Neve, Timothy
, an English divine, was born at Wotton, in the parish of Stanton Lacy, near Lud’low in Shropshire, in 1694, and was educated at St. John’s college, Cambridge, where he took his degree of B. A. in | 1714. He appears then to have left college, and became schoolmaster of Spalding, and minor-canon of Peterborough, where he was a joint-founder of “The Gentleman’s Society,” and became its secretary. He was afterwards prebendary of Lincoln, archdeacon of Huntingdon in 1747, and rector of Alwalton in Huntingdonshire, where he died Feb. 3, 1757, aged sixty-three. There is an inscription to his memory against the West wall of the North transept, in which he is styled D. D. In 1727, he communicated to the Spalding Society “An Essay on the invention of Printing and our first Printers,” and bishop Rennet’s donation of books to Peterborough cathedral. In the first leaf of the catalogue (3 vols. in folio, written neatly in the bishop’s own hand) is this motto “Upon the dung-hill was found a pearl. Index librorurn aliquot vetustiss. quos in commune bonum congessit W. K. dec. Petriburg. 1712.” These books are kept with dean Lockyer’s, in the library of Lady-chapel, behind the high altar, in deal presses, open to the vergers and sextons. In a late repair of this church, which is one of the noblest monuments of our early architecture, this benefactor’s tomb-stone was thrust and half-covered behind the altar, and nothing marks the place of his interment. Mr. Neve was chaplain to, and patronised by Dr. Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, and published one sermon, being his first visitation-sermon, entitled “Teaching with Authority;” the text Matth. vii. 28, 29. Dr. Neve bore an excellent character for learning and personal worth. He married, for his second wife, Christina, a daughter of the rev. Mr. Greene, of Drinkstone, near Bury, Suffolk, and sister to lady Davers of Rushbrook. His son Timothy was born at Spalding, Oct. 12, 1724, and was elected scholar of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, where he proceeded M. A. 1744; and in 1747 was elected fellow. In 1753, he took his degree of B. D. and that of D. D. in 1758, and on being presented by the college to the rectory of Geddington in Oxfordshire, resigned his fellowship in 1762. He was also presented by Dr. Green, bishop of Lincoln, to the rectory of Middleton Btoney, in the same county. On the death of Dr. Randolph (father to the late bishop of London), in 1783, he was elected Margaret professor of divinity, at Oxford, and was installed prebendary of Worcester in April of that year. He was early a member of the Literary | Society of Spalding. He died at Oxford Jan. 1, 1798, aged seventy-four, leaving a wife and two daughters.
Dr. Neve was an able divine and scholar, and had long filled his station with credit to himself and the university, of which he remained a member more than sixty years. In private life, the probity, integrity, and unaffected simplicity of his manners, endeared him to his family and friends, and rendered him sincerely regretted by all who knew him. He had accumulated a very considerable collection of books, particularly curious pamphlets, which were dispersed after his death. Most of them contain ms notes by him, which we have often found of great value. His publications were not numerous, but highly creditable to his talents. Among them was a sermon, on Act-Sunday, July 8, 1759, entitled “The Comparative Blessings of Christianity,” the text Ephes. iv. 8. “Animadversions on Philips’s Life of Cardinal Pole, Oxford, 1766,” 8vo. “Eight Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M. A. Canon of Salisbury,” 1781, 8vo and after his death appeared “Seventeen Sermons on various subjects,” 1798, 8vo, published by subscription for his family. 1
Nichols’s Bowyer.