanatory and critical,” by Morell, Thomas scholar
Publication: “A Collection of Odes and Epigrams, &c. occasioned by the Success of the British and Confederate Arms in Germany,” by Newcomb, Thomas son of a worthy clergy
Publication: “A Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans,” by Oudin, Francis Jesuit
Died: Ozell, John writer
Born: Paley, William divine
Born: Penrose, Thomas poet
Publication: “Remarks upon a scandalous piece, entitled A brief account of the causes that have retarded the progress of the colony of Georgia,” by Perceval, John fifth baronet of the family
Publication: “Faction detected by the evidence of facts containing an impartial view of Parties at home and affairs abroad.” by Perceval, John second earl of Egmont
Publication: “History of the Works of the Learned” by Pluche, Antony writer
Publication: “A Critical Essay on the present State of the Republic of Letters,” by Pompignan, John James Le Franc marquis of
Publication: “Dunciad” by Pope, Alexander the most elegant and popular of all English poets
Born: Rooker, Michael an honorary name given him by Paul Sandby
Born: Rowley, William physician
Died: Salmon, Nathaniel antiquary
Died: Say, Samuel a dissenting minister of considerable talents
Publication: “Travels” by Shaw, Thomas traveller
Publication: “The Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions deduced from general and evident Principles: with useful Tables, shewing the values of single and joint lives, &c. at different rates of interest,” by Simpson, Thomas professor of mathematics in the king’s academy at Woolwich
Publication: “An Appendix, containing some Remarks on a late Book on the same subject (by Mr. Abr. De Moivre, F. R. S.) with answers to some personal and malignant representations in the Preface thereof.” by Simpson, Thomas professor of mathematics in the king’s academy at Woolwich
Died: Somervile, William poet
Publication: “Concio ad Clerum Londinensem Sion Coll. Matt. x. Coram. 16,” by Trapp, Joseph divine
Publication: “Commentaria in H. Boerhaave Aphorismos,” by Van Swieten, Gerard one of the most celebrated physicians of the last century
Publication: “Merope,” by Voltaire, Marie-Francis Arouet De the greatest literary character which France produced in the last century
Died: Wesley, Samuel, The Younger was born about 1692
Publication: “Essay on Ridicule” by Whitehead, William poet (?–1785)
Publication: “An inquiry into the exility of the vessels of a human body,” by Wintringham, Clifton physician
Born: Wyatt, James architect
Publication: “The Pleasures of Imagination,” by Akenside, Mark poet and physician
Publication: “Traite de l'Equilibre et du Mouvement des Fluides,” by Alembert, John Le Rond D' philosopher
Publication: “A Sermon before the Criminals in Newgate,” by Allein divine
Born: Anson, Peter Hubert writer
Died: Anstis, John writer
Publication: “Analyse geographique de l'Italie,” by Anville, John-Baptiste Bourignon D' first geographer to the king of France (?–1782)
Publication: “The Art of preserving Health,” by Armstrong, John physician
Publication: “The Parable of the Cedar and Thistle, exemplified in the great victory at Culloden,” by Arnald, Richard divine (1714–1756)
Born: Arthur, Archibald professor of moral philosophy in the university of Glasgow
Publication: “Lezioni Toscane,” by Averani, Joseph was born at Florence the 19th of March 1662
Publication: “Lives of the illustrious men of France,” by Auvigny, N. Castres D' born in the Hainaut
Died: Badoaro, Daniel a senator of Venice
Died: Barbeyrac, John was born the 15th of March 1674
Publication: “De jure belli ac pacis,” by Barbeyrac, John was born the 15th of March 1674
Publication: “The philosophical principles of Moses asserted and defended against the misrepresentations of Mr. David Jennings,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “Histoire des Abeilles,” by Bazin, N. physician
Publication: “De Gravitatis legibus Acroasis Physico-mathematica,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Publication: “The connection between Irreligion and Immorality; a Sermon preached at St. Mary’s in Oxford, at the assizes, March the 1st, 1743-4,” by Bentham, Edward canon of Christ-church
Born: Bernoulli, John the grandson of the preceding John
Died: Bertini, Anthony Francis physician
Publication: “Fabii Columnse Phytobasanos, accedit vita Fabii et Lynceoruin notitia, cum annotationibus,” by Bianchi, John naturalist
Publication: “De religione eruditorum,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Publication: “Selecta scholastica,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Born: Blankenburg, Christian Frederic De writer
Publication: “Universal History,” by Bower, Archibald a person of a very celebrated
Died: Bramston, James vicar of Starting in Sussex
Publication: “Letters on cosmography,” by Brancas Villeneuve, Andrew Francis abbe d'Aulnay
Publication: “Poems on several occasions; with letters to her friends; and an account of her life,” by Brereton, Jane an English poetess
Died: Breydel, Charles called Cavalier
Publication: “Memoires pour servir a la vie de M. Silva,” by Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt physician
Publication: “Theory of the Earth” by Buffon, George Louis Le Clerc, Count Of naturalist
Born: Calle, John Francis mathematician
Publication: “Lives of the English Admirals, and other ^eminent Britisii ^eamen.” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Died: Cantemir, Antiochus son of the above
Died: Capperonnier, Claude scholar
Publication: “Histoire generale de la Nouvelle France,” by Charlevoix, Peter Francis Xavier De Jesuit
Publication: “Traitedes causes, &c. de la Peste,” by Chicoyneau, Francis counsellor of state
Publication: “Papal Tyranny in the reign of king John,” by Cibber, Colley poet
Publication: “Distance of the tropics,” by Condamine, Charles Marie De La chevalier de St
Died: Craig, James clergyman
Publication: “Elementa Artis Docirnasticae.” by Cramer, Gabriel mathematician
Publication: “Two Epistles,” by Dalton, John, D. D. was born in 1709
Born: Desault, Peter Joseph surgeon
Died: Dimsdale, Thomas, Baron a celebrated inoculator for the small pox
Publication: “Remembrancer,” by Dodington, George Bubb Lord Melcombe
Born: Erxleben, John Christian Polycarp naturalist
Publication: “Sermons,” by Fenelon, Francis De Salignac De La Motte archbishop
Publication: “Appendiculae duae novae ad numismata antiqua a Cl. Vaillantio edita,” by Froelich, Erasmus a learned medallist
Publication: “Annales compend. regum et rerum Syriae,” by Froelich, Erasmus a learned medallist
Died: Gale, Roger esq. F. R. and A. Ss. eldest son of the preceding
Died: Gedoyn, Nicholas scholar
Publication: “Disciplinarum metaphysicarum Elementa mathematicum in morem adornata,” by Genovesi, Antony or
Died: Hallet, Joseph clergyman
Died: Hartman, John Adolphus divine
Publication: “The Plutus of Aristophanes, with the Scholia,” by Hemsterhuis, Tiberius one of the most famous critics of his country
Died: Henckel, John Frederic an eminent mineralogist
Born: Hodges, William painter
Born: Holcroft, Thomas writer
Publication: “Eternity of Hell Torments,” by Horbery, Matthew divine
Died: Hunt, Jeremiah divine
Died: Jacob, Giles writer
Publication: “Ladies Diary” by Landen, John mathematician
Publication: “Tablettes Chronologiques de T Histoire Universelle,” by Lenglet Du Fresnoy, Nicholas writer
Born: Marat, John-Paul a prominent actor in the French revolution
Publication: “Miscellanea Berolinensia;” by Margraf, Andrew Sigismond a celebrated chemist
Publication: “Commentarium in vetus marmoreuin S. Neap. Eccles. Calendarium,” by Mazochi, Alexius Symmachus antiquary
Publication: “A Dissertation on Proverbs, chapter ix. containing occasional remarks on other passages in sacred and profane writers,” by Merrick, James divine and poet
Died: Miller, James writer
Born: Milner, Joseph divine
Publication: “The Evidence of the Resurrection cleared from the exceptions of a late pamphlet, entitled * The Resurrection of Jesus considered by a moral philosopher, in answer to the Tryal of the Witnesses,'” by Moss, Robert clergyman
Publication: “A Dissertation on the Trade of Siberia,” by Muller, Gerard Frederick traveller
Publication: “Annali d‘ Italia dal principio dell’ era volgare, sino all' anno 1749,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Newtoni Is. Opuscula Mathematica Philos. & Philol. collegit J. Castilioneus,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “Pluralities indefensible,” by Newton, Richard founder of Hertford college
Died: Nordberg, Joran the biographer of Charles XII. of Sweden
Publication: “A Description of the East, and of some other Countries, vol. I. Observations on Egypt.” by Pococke, Richard but added the e to his name
Died: Pope, Alexander the most elegant and popular of all English poets
Publication: “Preface des Memoires de T Academic de Chirurgie,” by Quesnay, Francis physician
Publication: “The Christian’s Faith a rational assent,” by Randolph, Thomas archdeacon of Oxford
Publication: “A Poem, in imitation of the Scottish dialect, on the death of Mr. Pope,” by Reed, Joseph writer
Died: Roque, Anthony De La poet
Publication: “The present state of the Universities, and of the five adjacent counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Bedford, Bucks, and Oxford,” by Salmon, Nathaniel antiquary
Publication: “Traite des Causes, des Accidens, et de la Cure de la Peste,” by Senac, John physician
Publication: “Plutarchi de Iside et Osirid, 1 liber, Graece et Anglice; Grseca recensuit, emendavit, Com.Tieni-ariis auxit, Versionem novam Anglicanam adjecit Samuel Squire, A.M. Archidiaconus Bathoniensis; acces.serunt Xylandri, Baxteri, Bentleii, Marklandi, Conjecturae et Emendationes,” by Squire, Samuel divine
Died: Theobald, Lewis critic
Publication: “Memoires sur les Polypes,” by Trembley, Abraham naturalist