Sorbait, Paul
, a good medical writer, a native of Hainaut, was physician to the imperial court, and professor of medicine at Vienna for twenty-four years. He died in 1691, at an advanced age. He has left, 1. “Commentaries on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates,” in Latin, 1680, 4to. 2. “Medicina universalis, theoretica et practica,” 1701, fol. Though this work has been much esteemed, as solid and useful, it contains some things which at present appear rather strange. 3. “Consilium medicutn, sive dialogus loimicus, de peste Viennensi,” 1679, 12mo. He says here, that the plague of that year carried off 76,921 persons. 4. Several discourses in a periodical paper entitled “Ephemerides of the Curious in Nature.” 2