Pfeffercorn, John
, was a famous converted Jew, of whom it is recorded that he would have persuaded the emperor Maximilian to cause all the Hebrew books to be burned, except the Bible: “because (said he) they contain magic, blasphemies, and other dangerous things.” The emperor, astonished with this report, was so far wrought upon, as to publish an edict, in 1510, by which he ordered all the Hebrew books to be carried to a certain house, that those which contained any blasphemy might be burnt. Capnio, however, shewed the danger of this edict, and was supported by Ulric de Hutten: many writings were published on both sides; but Capnio at length prevailed, and the edict was not executed. It is commonly believed, | that Pfeffercorn was so chagrined with this, as to return to Judaism; and that he was burned alive in 1515, for profaning the eucharist, at Hall; but this must have been another person of his name, since this Pfeffercorn was living in 1517. He is the author of some Latin pieces, and among the rest of one “De abolendis Judasorum scriptis.” 1