Simpson, Edward

, a learned English divine, the son of Edward Simpson, rector of Tottenham, was born tli ere in May 1573. His father taught him the rudiments of Latin, and when he had attained the age of fourteen, placed him at Westminster school, where he was under the celebrated Camden for four years, at the expiration of which, in 1596, he was elected to Trinity-college, Cambridge. In 1600 he took his degree of A. B. and next year was admitted fellow of his college. In 1603 he was ado

mitted to his master’s degree, and in 1610 to that of bachelor of divinity. In 1611 he went into the family of sir Moyle Finch, knt. of Kent, as chaplain, and remained four years in that station, until the death of his patron, whose funeral sermon he preached. He then returned to the university, and had a church in Cambridge for three years, | and in 1618, by the interest of the viscountess Maidstone, relict of -ir Moyle Finch, he was presented to the rectory of Eastling. He then took his degree of doctor of divinity, and was made prebendary of Coringharn. Being now at his ease, he devoted much of his time to study, and published at Cambridge, his “Mosaiea; sive Chronici historiam Catholicam complectentis, Pars Prima, in qua res antiquissimu} ab orbe condito ad Mosis obitum chronologice digests: continentur,” 1G36, 4t.o. This, although his first, is the least polished of all his works. Afterwards he undertook his “Chronicon Catholicum ab exordio mundi,” but did not live to publish it. He died in 1651, aged seventy-three, without any apparent disorder, his departure more resembling the quietness of falling asleep. He is represented as a man of an erect and comely appearance, and of a healthful, though not robust constitution. He was twice married.

His “Chronicon, &c.” was published at Oxford in 1652, with a Latin life prefixed, and was reprinted by the eminent critic Peter Wesseling. Dr. Reynolds, afterwards bishop of Norwich, in his license for the press, speaks of it as “egregtum et absolutissimum opus, summa industria, omniuenaerui ditione, magno judicio, et multorum annoru’n vigiliis productum.” His other works were, 1 “Positive divinity in three parts, containing an exposition of the Creed, Lord’s Prayer, an. 1 decalogue, &c.” 2. “The knowledge of Christ, in two Treatises.” 3. “A Treatise concerning God’s Providence in regard of Evil or Sin.” 4. “The Doctrine of Regeneration, delivered in a Sermon on John iii. 6,” and defended in a “Declaration.” 5. “Tractatus de Justificatione.” 6. “Notce selectiores in Horatium.” 7. “Prselectiones in Ptrsii Satyras.” 8. “Anglicanae linguae vocabuiarium Etymologicum.” 9. “Sanctas linguce soboles.” 10. “Dii gentium, sive nominurn, quibus deos suos Ethnic! appellabant explicatio.1


Life as above.—Cole’s ms Athenæ in Brit. Mus.—Lloyd’s Memoirs, fol.— Plume’s Life of Hacket, p. vi.