Remigius, St.

, a celebrated archbishop of Lyons in the ninth century, and grand almoner to the emperor Lotharius, succeeded Amolo, in the above see, about the year 853 or 854. There being other prelates of this name, we find some confusion as to their actions and writings; but it is supposed to be this St. Remigius, who, in the name of the church of Lyons, wrote an answer to the three letters of Hincmar of Rheims, and others, in which he defends St. Augustine’s doctrine on grace and predestination, which he apprehended to have been at“tacked by the condemnation of Godescalc. This answer may be found in the” Vindiciae Predestinationis et Gratis,“1650, 2 vols. 4to, and in the Library of the Fathers; as also a translation by the same author,” On the condemnation of all men in Adam, and the deliverance of some by Jesus Christ.“He presided at the council of Valence in the year 855, and others of the same kind; and, after founding some pious institutions died Oct. 28, in the year 875. Others of his works are in the” Library of the Fathers." 2


Cave, vol. I. —Dupin.