Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher

, a learned English clergyman, was born July 6, 1756, and educated at Southampton-school, where he laid the foundation of his classical learning, and displayed his taste in some juvenile performances which were much approved. He afterwards cultivated these attainments under Dr. Warton at Winchester-school, whence he removed to Magdalen -college, Oxford, of which he became M. A. in 1781, and fellow and tutor. Although formed to excel in polite literature, his inclination led him into other pursuits, and the whole ceconomy of human life became the subject of his observation. The interests of nations, the relations of arts, the circuitous channels and the secret recesses of commerce, and the wide range of operations in manufactures and agriculture, were open to his intuition. His “Chronological View of the Roman Laws,” published in 1785, was the introduction to a larger work, for which he had furnished himself with ample materials, by his study of juridical an* tiquities. Connected with this, was his <k Treatise on the Maritime Laws of Rhodes,“in which he clearly investigated the origin, and elegantly described the nature, of the maritime codes which bore an analogy to the Rhodian laws. During the intervals of his occupation as tutor of the college, he visited the principal seats of commerce and manufactures in England and on the continent. The result of these researches was given, in 1787, in* his” Historical and Political Remarks on the Tariff of the Commercial Treaty with France/' which proved the very enlightened progress he had made in the science of political ceconomy. From that time he had, with minute attention, observed the effects of that famous treaty upon both nations; and he had made a considerable progress in printing a series of facts and collateral deductions, under the title of “Present State and Manufactures in France,” when he was interrupted by an excruciating disorder, which proved fatal April 6, 1792, at Bath, whither he had gone in hopes of relief from the waters. He was a man of an amiable disposition, and greatly lamented by his friends. He had taken orders, but had no preferment in the church. 1

1 Gent. Mag. vol, LXII.