Peringskiold, John

, a learned Northern antiquary, was born Oct. 6, 1654, at Strengnes in Sudermania, and was the son of Lawrence Frederic Peringer, professor of rhetoric and poetry. Having acquired great skill in northern antiquities, he was in 1689 appointed professor at Upsal; in 1693, secretary and antiquary to the king of Sweden, and in 1719 counsellor to the chancery for antiquities. When appointed secretary to the king he changed his name from Peringer to Peringskiold. He died March 24, 1720. His principal works, which are very much valued by Swedish historians and antiquaries, are, 1. “Snarronis Sturlonidac Hist, regum Septentrionalium,” with two translations, 1697, fol. 2. “Historia Wilkinensium, Theodorici Veronensis, ac Niflungorum,” c. copied from an ancient Scandinavian ms. with a translation, 1715, fol. | 3. M Hist. Hialmari regis,“from a Runic ms. this is inserted in Hickes’s Thesaurus, 4.” Monumenta SuecoGothica," 2 vols. fol. 1710—1719, &c. &c. 1


Niceron, vol. I. Bibl. Germanique, vol. III. p. 255.