Shaw, Samuel
, a learned non- conformist, was born at Repton in the county of Derby, in 1635, and educated at the free-school there. At the age of fourteen he was sent to Cambridge, and became a member of St. John’s | college. When he had completed his studies, he removed to Tamworth, in Warwickshire, and was usher of the freeschool there in 1656, From Tamworth he removed to Mosely, a small place on the borders of Worcestershire, and on his arrival was ordained by the classical presbytery of Wirksworth in Derbyshire, and in 1658 obtained a presentation from Cromwell to the rectory of Long Whatton, which was in the gift of the crown. In June the same year he had full possession of this living, in which he continued until the Restoration in 1660. At that juncture, apprehending some disturbance, he, in September, obtained a fresh presentation under the great seal of England; but notwithstanding his title was thus corroborated, interest was made with the lord chancellor, and our author was turned out of his preferment about a year before the act of uniformity took place. He was afterwards offered his living again, without any other condition than re- ordination, which he refused, as he would not declare his presbyterian ordination invalid.
From Whatton he removed to Cotes, a small village near Loughborough, and during his stay there both himself and his family were afflicted with the plague, being infected by some relations from London, who came from thence to avoid it. He buried two friends, two children, and a servant, of that distemper, during the progress of which he and his wife attended each other, and he himself was forced to bury the dead in his own garden. Towards the latter end of the year 1666, he removed to Asliby de la Zouch, and was chosen in 1668 to be sole school-master of the free-school there, the revenue of which he procured to be increased for himself and his successors, and by his interest with the gentlemen in the neighbourhood, was enabled to re-build the school and school-house: he also obtained a licence from archbishop Sheldon to teach school in any part of his province; and Dr. Fuller, bishop of Lincoln, in whose diocese the school was situated, granted him the same upon such terms as to subscription as Mr. Shaw chose. This school, his piety, learning, and temper, soon raised into such reputation, that the number of his scholars increased in so great a degree, that he had often 160 boys or more under his care. Many of these afterwards became distinguished characters in the three professions of law, physic, and divinity.
He died Jan. 22, 1696, in the 59th year of his age, | leaving behind him the character of an upright, modest, sensible, aud moderate man, an ornament to his profession, and a benefactor to his country. Besides bishop Fuller abovementioned, who said that he was glad to have so worthy a man in his diocese upon any terms, he appears to have been highly respected by Dr. Barlow, the subsequent bishop of Lincoln, and lived likewise on friendly terms with the vicar of Ashby de la Zouch. When toleration was granted to the dissenters, he licensed his school for a place of worship, but contrived that the meetings should be between church, hours, and attended the church at the usual periods with his whole school and many of his congregation. He wrote several religious tracts, particularly “Immanuel;” “The True Christian 1 s Test,” “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, &c;” and a Latin grammar, and an epitome of the same; with, what may seem very odd in one of his character, two comedies, 'the one called “Words made visible, or Grammar and Rhetoric,” 1679, 8vo the other, “The different Humours of Men,” 1692, 12mo, which were acted by his scholars for their amusement before the neighbours at Christmas. 1