Pfaff, John Christopher
, an eminent Lutheran divine, was born May 28, 165), at Pfullingen, in the duchy of Wirtemberg. He taught theology with reputation at Tubingen, and died there February 6, 1720,“leaving” A collection of Controversies;“” A dissertation on the passages of the Old Testament that are quoted in the New;“and other works in Latin, which are esteemed. Christopher Matthew Pfaff, one of his sons, was professor | of divinity, and chancellor of the university of Tubingen, and has also written several learned works in Latin; among others,” Institutiones Theologicx,“1719 and 1721, 8vo; and” S. Irenaei fragmenta anecdota,“8vo, Greek and Latin, with many doctrinal and critical works; hut the most valuable of all is his” Introductio in Historiam Theologiae Literariam," 1724, 3 vols. 4to. This is a complete system of theological bibliography, and particularly accurate in what relates to English authors and English books. 1
Moreri.—Bibl. Germanique, vol. XIV. in which is a complete list of Pfaff’s works, but no mention of his death.