
, an ecclesiastical historian, who flourished about the middle of the fifth century, was born at Constantinople, in the reign of Theodosius. He studied grammar under Helladius and Ammonius, who, having fled from Alexandria to Constantinople, had opened a school there; and, after he had finished his studies, for some time professed the law, and pleaded at the bar, whence he obtained the name of Scholasticus. In the decline of life he undertook to write the history of the church, beginning from 309, where Eusebius ends, and continued it down to 440, in seven books. This history is written, as Valesins his editor observes, with much judgment and exactness. His veracity may be presumed from his industry in consulting the original records, acts of council, bishops’ letters, and | the writings of his contemporaries, of which he often gives extracts. He is also careful in setting down the succession of bishops, and the years in which every thing was transacted; and describes them by consuls and olympiads. His judgment appears in his reflections and observations, which are rational and impartial. He has been accused of being a Novatian; and it cannot be denied that he speaks well of that sect: yet, as Valesius has proved, he was not one of them, but adhered to the church, while he represents them as separated from it. What he says of these Novatians is only a proof of his candour and generous peaceable temper. His style is plain and easy; and has nothing in it of declamation, which he treats with contempt. His history has been translated into Latin, and published in Greek and Latin by Valesius, together with Eusebius and the other ecclesiastical historians; and republished, with additional notes by Reading, at London, 1720, 3 vols, folio. There is also an English edition printed at Cambridge, 1683, fol. 1


Cave, vol I.—Valesius’s edition.—Fabric. Bibl. Græc.—Blount’s Censura. —Saxii Onomast.