, an eminent dissenting minister in Ireland, was born Oct. 19, 1680: his father was a dissenting minister in Colraine, his mother a Walkiushaw of
, an eminent dissenting minister in Ireland, was born Oct. 19, 1680: his father was a dissenting minister in Colraine, his mother a Walkiushaw of Renfrewshire, in Scotland. In 1689 he was separated from his parents; his father having been employed by the Presbyterian clergy to solicit some public affairs in London, at a time when his mother, to avoid the tumult of the insurrections in Ireland, withdrew to Derry. He was at this time with a relation, who in that general confusion determined to remove to Scotland; and having no opportunity of conveying the child to his mother, carried him along with him. Thus he happily escaped the hardships of the siege of Derry, in which Mrs. Abernethy lost all her other children. Having spent some years at a grammar-school, he was removed to Glasgow college, where he continued till he took the degree of M. A. His own inclination led him to the study of physic, but he was dissuaded from it by his friends, and turned to that of divinity; in pursuance of which he went to Edinburgh, and was some time under the care of the celebrated professor Campbell. At his return home, he proceeded in his studies with such success, that he. was licensed to preach by the presbytery before he was 21 years of age. In 1708, having a call by the dissenting congregation at Antrim, he was ordained. His congregation was large, and he applied himself to the pastoral work with great diligence. His preaching was much admired; and, as his heart was set upon the acquisition of knowledge, he was very industrious in reading. In 1716, he attempted to remove the prejudices of the native Irish in the neighbourhood of Antrim, who were of the Popish persuasion, and bring them over to the Protestant faith. His labours were not without success, for several were induced to renounce their errors. About the time the Bangorian controversy was on foot in England, encouraged by the freedom of discussion which it had occasioned, a considerable number of ministers and others, in the North of Ireland, formed themselves into a society for their improvement in useful knowledge. Their plan was to bring things to the test of reason and scripture, without having a servile regard to any human authority. Abernethy pursued this design with much zeal, and constantly attended their meetings at Belfast, whence it was called the Belfast society. Debates, however, soon grew warm, and dissensions high among them, on the subject of requiring subscription to the Westminster confession. This controversy, on the negative side of which Abernethy was one of the principal leaders, was brought into the general synod, and ended in a rupture in 1726. The synod determined, that those ministers, who at the time of this rupture, and for some years before, were known by the name of non-subscribers, should be no longer of their body: the consequence of which was, that the ministers of this denomination found everywhere great difficulties arising from jealousies spread among their people. The reputation which Abernethy had acquired began now to decay, and some of his people forsook his ministry, and went to other congregations: and in a short time the number of the scrupulous and dissatisfied so increased, that they were by the synod erected into a distinct congregation, and provided with a minister. There happened about this time a vacancy in the congregation of Wood-street, in Dublin: to this Abernethy had an invitation, which he accepted. When he came to Dublin, he applied himself to study and to the composing of sermons with as great industry as ever. He wrote all his sermons at full length, and constantly made use of his notes in the pulpit. Here he continued his labours for ten years with much reputation: and while his friends, from the strength of his constitution and his perfect temperance, promised themselves a longer enjoyment of him, he was attacked by the gout, to which he had been subject, in a vital part, and died, Dec. 1740, in the 60th year of his age.
a private academy. At the age of eighteen be went to Edinburgh to qualify himself for the office of a dissenting minister, and obtained some assistance from the fund
, an English poet and physician, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721. His father was a reputable butcher of that place. Of this circumstance, which he is said to have concealed from his friends, he had a perpetual remembrance in a halt in his gait, occasioned by the falling of a cleaver from his father’s stall. He received the first rudiments of his education at the grammar-school of Newcastle, and was afterwards placed under the tuition of Mr. Wilson, who kept a private academy. At the age of eighteen be went to Edinburgh to qualify himself for the office of a dissenting minister, and obtained some assistance from the fund of the dissenters, which is established for such purposes. Having, however, relinquished his original intention, he resolved to study physic, and honourably repaid that contribution, which, being intended for the promotion of the ministry, he could not conscientiously retain.
, a dissenting minister of considerable note, was the son of a grocer
, a dissenting minister of considerable note, was the son of a grocer at Taunton in Somersetshire, where he was born Jan. 28, 1701; and at that place acquired his classical learning, under the care of Mr. Chadwick. From Taunton he was removed to Exeter, that he might be instructed in the French language by Mr. Majendie, a refugee minister in that city. After this, he returned to Mr. Chadwick, where he had for his schoolfellow Mr. Micaiah Towgood; and at Lady-day 1717, they were both put under the academical instruction of Mr. Stephen James and Mr. Henry Grove, the joint tutors at Taunton for bringing up young persons to the dissenting ministry. Under these preceptors, Mr. Amory went through the usual preparatory learning; and in the summer of 1722 was approved of as a candidate for the ministry . Being desirous of improvement, he removed, in the November following, to London, and attended a course of experimental philosophy, under Mr. John Eatnes. Upon his return to Taunton, he preached alternately at several places in the neighbourhood; till, upon Mr. James’s death in 1724. or 1725, Mr. Amory was fixed as a stated assistant preacher to Mr. Datch of Hull Bishops; besides which, he had one monthly turn at Lambrook near South Petherton, and another at West Hatch, four miles from Taunton. At the same time, he was requested by his uncle, Mr. Grove, to take a part in the instruction of the pupils, in the room of Mr. James, with which request he complied. The business assigned him he discharged with great ability and diligence; being well qualified for it by his profound acquaintance with the Greek and Roman languages, his correct taste in the classics, and by his thorough knowledge of the best and latest improvements in sound philosophy. In 1730, he was ordained at Paul’s meeting in Tuutiton, and from this time was united, in the congregation at Taunton, with Mr. Batsen; but that gentleman ‘keeping the whole salary to himself, several of the ’principal persons in the society were so displeased with him, that, early in the spring of 1732, they agreed to build another meetinghouse, and to choose Mr. Amory for their pastor. In the beginning of 1738, on the deatli of Mr. Grove, he became chief tutor in the academy at Taunton, and conducted the business of it with the same abilities, and upon the same principles. He had the advantage of the lectures and experience of his excellent uncle, added to his own: and many pupils were formed under him, of great worth and distinguished improvements in literature. In 1741, he married a daughter of Mr. Baker, a dissenting minister in Southwark; an excellent lady, who survived him, and with whom he lived in the greatest affection and harmony. By this lady he had several children, four of whom survived him. During his residence in Taunton he was held in the greatest esteem, not only by his own society, but by all the neighbouring congregations and ministers; and even those who differed the most from him in religious opinions, could not avoid paying a tribtfte of respect to the integrity and excellence of his character. He was much respected, likewise, by the gentlemen and clergy of the established church, and was particularly honoured, when, very young, with the friendship of Mrs. Howe, with whom he kept up a correspondence by letters. One instance of the respect entertained for mm, and of his own liberal and honourable conduct, cannot be omitted. When some of the principal persons of the Baptist society in Taunton, owing to the disgust they had received at their then pastor, would have deserted him, and communicated to Mr. Amory their intention of becoming his stated hearers, he generously dissuaded them from the execution of their design, as a step which would prove highly injurious to the reputation, members, and interest of the congregation they intended to leave. Mr. Amory was so happy with his people at Taunton, and so generally respected and beloved both in the town and the neighbourhood, that, perhaps, it may be deemed strange that he should be induced to quit his situation. This, however, he did, in October 1759, at which time he removed to London, to be afternoon preacher to the society in the Old Jewry, belonging to Dr. Samuel Chandler. But the grand motive, besides the hope of more extensive usefulness, seems to have been, that he might advantageously dispose of his children, in which respect he succeeded. It must, indeed, be acknowledged, that be did not, in the metropolis, meet with all that popularity, as a preacher, to which he was entitled by his reaj merit. His delivery was clear and distinct, and his discourses excellent; but his voice was not powerful enough to rouse the bulk of mankind, who are struck with noise and parade: and his sermons, though practical, serious, and affecting to the attentive hearer, were rather too philosophical for the common run of congregations. But Mr. Amory enjoyed a general respect; and he received every mark of distinction which is usually paid, in London, to the most eminent ministers of the presbyterian denomination. In 1767, he was chosen one of the trustees to the charities of Dr. Daniel Williams. In 1768, the university of Edinburgh conferred upon him the degree of D. D. and in the same year he was elected one of the six Tuesday lecturers at Sailer’s Hall. It ought to have been mentioned, that previous to these last events, he was chosen, at the death of Dr. Chandler, in 1766, a pastor of the society at the Old Jewry; in which situation he continued till his decease. In 1770, he became movning-preacher at Newington Green, an,d cqlleague with the rev. Dr. Richard Price. When the dissenting ministers, in 1772, formed a design of endeavouring to procure an enlargement of the toleration act, Dr. Amory was one of the committee appointed for that purpose; and none could be more zealous for the prosecution of the scheme, Dr. Amory had the felicity of being able to continue his public services nearly to the last. June 16th, 1774, he was seized with a sudden disorder which left him nearly in a state of insensibility till his death, which happened on the 24th of that month, and in the 74th year of his age. He was interred in Bunhill Fields, on the 5th of July; and his funeral was attended by a respectable number of ministers and gentlemen. The discourse, on the occasion of his death, was preached in the Old Jewry, on the 10th of the same month, by the rev. Dr. Roger Flexman of Rotherhithe, who had been connected with him in an intimate friendship for more than 40 years; which friendship, Dr. Flexman assures us, had never once been interrupted bjr distaste, or darkened with a frown.
, LL.D. a dissenting minister at Pershore, in Worcestershire, of whom
, LL.D. a dissenting minister at Pershore,
in Worcestershire, of whom we have not been able to recover any particulars, was the author of some useful works.
The first was “The easiest introduction to Dr. Lowth’s
English Grammar,
” 12mo, A new
and complete Dictionary of the English Language,
” 2 vols.
8vo, 1775, the plan bf which was extensive beyond any
thing of the kind ever attempted, and perhaps embraced
much more than was necessary or useful. It is valuable,
however, as containing a very large proportion of obsolete
words, and such provincial or cant words as have crept
into general use. In 1777, he published “Sentiments
on Education, collected from the best writers, properly
methodized, and interspersed with occasional observations,
” 2 vols. 12mo. In this there are few original remarks, but those few shew an acquaintance with the best
principles of virtuous and useful education, in which, we
have been informed, the author employed some part of
his time. Dr. Ash died in the 55th year of his age at
Pershore, March 1779.
, a dissenting minister, was born in Northamptonshire 1709, and
, a dissenting minister, was born
in Northamptonshire 1709, and served an apprenticeship
to a carpenter but having a taste for learning, he was
entered a student in the academy kept by Dr. Doddridge,
where he made great proficiency in all sorts of useful knowledge. He was afterwards ordained minister of a dissenting congregation at Daventry; and became master of the
academy kept by the excellent Dr. Doddridge, by the doctor’s express desire in his will. He died much respected at
Daventry, 1774, aged sixty-five. His principles are said
to have been those of moderate Calvinism. He published
three “Funeral Sermons,
” on the deaths of Dr. Watts,
Mr. Floyd, and Mr. Clark a “Collection of Tunes and
” a “Hebrew Grammar;
” and an “Introduction to Plane Trigonometry.
nction and after receiving the first rudiments of his education under his maternal uncle, Mr. Blake, a dissenting minister at South Moulton, he was sent to the dissenting
, an English divine, and critical and polemical writer of considerable eminence, was the son of a butcher at South Moulton, in Devonshire, where he was born, Feb. 23, 1747. His relations and friends being dissenters, he was designed by them for the ministerial function and after receiving the first rudiments of his education under his maternal uncle, Mr. Blake, a dissenting minister at South Moulton, he was sent to the dissenting academy at St. Mary Ottery, in the same county. The doctrines taught in this academy were those of the old Nonconformists or Puritans, and for a considerable time, Mr. Badcock adhered to them with sincerity. His proficiency in other respects was such, in the opinion of his tutors, that at the age of nineteen, he received a call to be the pastor of a dissenting congregation at Winborne in Dorsetshire, from which he was invited to the same office, soon after, at Barnstaple in Devonshire where his’ income was more considerable, and which place was more agreeable to him as it was but a few miles from his native town. The date of his removal here is said to be in 1769, and he continued to be the pastor of this congregation for nine or ten years.
asserted by our author to be rectitude, while Mr. Grove contended that it is wisdom, and Mr. Bayes, a dissenting minister of Tunbridge, that it is benevolence. The
, an eminent divine of the church of
England in the last century, was born on the 12th of August
1686, at Sheffield in Yorkshire. His father, Thomas JBalguy, who died in 1696, was master of the free grammarschool in that place, and from him he received the first
rudiments of his grammatical education. After his father’s
death he was put under the instruction of Mr. Daubuz,
author of a commentary on the Revelations, who succeeded
to the mastership of the same school, Sept. 23, 1696, for
whom he always professed a great respect. In 1702 he
was admitted of St. John’s college, Cambridge, under the
care of Dr. Edmondson and of Dr. Lambert, afterwards
master of that college. He frequent^ lamented, in the
succeeding part of his life, that he had wasted nearly two
years of his residence there in reading romances. But, at
the end of that tinie happening to meet with Livy, he went
through him with great delight, and afterwards applied himself to serious studies. In 1705-6, he was admitted to the
degree of B. A. and to that of M. A. in 1726. Soon after
he had taken his bachelor’s degree, he quitted the university, and was engaged, for a while, in teaching the free
school at Sheffield, but whether he was chosen master, oxonly employed during a vacancy, does not appear. On
the 15th of July 1708, he was taken into the family of Mr.
Banks, as private tutor to his son, Joseph Banks, esq. air
terwards of Reresby in the county of Lincoln, and
grandfather of the present sir Joseph Banks, K. B. so eminently
distinguished for his skill in natural history, and the expences, labours, and voyages, he has undergone to promote
that part of science. Mr. Balguy, in 1710, was admitted to deacon’s orders, and in 1711 to priest’s by Dr. Sharp,
archbishop of York. By Mr. Banks’ s means, he was introduced to the acquaintance of Mr. Bright of Badsworth, in
the county of York, and was by him recommended to his
father, sir Henry Liddel, of llavensworth castle, who in
1711 took Mr. Balguy into his family, and bestowed upon
him the donative of Lamesly and Tanfield in that county.
For the first four years after he had obtained thissmall preferment, he did not intermit one week without composing
a new sermon and desfrous that so excellent an example
should be followed by his son, he destroyed almost his
whole stock, and committed, at one time, two hundred and
fifty to the flames. In July 1715, he married Sarah,
daughter of Christopher and Sarah Broomhead of Sheffield. She was born in 1686, and by her he had only a
son, the late Dr. Thomas Balguy, archdeacon of Winchester. After his marriage he left sir Henry Liddel' s family,
and lived at a house not far distant, called Cox close, where
he enjoyed, for many years, the friendship of George
Liddel, esq. member for Berwick-upon-Tweed, a younger
son of sir Henry, who usually resided at Raven sworth
castle. The first occasion of Mr. Balguy’s appearance as
an author, was afforded by the Bangorian controversy. In
1718 he published, without his name, “Silvius’s examination of certain doctrines lately taught and defended by the.
llev. Mr. Stebbing;
” and, in the following year, “Silvius’s
letter to the Rev. Dr, Sherlock.
” Both of these performances were written in vindication of bishop Hoadly. Mr.
Stehbing having written against these pamphlets, Mr. Balguy, in 1720, again appeared from the press, in the cause
of the-bishop, in a tract entitled “Silvius’s defence of a
dialogue between a Papist and a Protestant, in answer to
the Rev. Mr. Stebbing; to which are added several remarks
and observations upon that author’s manner of writing.
This also being answered by Mr. Stebbing, Mr. Balguy
had prepared a farther defence but Dr. Hoadly prevailed
Upon him to suppress it, on account of the public’s having
grown weary of the controversy, and the unwillingness of
the booksellers to venture upon any new works relating to
it, at their own risk, For a different reason the bishop
persuaded him, though with difficulty, to abstain from printing
another piece which he had written, called “A letter to
Dr. Clarke/' of whom, through his whole life, he was a great
admirer. In 1726 he published
” A letter to a deist cocerning the beauty and excellence of Moral Virtue, and the
support and improvement which it receives from the Christian revelation.“In this treatise he has attacked, with the
greatest politeness, and with equal strength of reason, some
of the principles advanced by lord Shaftesbury, in his
” Inquiry concerning Virtue.“On the 25th of January,
1727-8, Mr. Balguy was collated, by bishop Hoadly, to a
prebend in the church of Salisbury, among the advantages
of which preferment was the right of presenting to four
livings, and of presenting alternately to two others. The
best of them did not fall in his life-time. But two
small livings were disposed of by him one to the Rev.
Christopher Robinson, who married his wife’s sister; the
other to his own son. In 1727 or 1728, he preached an
assize sermon at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the subject of
which was party spirit. It was printed by order of the
judges, and either inscribed or dedicated to Dr. Talbot,
bishop of Durham.
” The foundation of Moral Goodness,
or a farther inquiry into the original of our idea of Virtue,“was published by him in 1728, This performance, which
is written in a very masterly and candid manner, was in,
answer to Mr. Hutcheson’s
” Inquiry into the original of
our ideas of Beauty and Virtue“and its design is to shew
that moral goodness does not depend solely upon instincts
and affections, but is grounded on the unalterable reason of
things. Mr. Balguy acquired, about this time, the friendship of Dr. Talbot, bishop of Durham, for which he was
chiefly indebted to Dr. llundle, afterwards bishop of Derry
though something, perhaps, might be due to his acquaintance with Dr. Benson, Dr. Seeker, and Dr. Butler. Through
the assistance of his friends in the chapter of Durham, supported by the good offices of bishop Talbot, he obtained,
on the 12th of August 1729, the vicarage of North-AJlerton in Yorkshire, at that time worth only 270l. a year, on
which preferment he continued to his death. This was, in
some measure, his own fault, for he neglected all the usual
methods of recommending himself to his superiors. He had
many invitations from Dr. Blackburne, archbishop of York,
and Dr. Chandler, bishop of Durham but he constantly
refused to accept of them. In the same year he published
”The second part of the foundation of Moral Goodness
illustrating and enforcing the principles and reasonings
contained in the former being an answer to certain remarks communicated by a gentleman to the author.“The
writer of these remarks was lord Darcy. His next publication was
” Divine Rectitude or, a brief inquiry concerning the Moral Perfections of the Deity, particularly in
respect of Creation and Providence.“A question then
much agitated was, concerning the first spring of action in
the Deity. This is asserted by our author to be rectitude,
while Mr. Grove contended that it is wisdom, and Mr.
Bayes, a dissenting minister of Tunbridge, that it is benevolence. The difference between Mr. Grove and Mr. Balguy was chiefly verbal but they both differed materially
from Mr. Bayes, as they supposed that God might have
ends in view, distinct from, and sometimes interfering with
the happiness of his creatures. The essay on divine rectitude was followed by
” A second letter to a deist, concerning a late book, entitled ‘ Christianity as old as the Creation,’ more particularly that chapter which relates to Dr.
Clarke.“To this succeeded
” The law of Truth, or the
obligations of reason essential to all religion to which are
prefixed some remarks supplemental to a late tract entitled
“Divine Rectitude.
” All the treatises that have been
mentioned (excepting the assize sermon, and the pieces which were written in the Bangorian controversy) were
collected, after having gone through several separate editions, by Mr. Balguy, into one volume, and published
with a dedication to bishop Hoadly. This dedication was
reprinted in the late edition of the works of that prelate,
together with two letters of the bishop relating to it, one to
Mr. Balguy, and the other to lady Sundon. The greatest
regard for our author is expressed by Dr. Hoadly in both
these letters, and he acknowledges the pleasure it gave him
to receive the sincere praises of a man whom he so highly
esteemed. In 1741 appeared Mr. Balguy’s “Essay on
” in which he explains the doctrine of the
atonement in a manner similar to that of Dr. Taylor of
Norwich, but Hoadly was of opinion he had not succeeded.
This, and his volume of sermons, iittluding six which had
been published before, were the last pieces committed by
him to the press . A posthumous volume was afterwards
printed, which contained almost the whole of the sermons
he left behind him. Mr, Balguy may justly he reckoned
among the divines and writers who rank with Clarke and
Hoadly, in maintaining what they term the cause of rational
religion and Christian liberty. His tracts will be allowed
to be masterly in their kind, by those who may not entireJy
agree with the philosophical principles advanced in them
and his sermons have long been held in esteem, as some of
the best in the English language. He was remarkable for
his moderation to dissenters of every denomination, not excepting even Roman Catholics, though no man had a
greater abhorrence of popery. Among the Presbyterians
and Quakers he had a number of friends, whom he loved
and valued, and with several of them he kept up a correspondence of letters as well as visits. Among other dissenters of note, he was acquainted with the late lord Barrington, and Philips Glover, esq. of Lincolnshire, author of
an “Inquiry concerning Virtue and Happiness,
” published
after his decease in From two letters of bishop Hoadly to
Mr. Balguy, it appears that both the bishop and Dr. Clarke
were exceedingly fearful of any thing’s being published
which might be prejudicial to the doctor’s interest so that
he could not then (1720) have come to the resolution
which he afterwards formed, of declining farther preferment, rather than repeat his subscription to the thirty-nine
articles. The solicitude of Dr. Hoadly and Dr. Clarke to
prevent Mr. Balguy’s intended publication, was the more
remarkable, as it did not relate to the Trinity, or to any
obnoxious point in theology; but to the natural immortality
of the soul, and such philosophical questions as might have
been deemed of an innocent and indifferent nature.
arge delivered to the Clergy” of his archdeaconry, which produced a reply from the rev. John Palmer, a dissenting minister, dated Macclesfield. In 1775, Dr. Balguy
In 1769, he published “A Sermon preached in Lamv
foeth chapel, Feb. 12, 1769, at the consecration of the
right rev. Dr. Shute Barrington, bishop of Llandaff.
” This
was attempted to be answered by Dr. Priestley in a vague
and unargumentative pamphlet, entitled “Observations on
Church Authority.
” In A
charge delivered to the Clergy
” of his archdeaconry, which
produced a reply from the rev. John Palmer, a dissenting
minister, dated Macclesfield. In 1775, Dr. Balguy published “A sermon on the respective Duties of Ministers
and People, at the consecration of the right rev. Richard
Hurd, D. D. bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, and the
right rev. John Moore, D.D. bishop of Bangor,
” Feb. 12.
4to, which produced “Remarks on Dr. Balguy’s Sermon,
in a letter to that gentleman, by one of the petitioning
” In Divine Benevolence asserted, and vindicated from the
reflections of ancient and modern sceptics,
” 8vo, which is
thought by far the ablest of his performances, but was only
part of a larger dissertation on natural religion, which he
did not live to complete. In 1785, he republished his
father’s “Essay on Redempton,
” with a preface seemingly
intended to bring his father’s sentiments nearer to the orthodox belief. A collection of his sermons and charges
appeared the same year under the title of “Discourses on
various subjects,
” 8vo. He died Jan. 19, 1795, in his
seventy-ninth year, at his prebendal house at Winchester,
and was buried in the cathedral, with an inscription giving
him the character of a sincere and exemplary Christian, a
sound and accurate scholar, a strenuous and able defender
of the Christian religion, and of the church of England.
, a dissenting minister, but most noted for his zeal as a political
, a dissenting minister, but most
noted for his zeal as a political writer, was born at Leeds
in Yorkshire, and educated at the university of Glasgow,
which he quitted in 1740, with very honourable testimonies to his learning and personal character, from the
celebrated Hutchinson, and the mathematical professor
Simpson. Where he passed his time after this, we know
not; but in 1753, he was ordained pastor of the dissenting
meeting at Pinners’ hall, Broad-street, London, a congregation, if we are not mistaken, of the Baptist persuasion.
What he was as a divine, is not very clear, but tho whole
bent of his studies was to defend and advance civil and religious liberty. This zeal led the famous Thomas Hollis,
csq. to engage his assistance in editing some of the authors
in the cause of freedom, whose works he wished to reprint
with accuracy, and in an elegant form. Toland’s Life of
Milton, Milton’s Iconoclastes, and afterwards an Edition
of Milton’s prose works, were prepared and corrected by
Mr. Baron. For this task he was well qualified, being an
industrious collector of books on the subject of constitutional liberty, several of which he communicated to Mr.
Hollis, with ms notes, or memorandums of his own in
the blank pages, in which, we are told, he was not always
in the right. Still he was indefatigable in searching for
what he reckoned scarce and valuable liberty-tracts, many
of which Mr. Hollis bought of him while he lived, and
others he bought at the sale of his books after his death.
Mr. Baron, we are likewise told, “only breathed, he did
not live, in his own estimation, but whilst he was in someway or other lending his assistance to the glorious cause
of religious and civil liberty. He wrote, he published, and
republished perpetually in its defence. His character was
one of the most artless and undisguised in the world. He
was a man of real and great learning of fixed and steady
integrity and a tender and sympathizing heart.
” Yet
with such a heart, we are told, not very consistently, that
had he been mindful of his domestic concerns, he might
have left a competency behind for his wife and family, but
his whole soul was engaged in the cause, and he neglected
every other concern. For this absurd and unjust train of
feeling, we are referred to the natural impetuosity of his
temper, and his eccentricities, which indicated occasional
derangements of mind. With many virtues, it is added,
and a few faults, which must have been of a peculiar kind,
since “they only wanted the elevation of a higher station
and a better fate to have assumed the form of virtues,
Mr. Baron passed the greatest part of his life in penurious
circumstances, which neither abated the generous ardour,
or overcame the laudable independency of iiis spirit. These
virtues, “with their blessed effects,
” were all he left behind him, for the consolation and support of a widow and
three children. He died at his house at Blackheath, Feb.
22, 1768. His principal publication was a collection of
what he called liberty-tracts, first published in 2 vols. 1752,
under the title of “The pillars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy shaken.
” In who has
been made a sacrifice to proud bigots, religious rogues,
and psalm-singing hypocrites:
” and flatters himself that
his subscribers will “enable him to express his utter contempt, and everlasting abhorrence of them all.
” To this
meek wish, he adds an assurance that the *' names of the
subscribers shall not be printed." This edition appeared
after his death, and was published for the benefit of his
family, along with a-new edition of Milton’s Eikonoclastes,
and his manuscript sermons and papers.
, a dissenting minister of considerable note in the beginning of
, a dissenting minister of considerable note in the beginning of the last century, was born
at Temple-hall, in the hamlet of Whellesburgh in Leicestershire, in 1674; and educated, it is believed, at the
neighbouring free-school of Market Bosworth. After going
through a course of theological studies, he was first settled
as a preacher at a meeting-house, erected in 1710, on
Temple Farm, the place of his nativity, from which he was
called to succeed Dr. Gilpin at Newcastle upon Tyne, where
he continued until his death, Sept. 1, 1726, exercising his
ministerial functions with success and popularity, and acquiring a high character among hi* brethren for his talents
and piety. He wrote several books, 1. “A memorial of the
” A Defence
” of the same, Discourses on Popery,
Irenicum, or a review of some late controversies about the Trinity, &c.
” like many other good men,
he was not aware of the pernicious effects of Arianism, and
entertained a more favourable idea of the sentiments of some
of the dissenting ministers than they deserved. The general
principles of the book are good, but not suitably applied.
5. “Sermons on the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.
But his most popular work, and which has gone through
many editions, is his “Christian Oratory,
” which the biographer just quoted calls the “Dissenters’ Whole Duty of
” Job Orton, a very emiitent divine among the dissenters, appears by one of his letters, to have read this
book at least ten times.
The life of bishop Beveridge, prefixed to the folio edition of his works, was written by Mr. Kimber, a dissenting minister of the Baptist persuasion, in London.
, a learned divine in the seventeenth century, and bishop of St. Asaph, was born at
Barrow in Leicestershire (where his grandfather, father, and brother, were vicars) in 1636-7. On the 24th of May,
1653, he was admitted of St. John’s college, Cambridge,
and took his degrees of bachelor of arts in 1656, master of arts in 1660, and of doctor of divinity in 1679.
At his coming to the university, he closely applied himself to the study of the learned languages and, by
his great diligence and application, soon became so well
skilled, particularly in all Oriental learning, that when
he was not above eighteen years of age, he wrote a
treatise of the excellency and use of the Oriental tongues,
especially the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, and
Samaritan, with a Syriac Grammar, in three books; which
he published when he was about twenty years of age.
He also distinguished himself, at the same time, by his
early piety and seriousness of mind, and by his exemplary sobriety and integrity of life, all which procured
him great esteem and veneration. January 3, 1660-1,
he was ordained deacon in the church of St. Botolph,
Aldersgate, by Robert, bishop of Lincoln and priest, in
the same place, the 31st of that month. About this time,
Dr. Sheldon, bishop of London, collated him to the vicarage of Ealing in Middlesex. On the 22d of November,
1672, he was chosen, by the lord-mayor and aldermen of
London, rector of St. Peter’s, Cornhill, London, and then
he resigned the vicarage of Ealing. He now applied himself, with the utmost labour and zeal, to the discharge of
his ministry, and so instructive was he in his discourses
from the pulpit, so warm and affectionate in his private
exhortations, so regular and uniform in the public worship of the church, and in every part of his pastoral function, and so remarkably were his labours crowned with
success, that as he himself was justly styled “the great
reviver and restorer of primitive piety,
” so his parish was
deservedly proposed, as the best model and pattern, for
the rest of its neighbours to copy after. His singular merit having recommended him to the favour of his diocesan,
bishop Henchman, he was collated by him, on the 22d of
December, 1674, to the prebend of Chiswick, in the cathedral of St. Paul’s, London and, by his successor bishop Compton, he was also, on the 3d of November, 1681,
collated to the archdeaconry of Colchester. In this dignity
he behaved, as he had done before in every station of life,
In a most regular, watchful, and exemplary manner and
not satisfied with the false, or at least imperfect, reports
given in by church-wardens at visitations, he visited everjr
parish within his archdeaconry in person. November the
5th, 1684, he was installed prebendary of Canterbury, and
became also chaplain to king William and queen Mary.
In 1691, he was offered, but refused the see of Bath and
Wells, then vacant by the deprivation of Dr. Thomas Kenn,
for not taking the oaths to king William and queen Mary.
liut though he refused that see, because, probably, being
a man of a tender conscience, he would not eat Dr. Kenn’s
tread, adtording to the language of those times, he afterwards accepted of that of St. Asaph, vacant by the translation of Dr. George Hooper to Bath and Wells, and was
consecrated July 16, 1704. Being placed in this eminent
station, his care and diligence increased in proportion as
his power in the church was enlarged and now when his
authority was extended to larger districts, he still pursued
the same pious and laborious methods of advancing the
honour and interest of religion, by watching over both
clergy and laity, and giving them all necessary direction
and assistance, for the effectual performance of their respective duties. Accoruingly, he was no sooner advanced
to the episcopal chair, but in a pathetic letter to the clergy
of his diocese, he recommended to them the “duty of
catechising and instructing the people committed to their
charge, in the principles of the Christian religion to the
end they might know what they were to believe and do
in order to salvation
” and told them, “he thought it necessary to begin with that, without which, whatever else
he or they should do, would turn to little or no account,
as to the main end of the ministry.
” And to enable them
to do this the more effectually, he sent them a plain and
easy “Exposition upon the Church Catechism.
” This
good man did not enjoy his episcopal dignity above three
years seven months and twenty days for he died at his
lodgings in the cloisters in Westminster- abbey, March
5, 1707-8, in the seventy-first year of his age, and was
buried in St. Paul’s cathedral. He left the greatest part of
liis estate to the societies for propagating the gospel, and
promoting Christian knowledge. To the curacy of MountSorrel in particular, and vicarage of Barrow in the county
of Leicester, in a thankful remembrance of God’s mercies
vouchsafed to him thereabouts, he bequeathed twenty
pounds a year for ever, on condition that prayers be read
morning and evening every day, according to the Liturgy
of the church of England, in the chapel, and parish church
aforesaid; with the sum of forty shillings yearly, to be divided equally upon Christmas-eve, among- eight poor housekeepers of Barrow, as the minister and churchwardens
should agree, regard being had especially to those who
had been most constantly at prayers, and at the sacrament
of the Lord’s Supper, the foregoing year. And if it should
so happen, that the Common- Prayer could not be read in
the church or chapel aforesaid, his will then was, that what
should have been given in either place for that, be in each
place allowed to one chosen by the vk-ar of Barrow to teach
school, and instruct the youth in the principles of the
Christian religion, according to the doctrine of the church
of England. His works were many, and full of great variety of learning. Those published by himself were a?
follows: 1. “De Linguarum Orientalium, praesertim HeIpraicce, Chaldaica?, Syriacae, Arabicae, et Samaritans, praestantia et usu,
” &c. mentioned above. Loud. Institutionum Chronologicarum libri duo, una cum totidem Arithmetices Chronoiogicae libellis,
” Loud. Swvo'&Kov, sive Pandectse Canonum Ss. Apostolorum, et Conciliorum ab Ecclesia Graeca receptoium
necnon Canonicarum Ss. Patrum Epistolarum una cum
Scholiis antiquorum singulis eorurn annexis, et scriptis
aliis hue spectantibus quorum plurima e Bibliothecae Bodleianae aliarumque Mss. Codicibus nunc primum edita
reliqua cum iisdem Mss. summa fide et diligentia collata,
Oxonii, 1672, 2 vols. fol. 4. “Codex Canonum Ecclesiae
Primitivae vindicatus et illustratus,
” Lond. The Church Catechism explained, for the use of the
diocese of St. Asaph,
” Lond. J Private Thoughts upon Religion, digested into
twelve articles, with practical resolutions formed thereupon.
” Written in his younger years (when he was about twenty-three years old), for the settling of his principles
and conduct of life, Lond. 1709. 2. “Private Thoughts
upon a Christian Life or, necessary directions for its beginning and progress upon earth, in order to its final perfection in the Beatific Vision,
” part II. Lond. 1709. 3.
“The great necessity and advantage of Public Prayer and
frequent Communion. Designed to revive primitive piety
with, meditations, ejaculations, and prayers, before, at,
and after the sacrament,
” Lond. One hundred and fifty Sermons and Discourses on several subjects,
” Lond. 170S, &c. in 12 vols. 8vo, reprinted at London, 17iy, in 2 vols. fol. 5. “Thesaurus Theologians
or, a complete system of Divinity, summed up in brief
notes upon select places of the Old and New Testament;
wherein the sacred text is reduced under proper heads;
explained and illustrated with the opinions and authorities
of the ancient fathers, councils, &c.
” Lond. A defence of the book of Psalms, collected
into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins,
and others with critical Observations on the New Version,
compared with the Old,
” Lond. Exposition of the XXXIX Articles,
” Lond. 1710, 1716, fol.
Bishop Beveridge’s character is in general represented
in a most advantageous light. He was a person of the
strictest integrity, of true and sincere piety, of exemplary charity, and of great zeal for religion, and so
highly esteemed, that when he was dying, one of the
chief of his order deservedly said of him, “There goes
one of the greatest and of the best men that ever England
” He is also celebrated as a man of extensive and
almost universal learning; furnished, to a very eminent
degree, with all useful knowledge; and much to be admired for his readiness in the scriptures, which he had
thoroughly studied, so that he was able to produce suitable
passages from them on all occasions, and happy in explaining them to others. Mr. Nelson says, that he cannot forbear acknowledging the favourable dispensation of Providence to the present age, in blessing it with so many of
those pious discourses, which our truly primitive prelate
delivered from the pulpit; and that he the rather takes
the liberty to call it a favourable dispensation of Providence, because the bishop gave no orders himself that
they should be printed, but humbly neglected them, as
not being composed for the press. But that this circumstance is so far from abating the worth of the sermons,
or diminishing the character of the author, that it raises
the excellency of both, because it shews at once the
true nature of a popular discourse which is to improve
the generality of hearers, and for that purpose to speak
to them in a plain and intelligible style.
Dr. Henry Felton says, that our learned and venerable
bishop delivered himself with those ornaments alone,
which his subject suggested to him, and wrote in that
plainness and solemnity of style, that gravity and simplicity, which gave authority to the sacred truths he taught,
and unanswerable evidence to the doctrines he defended.
That there is something so great, primitive, and apostolical, in his writings, that it creates an awe and veneration
in our mind that the importance of his subjects is above
the decoration of words and what is great and majestic in
itself looketh most like itself, the less it is adorned. The
author of one of the Guardians, having made an extract
out of one of the bishop’s sermons, tells us, that it may
for acuteness of judgment, ornament of speech, and true
sublime, compare with any of the choicest writings of the
ancients, who lived nearest to the apostles’ times. But
the author of a pamphlet published in 1711, entitled “A
short view of Dr. Bevericlge’s Writings,
” passes a very different judgment upon bishop Beveridge’s works, in order
to stop, as he says, the mischief they are doing, and that
which the publication of his Articles may do. With regard
to the bishop’s language, he observes, that he delights in
jingle and quibbling; affects a tune and rhyme in all he
says, and rests arguments upon nothing but words and
sounds, &c. &c. But perhaps this animadverter will “by
some be ranked among the persons, of whom Dr. Lupton
gives the following character
” Those who are censorious
enough to reflect with severity upon the pious strains,
which are to be found in bishop Beveridge, &c. may possibly
be good judges of an ode or essay, but do not seem to
criticise justly upon sermons, or express a just value for
spiritual things.“After all, whatever faults may be found
in bishop Beveridge’s posthumous works, must be charged
to the injudiciousness of his executor. He must himself
have been an extraordinary man who, with all the faults
pointed out by the author of
” The short view," could
have conciliated the good opinion and favour of men of all
principles, and the most eminent patrons of the church
and the estimation in which his works continue to be held
to this day, prove how little he was injured by the captious
quibblings of a writer who was determined to find fault
with' that, into the spirit of which he could not enter. The
life of bishop Beveridge, prefixed to the folio edition of
his works, was written by Mr. Kimber, a dissenting minister of the Baptist persuasion, in London.
ist, was himself educated at a dissenting academy kept by Dr. Benion at Shrewsbury, and was ordained a dissenting minister, Dec. 19, 1716. In 1726, he conformed and
, an English divine, probably the
son or grandson of the rev. John Biscoe of New Inn hall,
Oxford, a nonconformist, was himself educated at a dissenting academy kept by Dr. Benion at Shrewsbury, and
was ordained a dissenting minister, Dec. 19, 1716. In
1726, he conformed and received deacon’s and priest’s
orders in the church of England, and in 1727 was presented
to the living of St. Martin Outwich, in the city of London,
which he retained until his death, July 1748. He held
also a prebend of St. Paul’s, and was one of his majesty’s
chaplains in ordinary. He is now chiefly known for a
learned and elaborate work, entitled “The History of the
Acts of the Holy Apostles confirmed from other authors
and considered as full evidence of the truth of Christianity,
with a prefatory discourse upon the nature of that evidence
” being the substance of his sermons preached at
Boyle’s lecture, in 1736, 1737, 1738, and published in
2 vols. 1742, 8vo. Dr. Doddridge frequently refers to it,
as a work of great utility, and as shewing “in the most convincing manner, how incontestably the Acts of the Apostles demonstrates the truth of Christianity.
ciences.” Of Dr. Priestley’s conduct he speaks yet more decidedly in a letter dated Jan. 4, 177O, to a dissenting minister, “I cannot think the dissenters will be
“Mr. Blackburne had his objections to the liturgy and
articles of the church of England, as well as Mr. Lindsey,
and in some instances to the same passages, but differed
widely from him on some particular points, which, he
thought, as stated by Mr. Lindsey and his friends, could
receive no countenance from scripture, unless by a licentiousness of interpretation that could not be justified. But
Dr. Priestley and some of his friends having carried the
obligation to secede from the church of England farther
than Mr. Blackburne thought was either sufficiently candid, charitable, or modest, and had thereby given countenance to the reproach, thrown upon many moderate and
worthy men, by hot and violent conformists, for continuing to minister in the church, while they disapproved many
things in her doctrine and discipline, he thought it expedient, in justice to himself and others of the same sentiments, to give some check to the crude censures that
had been passed upon them. And, accordingly, intending
to publish ' Four Discourses’ delivered to the clergy of
the archdeaconry of Cleveland, in the years 1767, 1769,
1771, and 1773, he took that opportunity to explain himself on this subject in a preface, as well on behalf of the
seceders, as of those whose Christian principles admitted
of their remaining in the church without offering violence
to their consciences.
” Of Dr. Priestley’s conduct he
speaks yet more decidedly in a letter dated Jan. 4, 177O,
to a dissenting minister, “I cannot think the dissenters
will be universally pleased with Dr. Priestley’s account of
their principles, not to mention that some degree of mercy
seemed to be due to us, who have shown our benevolence
to all protestant dissenters, and have occasionally asserted
their rights of conscience with the utmost freedom. But
no, it seems nothing will do but absolute migration from
our present stations, in agreement with our supposed convictions though, perhaps, it might puzzle Dr. Priestley
to find us another church, in which all of us would be at
our ease, &c.
” On the secession of Dr. Disney from the
church, a circumstance which appears to have given him
great uneasiness, he went so far as to draw up a paper under the title “An Answer to the Question, Why are you
not a Socinian r
” but this, although now added to his
works, was not published in his life-time, from motives of
delicacy. He had been suspected, from his relationship
and intimacy with Mr. Lindsey and Dr. Disney, of holding
the same sentiments with them, and his object in the above
paper was to vindicate his character in that respect. Still,
as it did not appear in his life-time, it could not answer
that purpose, and although we are now told that some time
before his death, he explicitly asserted to his relation, the
Rev. Mr. Comber, his belief in the divinity of Christ, the
suspicions of the public had undoubtedly some foundation
in the silence which in all his writings he preserved respecting a point of so much importance.
When considerably advanced in years, he formed the
design of writing the life of Luther and had made some
collections for the purpose, hut was diverted from it by
being engaged to draw up a work of far less general interest, the Memoirs of Mr. Thomas Hollis. In 1787, he
performed his thirty-eighth visitation in Cleveland, after
which he was taken ill at the house of his friend the Rev.
William Comber, but reached home a few weeks before
his death, which took place Aug. 7, 1787, in his eightythird year. Mr. Blackburne left a widow (who died Aug. 20, 1799), and four children, Jane, married to the Rev.
Dr. Disney the Rev. Francis Blackburne, vicar of Brignal, near Greta-bridge, Yorkshire Sarab, married to the
Rev. John Hall, vicar of Chew Magna, and rector of Dundry in Somersetshire and William Blackburne, M. D. of
Cavendish square, London.
ame the promulgator of many singular doctrines, and soon brought over to her notions Mr. Hugh Whyte, a dissenting minister at Irvine, and connected with Mr. Bell in
, the foundress of a set of modern fanatics, and the daughter of John Simpson, the keeper of an inn at Fitmy-Can, the half-way house between Banff and Portsoy, in the north of Scotland, was born in 1738; and, when she had completed her one-andtwentieth year, was sent to Glasgow, where she entered into the service of Mr. Martin, one of the principal proprietors of the Delft-work there. In this situation she had remained but a short time, when she accepted proposals of marriage from Robert Buchan, one of the workmen in the service of the same Mr. Martin. For some years, Robert and Elspeth Buchan lived happily together, having many children, whom they educated in a manner suitable to their station in life. At the time of her marriage, Mrs. Buchan was of the episcopal persuasion, but the husband being a burgher-seceder, she adopted his principles, and entered into communion with that sect. She had always been a constant reader of the scriptures; and taking a number of passages in a strictly literal sense, she changed her opinions about the year 1776, became the promulgator of many singular doctrines, and soon brought over to her notions Mr. Hugh Whyte, a dissenting minister at Irvine, and connected with Mr. Bell in Glasgow, and Mr. Bain in Edinburgh; and who, upon Mr. Whyte’s abdication of his charge, settled Mr. Robertson in his place at Irvine. She went on continually making new converts till April 1790, at which time the populace in Irvine rose, assembled round Mr. Whyte’s house, and broke all the windows; when Mrs. Buchan and the whole of her converts, of whom the above-mentioned were a part, to the number of fortysix persons, left Irvine. The Buchanites (for so they were immediately called) went through Mauchlin, Cumnock old and new, halted three days at Kirconnel, passed through Sanquhar and Thornhill, and then settled at a farm-house, the out-houses of which they had all along possessed, paying for them, as well as for whatever they wanted.
tions and inquiries. Another subject of his serious consideration was, the propriety of his becoming a dissenting minister. Accordingly, he entered into an examination
, a prelate of the most distinguished
character and abilities, was born at Wantage in Berkshire,
in 1692. His father, Mr. Thomas Butler, who was a reputable shopkeeper in that town, observing in his son
Joseph an excellent genius and inclination for learning,
determined to educate him for the ministry, among the
protestant dissenters of the presbyterian denomination.
For this purpose, after he had gone through a proper
course of grammatical literature, at the free grammarschool of his native place, under the care of the rev. Mr.
Philip Barton, a clergyman of the church of England,
he was sent to a dissenting academy, then kept at Gloucester, but which was soon afterwards removed to Tewkesbury, the principal tutor of which was Mr. Jones, a man of
uncommon abilities and knowledge. At Tewkesbury, Mr.
Butler made an extraordinary progress in the study of divinity; of which he gave a remarkable proof in the letters
addressed by him, whilst he resided at Tewkesbury, to
Dr. Samuel Clarke, laying before him the doubts that
had arisen in his mind concerning the conclusiveness of
some arguments in the doctor’s “Demonstration of the
Being and Attributes of God.
” The first of these letters
was dated November the 4th, 1713; and the sagacity and
depth of thought displayed in it immediately excited Dr.
Clarke’s particular notice. This condescension encouraged Mr. Butler to address the doctor again upon the
same subject, which, ^likewise, was answered by him; and
the correspondence being carried on in three other letters,
the whole was annexed to the celebrated treatise before
mentioned, and the collection has been retained in all the
subsequent editions of that work. The management of
this correspondence was entrusted by Mr. Butler to his
friend and fellow-pupil Mr. Seeker, who, in order to
conceal the affair, undertook to convey the letters to the
post-office at Gloucester, and to bring back Dr. Clarke’s
answers. When Mr. Butler’s name was discovered to the
doctor, the candour, modesty, and good sense with which
he had written, immediately procured him his friendship.
Our young student was not, however, during his continuance at Tewkesbury, solely employed in metaphysical
speculations and inquiries. Another subject of his serious
consideration was, the propriety of his becoming a dissenting minister. Accordingly, he entered into an examination of the principles of non-conformity; the result of
which was, such a dissatisfaction with them, as determined
him to conform to the established church. This intention
was at first very disagreeable to his father, who endeavoured to divert him from his purpose; and with that view
called in the assistance of some eminent presbyterian divines; but finding his son’s resolution to be fixed, heat
length suffered him to be removed to Oxford, where he
was admitted a commoner of Oriel college, on the 17th of
March, 1714. At what time he took orders is uncertain,
but it must have been soon after his admission at Oxford,
if it be true, as is asserted, that he sometimes assisted Mr.
Edward Talbot in the divine service, at his living of Hendred near Wantage. With this gentleman, who was the.
second son of Dr. William Talbot, successively bishop of
Oxford, Salisbury, and Durham, Mr. Butler formed an
intimate friendship at Oriel college, which laid the foundation of all his subsequent preferments, and procured for
him a very honourable situation when he was only twentysix years of age. In 1718, at the recommendation of Mr.
Talbot and Dr. Clarke, he was appointed by sir Joseph
Jekyll to be preacher at the Rolls. This was three years
before he had taken any degree at the university, where
he did not go out bachelor of law till the 10th of June,
1721, which, however, was as soon as that degree could
statutably be conferred upon him. Mr. Butler continued
at the Rolls till 1726, in the beginning of which year he
published, in one volume 8vo, “Fifteen Sermons preached
at that Chapel.
” In the mean time, by the patronage of
Dr. Talbot, bishop of Durham, to whose notice he had
been recommended (together with Mr. Benson and Mr. Seeker) by Mr. Edward Talbot on his death-bed, our author had been presented first to the rectory of Haughton,
near Darlington, in 1722, and afterwards to that of Stanhope in the same diocese, in 1725, At Haughton there
was a necessity for rebuilding a great part of the parsonagehouse, and Mr. Butler had neither money nor talents for
that work. Mr. Seeker, therefore, who had always the
interest of his friends at heart, and had acquired a very
considerable influence with bishop Talbot, persuaded that
prelate to give Mr. Butler, in exchange for Haughton,
the rectory of Stanhope, which was not only free from any
such incumbrance, but was likewise of much superior
value, being indeed one of the richest parsonages in England. Whilst our author continued preacher at the Rolls
chapel, he divided his time between his duty in town and
country; but when he quitted the Rolls, he resided, during seven years, wholly at Stanhope, in the conscientious
discharge of every obligation appertaining to a good parish
priest. This retirement, however^ was too solitary for his
disposition, which had in it a natural cast of gloominess:
and though his recluse hours were by no means lost either
to private improvement or public utility, yet he felt at
times very painfully the want of that select society of
friends to which he had been accustomed, and which could
inspire him with the greatest chearfulness. Mr. Seeker,
therefore, who knew this, was extremely anxious to draw
him out into a more active and conspicuous scene, and
omitted no opportunity of expressing this desire to such as
he thought capable of promoting it. Having himself been,
appointed king’s chaplain in 1732, he took occasion, in a
conversation which he had the honour of holding with
queen Caroline, to mention to her his friend Mr. Butler.
The queen said she thought he had been dead. Mr.
Seeker assured her he was not. Yet her majesty afterwards asked archbishop Blackburne if he was not dead?
His answer was, “No, madam, but he is buried.
” Mr.
Seeker, continuing his purpose of endeavouring to bring
his friend out of his retirement, found means, upon Mr.
Charles Talbot' s being made lord chancellor, to have Mr.
Butler recommended to him for his chaplain. His lordship accepted and sent for him; and this promotion calling
him to town, he took Oxford in his way, and was admitted
there to the degree of doctor of law, on the 8th of December, 1733. The lord chancellor, who gave him also a
prebend in the church of Rochester, had consented that
he should reside at his parish of Stanhope one half of the
them was publicly acknowledged by a sensible and candid man, who signed himself, and who really was ‘ A dissenting Minister.’ Surely, it is a very unwise piece of policy,
Dr. Butler being thus brought back into the world, his
merit and talents soon introduced him to particular notice,
and paved the way for his rising to those high dignities
which he afterwards enjoyed. In 1736, he was appointed
clerk of the closet to queen Caroline; and, in the same
year, he presented to her majesty a copy of his celebrated
treatise, entitled “The Analogy of Religion, natural and
revealed, to the constitution and course of Nature.
” His
attendance upon his royal mistress, by her especial command, was from seven to nine in the evening every day;
and though this was interrupted by her death in 1737, yet
he had been so effectually recommended by her, as well
as by the late lord chancellor Talbot, to his majesty’s favour, that, in the next year, he was raised to the highest
order of the church, by a nomination to the bishopric of
Bristol; to which see he was consecrated on the 3d of
December, 1738. King George II. not being satisfied with
this proof of his regard to Dr. Butler, promoted him, in
1740, to the deanry of St. Paul’s London; into which he
was installed on the 24th of May in that year, and finding
the demands of this dignity to be incompatible with his
parish duty at Stanhope, he immediately resigned that
rich benefice. Besides our prelate’s unremitted attention
to his peculiar obligations, he was called on to preach several discourses on public occasions, which were afterwards
separately printed, and have since been annexed to the
later editions of the Sermons at the Rolls chapel. In 1746,
upon the death of Dr. Egerton, bishop of Hereford, Dr. But>
ler was made clerk of the closet to the king; and in 1750, he
received another distinguished mark of his majesty’s favour,
by being translated to the see of Durham on the 16th of October in that year, upon the decease of Dr. Edward
Chandler. Our prelate, being thus appointed to preside
over a diocese with which he had long been connected,
delivered his first, and indeed his last charge to his clergy,
at his primary visitation in 1751. The principal subject
of it was, “External Religion.
” The bishop having observed, with deep concern, the great and growing neglect
of serious piety in the kingdom, insisted strongly on the
usefulness of outward forms and institutions, in fixing and
preserving a sense of devotion and duty in the minds of
men. In doing this, he was thought by several persons to
speak too favourably of pagan and popish ceremonies, and
to countenance, in a certain degree, the cause of superstition. 'Under that apprehension, an able and spirited
writer, who was understood to be a clergyman of the
church of England, published in 1752, a pamphlet, entitled “A serious inquiry into the use and importance of
External Religion: occasioned by some passages in the
right reverend the lord bishop of Durham’s Charge to the
Clergy of that diocese; humbly addressed to his lordship.
” Many persons, however, and, we believe, the greater
part of the clergy of the diocese, did not think our prelate’s
charge so exceptionable as it appeared to this author.
The charge, which was first printed at Durham, was afterwards annexed to Dr. Butler’s other works, by Dr. Halifax.
By his promotion to the see of Durham, our worthy bishop
was furnished with ample means of exerting the virtue of
charity, the exercise of which was his highest delight. But
this gratification he did not long enjoy. He had been but
a short time seated in his new bishopric, when his health
began visibly to decline; and having been complimented,
during his indisposition, upon account of his great resignation to the divine will, he is said to have expressed some
regret, that he should be taken from the present world so
soon after he had been rendered capable of becoming
much more useful in it. In his last illness, he was carried
to Bristol, to try the waters of that place; but, these proving ineffectual, he removed to Bath, where, being past
recovery, he died on the 16th of June, 1752. His corpse
was conveyed to Bristol, and interred in the cathedral
there, where a monument, with an inscription, is erected
to his memory. On the greatness of bishop Butler’s intellectual character we need not enlarge; for his profound
knowledge, and the prodigious strength of his mind, are
amply displayed in his incomparable writings. His piety
was of the most serious and fervent, and perhaps somewhat
of the ascetic kind. His benevolence was warm, generous,
and diffusive. Whilst he was bishop of Bristol, he expended, in repairing and improving the episcopal palace,
four thousand pounds, which is said to have been more
than the whole revenues of the bishopric amounted to,
during his continuance in that see. Indeed he used to say
that the deanery of St. Paul’s paid for it. Besides his
private benefactions, he was a contributor to the' Infirmary
at Bristol, and a subscriber to three of the Hospitals at
London. He was, likewise, a principal promoter, though
not the first founder, of the Infirmary at Newcastle, in
Northumberland. lu supporting the hospitality and
dignity of the rich and powerful diocese of Durham, he was
desirous of imitating the spirit of his patron, bishop Talbot. In this spirit, he set apart three clays every week for
the reception and entertainment of the principal gentry of
the country. Nor were even the clergy who had the
poorest benefices neglected by him. He not only occasionally invited them to dine with him, but condescended
to visit them at their respective parishes. By his will, he
left five hundred pounds to the society for propagating the
gospel in foreign parts, and some legacies to his friends
and domestics. His executor was his chaplain, the rev.
Dr. Nathaniel Forster, a divine of distinguished literature,
who was especially charged to destroy all his manuscript
sermons, letters, and papers. Bishop Butler was never
married. The bishop’s disposition, which had in it a natural ca’st of gloominess, was supposed to give a tincture
to his devotion. As a proof of this, and that he had even
acquired somewhat of a superstitious turn of mind, it was
alleged, that he had put a. cross in his chapel at Bristol.
The cross was a plain piece of marble inlaid. This circumstance, together with the offence which some persons had
taken at his charge delivered at Durham, might possibly
give rise to a calumny, that, almost fifteen years after his
death, was advanced concerning him, in an obscure and
anonymous pamphlet, entitled “The Root of Protestant
Errors examined.
” It was there said, that our prelate died
in the communion of the church of Rome. Of this absurd
and groundless charge, we shall take no other notice, than
to transcribe what the worthy and learned Dr. Porteus has
written concerning it, in his Life of Archbishop Seeker.
“This strange slander, founded on the weakest pretences
and most trivial circumstances that can be imagined, no
one was better qualified to confute than the archbishop;
as well from his long and intimate knowledge of bishop
Butler, as from the information given him at the time by
those who attended his lordship in his last illness, and
were with him when he died. Accordingly, by an article
in a newspaper, signed Misopseudes, his grace challenged
the author of that pamphlet to produce his authority for
what he had advanced; and in a second article defended
the bishop against him; and in a third (all with the same signature) confuted another writer, who, under the name
of ‘A real Protestant,’ still maintained that ridiculous
calumy. His antagonists were effectually subdued, and
his superiority to them was publicly acknowledged by a
sensible and candid man, who signed himself, and who
really was ‘A dissenting Minister.’ Surely, it is a very
unwise piece of policy, in those who profess themselves
enemies to popery, to take so much pains to bring the
most respectable names within its pale; and to give it the
merit of having gained over those who were the brightest
ornaments and firmest supports of the protestant cause.
, a dissenting minister of the Socinian persuasion, son of the rev.
, a dissenting minister of the Socinian persuasion, son of the rev. Joseph Cappe, minister
of the dissenting congregation at Mill hill in Leeds, was
born in that town Feb. 21, 1732-3, and educated for some
time under the care of his father, whom he lost in his sixteenth year. Having at this early age discovered a predilection for nonconformity, he was placed at the academy
of Dr. Aikin at Kilvvorth in Leicestershire, in 1743, and
the next year removed to that of Dr. Doddridge at Northampton. During his residence here he overcame somescruples that arose in his mintl respecting the evidences of
revealed religion, by examining them in the best writers
with great attention. After passing two years at Northampton, he was deprived of the benefit of Dr. Doddriclge’s instructions, who was obliged to leave England on
account of his health, and in 1752 went to the university
of Glasgow, where he continued three years, improving
his knowledge with great industry and success, and forming an acquaintance with many eminent men of the day,
particularly Dr. Leechman, Dr. Cullen, Dr. Adam Smith,
Dr. Moore, and the late Dr. Black. Having completed his
studies, he returned in 1755 to Leeds, and within a short
time after was chosen co-pastor, and the following year
sole pastor of the dissenting congregation at St Saviourgate, York. This situation he retained for forty years,
during which he engaged the respect and affection of his
hearers, and was distinguished as a preacher of uncommon
eloquence, and a man of great learning and amiable manners. In 1791 and 1793 he experienced two paralytic
shocks, which ever after affected both his walking and his
speech, but was enabled to employ much of his time in
preparing those works for the press which appeared after
his death. Weakened at length by paralytic affections, he
died Dec. 24, 1800. He published in his life-time, 1. “A
Sermon upon the king of Prussia’s Victory at Rosbach,
Nov. 5, 1757. 2. “Three Fast-day Sermons, published
during the American War.
” 3. “A Sermon on the Thanksgiving-day, 1784.
” 4. “A Fast-clay Sermon, written during the American War, but first published in 1795.
” 5
“A Sermon on the Death of the rev. Edw. Sandercock.
” 6.
“A selection of Psalms for Social Worship.
” 7. “Remarks in vindication of Dr. Priestley, in answer to the
Monthly Reviewers. 17 8.
” Letters published in the York
Chronicle, signed `A. doughty Champion in heavy armour,' in reply to the attack of Dr. Cooper (under the signature of Erasmus) upon Mr. Lindsey on his resigning
the living of Catterick, and “Discourses on the Providence and Government of God.
” ' In
Bridgewater; but was sbort removed to Gloucester, that he might become a pupil to Mr. Samuel Jones, a dissenting minister of great erudition and abilities, who had
, an eminent dissenting minister, was born at Hungerford, in Berkshire, in 1693, where his father was then pastor of a congregation of protestant dissenters. He early discovered a genius for literature, which was carefully cultivated; and being placed under proper masters, he made a very uncommon progress in classical learning, and especially in the Greek tongue. As it was intended by his friends to bring him up for the ministry, he was sent to an academy at Bridgewater; but was sbort removed to Gloucester, that he might become a pupil to Mr. Samuel Jones, a dissenting minister of great erudition and abilities, who had opened an academy in that city, afterwards transferred to Tewkesbury. Such was the attention of that gentleman to the morals of his pupils, and to their progress in literature, and such the skill and discernment with which he directed their studies, that it was a singular advantage to be placed under so able and accomplished a tutor. Chandler made the proper use of so happy a situation, applying himself to his studies with great assiduity, and particularly to critical, biblical, and oriental learning. Among the pupils of Mr. Jones, were Mr. Joseph Butler, afterwards bishop of Durham, and Mr. Thomas Seeker, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, with whom he contracted a friendship that continued to the end of their lives, notwithstanding the different views by which their conduct was afterwards directed, and the different situations in which they were placed.
seller, and kept a shop in the Poultry, London, in partnership with John Gray, who afterwards became a dissenting minister, but conformed, and had a living in Yorkshire.
On leaving the academy, he continued his studies at Leyden, and these being finished, he began to preach about July 1714; and being soon distinguished by his talents in the pulpit, he was chosen, in 1716, minister of the presbyterian congregation at Peckham, near London, in which statioji he continued some years. Here he entered into the matrimonial state, and began to have an increasing family, when, by the fatal South-sea scheme of 1720, he unfortunately lost the whole fortune which he had received with his wife. His circumstances being thereby embarrassed, and his income as a minister being inadequate to his expences, he engaged in the trade of a bookseller, and kept a shop in the Poultry, London, in partnership with John Gray, who afterwards became a dissenting minister, but conformed, and had a living in Yorkshire. Mr. Chandler continued this trade for about two or three years, still continuing to discharge the duties of the pastoral office. It may not be improper to observe, that in the earlier part of his life Mr. Chandler was subject to frequent and dangerous fevers; one of which confined him more than three months, and threatened by its effects to disable him for public service. He was, therefore, advised to confine himself to a vegetable diet, which he accordingly did, and adhered to it for twelve years. This produced so happy an alteration in his constitution, that though he afterwards returned to the usual way of living, he enjoyed an uncommon share of spirits and vigour till seventy.
In 1715 he left St. Alban’s, and retired to the house of his sister, the wife of Mr. John Nettleton, a dissenting minister at Ongar, in Essex, and while deliberating
, an eminent dissenting divine,
great-grand-nephew to the preceding, was the son of the
nonconformist rector of Shepperton in Middlesex, and
was born in London, June 26th, 1702. At his birth he
was so weakly that he was regarded as dead; but by attention and care he recovered some degree of strength. His
constitution, however, was always feeble, and probably
rendered more so by the assiduity with which he prosecuted
his studies and public services. To his pious parents he
was indebted for early instruction in religion, and for those
salutary impressions which were never erased from his
mind. His classical education commenced in London, but
being left an orphan in his thirteenth year, he was removed
to a private school at St. Alban’s, where he had the happiness of commencing an acquaintance with Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Samuel Clark, the dissenting minister of the place;
and having lost his whole patrimony after his father’s death,
the protection of this friend enabled him to pursue the
course of his studies. In 1715 he left St. Alban’s, and
retired to the house of his sister, the wife of Mr. John
Nettleton, a dissenting minister at Ongar, in Essex, and
while deliberating on the course of life which he should
pursue, he received offers of encouragement and support
from the duchess of Bedford, if he chose to be educated
in one of the universities for the church of England; but
could not conscientiously comply with the terms of conformity. Others advised him to devote himself to the profession of the law; but before he had finally determined,
he received a letter from Mr. Clark, with generous offers
of assistance, if he chose the ministry among the dissenters.
These offers he thankfully accepted; and after continuing
for some months at St. Alban’s in the house of his benefactor, he was placed, in October 1719, under the tuition of
the reverend John Jennings, who kept an academy for the
education of nonconformist ministers at Kibworth in Leicestershire. Here he paid particular attention to classical
literature, and cultivated an acquaintance with the Greek
writers, and also with the best authors of his own country.
In 1722, having obtained an ample testimonial from a
committee of ministers, by whom he was examined, he
became a preacher at Kibworth, which he preferred, because it was an obscure village, and the congregation was
small, so that he could pursue his studies with little interruption. During his residence at this place, from June
1723 to October 1725, he is said to have excelled as a
preacher. At first he paid particular attention to his compositions, and thus acquired a habit of delivering his sentiments usually with judgment, and always with ease and
freedom of language, when he was afterwards, by a multiplicity of engagements, reduced to the necessity of extempore speaking. In 1725, he removed to Market-Harborough, to enjoy the conversation and advice of Mr.
Some, the pastor of the congregation in that place and
after the year 1727, when he was chosen assistant to Mr.
Some, he preached alternately at Kibworth and MarketHarborough. He received several invitations from congregations much more numerous than these; but he determined to adhere to the plan, which he had adopted, of
pursuing his schemes of improvement in a more private
residence. When he left the academy, his tutor, Mr. Jennings, not long before his death, which happened in 1723,
advised him to keep in view the improvement of the course
of lectures on which he had attended; and this advice he
assiduously regarded during his retirement at Kibworth.
Mr. Jennings foresaw, that, in case of his own death, Mr.
Doddridge was the most likely of any of his pupils to
complete the schemes which he had formed, and to undertake
the conduct of a theological academy. Mr. Doddridge’s
qualifications for the office of tutor were generally known
and approved, in consequence of a plan for conducting the
preparatory studies of young persons intended for the ministry, which he had drawn up at the desire of a friend,
whose death prevented his carrying it into effect. This
plan was shewn to Dr. Watts, who had then no personal
acquaintance with the author; but he was so much pleased
with it, that he concurred with others in the opinion, that
the person who had drawn it up was best qualified for executing it. Accordingly he was unanimously solicited to
undertake the arduous office; and after some hesitation,
and with a very great degree of diffidence, he consented
to undertake it. Availing himself of all the information
and assistance which he could obtain from conversation and
correspondence with his numerous friends, he opened his
academy at Midsummer, in 1729, at Market- Harborongh.
Having continued in this situation for a few months, he was
invited by a congregation at Northampton; and he removed
thither in December 1729; and in March of the following
year, he was ordained according to the mode usually practised among dissenters. In this place he engaged, in a
very high degree, the love and attachment of his congregation; and he observes, in his last will, “that he had
spent the most delightful hours of his life in assisting the
devotions of as seuious, as grateful, and as deserving a
people, as perhaps any minister had ever the happiness to
, an English barrister, was the son of the Rev. John Dodson, M. A. a dissenting minister of Marlborough, in Wiltshire, and of Elizabeth,
, an English barrister, was the
son of the Rev. John Dodson, M. A. a dissenting minister
of Marlborough, in Wiltshire, and of Elizabeth, one of
the daughters of Mr. Foster, an attorney-at-law of the
same place. He was born at Marlborough on the 20th or
21st Sept. 1732, and educated partly under the care of his
father, and partly at the grammar-school of that town; and
under the direction of his maternal uncle, sir Michael
Foster, he was brought up to the profession of the law.
After being admitted of the Middle Temple, London, August 31, 1754, he practised many years with considerable
reputation, as a special pleader. His natural modesty and
cliffiJence discouraged him from attending the courts, and
therefore he did not proceed to be called to the bar till
July 4, 1783. This measure contributed, as was intended,
more to the diminution than to the increase of professional
business. He was appointed one of the commissioners of
bankrupts in 1770, during the chancellorship of lord Camden, and was continued in that situation till the time of
his death. On December 31, 1778, Mr. Dodson married
miss Elizabeth Hawkes, his cousin-german, and eldest
daughter of Mr. Hawkes, of Marlborough. He enjoyed a
life of uninterrupted good health, and indeed little alteration was observeable in his strength or general habits till
nearly the last year of his life. It was not till the month
of October 1799, that he began more sensibly to feel the
effect of disease; and, after a confinement to his room of
about a fortnight, he died of a dropsy in his chest, at his
house in Boswell-court, Carey-street, London, on the 13th
of November of that year; and was buried in Bunhillfields the 21st of the same month. Mr. Dodson’s legal
knowledge and discrimination were deservedly estimated
by those to whom he was known, and who had occasion to
confer with him upon questions of law. He was deliberate
in forming his opinion, and diffident in delivering it, but
always clear in the principles and reasons on which it was
founded. His general acquaintance with the laws, and
veneration for the constitution of his country, evinced his
extensive acquaintance with the principles of jurisprudence, and his regard for the permanence of the liberties
of Britain. In 1762, Mr. Justice Foster published his
book, entitled, “A Report of some proceedings on the
commission for the trial of the Rebels in the year 1746, in
the county of Surrey; and of other crown cases; to which
are added, Discourses upon a few branches of the Crown
” This work will be to him, said Mr. Dodson, “monumeutum aere perennius.
” The impression being large,
and a pirated edition being made in Ireland, a new edition,
was not soon wanted in England; but in 1776 Mr. Dodson
published a second edition with some improvements, and
with remarks in his preface on some objections made by
Mr. Barrington in his “Observations on the more ancient
” In Commentaries and Essays,
” written by the members of a small “Society for promoting the knowledge of
the Scriptures.
” Mr. Dodson was a very early member of
this society, not only communicating some papers of his
own, but conducting through the press some of the contributions of others. In 1790 he laid before the public, as
the result of many years’ study, “New translation of Isaiah,
with notes supplementary to those of Dr. Lowth, late
bishop of London, and containing remarks on many parts
of his Translation and Notes, by a Layman.
” In this he
has taken more freedoms than can be justified by the principles of sound criticism; which drew forth an able answer
from the pen of Dr. Sturges, in “Short remarks on a new
Translation of Isaiah,
” 8vo. To this Mr. Dodson replied,
with urbanity and candour, in “A Letter to the Rev. Dr.
Sturges, &c.
” 8vo,
ions. 6. “A Complete Body of Practical Divinity,” fol. 1723, &c. &c. His son, Samuel, was settled as a dissenting minister at Reading, where-he died in 1717.
, an eminent nonconformist, was born at Kidderminster in Worcestershire, in 1730. Having discovered an early inclination to learning, he was sent to Cambridge, and admitted
of Pembroke-hall, where he studied with a view to the
church, or rather to the meeting, as the church was then
under the controul of the republican party. His first destination, however, was to the law, and he wont for some
time to receive instructions in an attorney’s office; but his
master having employed him to copy some writings on a
Sunday, he relinquished the business. It appears to have
been after this that he went to the university, and having
taken his degrees in arts, became a preacher. His first
settlement was at St. Alphage, London-wall. This living
being then vacant, Mr. Doolittle appeared as a candidate,
with several others, and the parishioners preferring him,
he became their pastor in 1654, and remained a very popular preacher, until 1662, when he was ejected for nonconformity. From this he removed to Moorfields, and
opened a kind of boarding-school, in which he was so successful as to be obliged to hire a larger house in Bunhillfields, where he continued until the great plague, and
then he removed to Woodford. After the plague abated,
he returned to London, and saw it laid in ashes by the
great fire. On this occasion he and some other nonconformists resumed their preaching, and were for some time
unmolested. Mr. Doolittle has the credit of projecting the
first meeting-house, which was a hired place in Bunhillfields, but that proving toe small, when the city began to
be rebuilt, he erected a more commodious place of worship in Mugwell, or Monkwell-street, Cripplegate, which
remains until this day. Here, however, he was occasionally interrupted by the magistrates, who put the laws in
execution; but in 1672 he obtained a licence from Charles
II. which is still suspended in the vestry-room of the meeting, and for some time continued to preach, and likewise
kept an academy at Islington for the education of young
men intended for the ministry among the nonconformists.
On the corporation-act being passed, when his licence became useless, he was again obliged to leave London, and
resided partly at Wimbledon, and partly at Battersea,
where, although his house was rifled, he escaped imprisonment. At the revolution he was enabled to resume his
ministry in Monkwell-street, and here he closed the public
labours of fifty-three years, on May 24, 1707^ the seventyseventh year of his age. Much of this time was spent in
writing his various works, many of which attained a high
degree of popularity; as, 1. “A Treatise concerning the
Lord’s Supper,
” Directions how to live after a wasting plague
” (that of London), A Rebuke for Sin, by God’s
burning anger
” (alluding to the great Fire). 4. “The
Young Man’s Instructor, and the Old Man’s
” 1673, 8vo. 5. “A Call to delaying Sinners,
” A
Complete Body of Practical Divinity,
” fol.
the rev. Mr. Copping, dean of Clogher. In 1743, on the death of his learned friend, Mr. Samuel Say, a dissenting minister in Westminster, Mr. Duncombe undertook,
In the summer of 1732, Mr. Buncombe’s tragedy of
“Lucius Junius Brutus
” was read and approved by“the
author’s friend, Mr. Mills senior, and by him introduced
to the theatrical triumvirate, Booth, Gibber, and Wilks,
who also approved it, and promised it should be performed.
Booth regretted he could not act in it; and Wilks undertook the part of Titus; unfortunately he died in September following; and the revolt of the players, with the confusion that ensued, prevented its being brought on the
stage till two years after, when Mr. Duncombe, unadvisedly, consented to Mr. Fleetwood’s proposal of bringing
it on at Drury-lane in November, when the town was
empty, the parliament not sitting, and Farinelli, the singer,
highly popular at the Hay-market. The consequence was
natural and obvious.
” The quavering Italian eunuch (to use our author’s own words) proved too powerful for the
rigid Roman consul.“Yet it was acted six nights with
applause, and repeated in February following, and at the
same time was printed in 8vo, with a dedication to lord
chief justice Hardwicke. A second edition, in 12mo, with
a translation of M. de Voltaire’s
” Essay on Tragedy“prefixed, was published in 1747. In April 1735, Mr. Duncombe published, by subscription, in two volumes 12rno,
” Poems,“&c. of his deceased brother-in-law, John
Hughes, esq. which were received by his friends and the
public with the esteem due to Hughes’s merit. In January,
1735-6, our author’s domestic happiness received a severe
shock by the death of his wife, which happened at Spring
Grove, in Middlesex, the seat of his first cousin, Mrs.
Ofley. In 1737 he collected and published, in one volume
8vo, the
” Miscellanies in verse and prose“of Mr. Jabez
Hughes, for the benefit of his widow, but the dedication
(in her name) to the duchess of Bedford, was drawn up by
the rev. Mr. Copping, dean of Clogher. In 1743, on the
death of his learned friend, Mr. Samuel Say, a dissenting
minister in Westminster, Mr. Duncombe undertook, for
the benefit of his widow and daughter, to revise and prepare for the press some of his poems, and two prose essays,
which were accordingly published in one volume 4to, in
1745. In 1744, the
” Siege of Damascus,“and some
other moral plays, having been acted by several persons of
distinction for their amusement, Mr. Duncombe was
induced to publish
” An Oration on the usefulness of Dramatic Interludes in the education of youth,“translated
from the Latin of M. Werenfels, by whom it was spoken
before the masters and scholars of the university of Basil.
On the breaking-out of the rebellion in 1745, our author
endeavoured to second his honoured friend, the archbishop
of York, by reprinting
” A Sermon“(now known to have been written by Dr. Arbuthnot), supposed to be
” preached
to the people at the Mercat- cross of Edinburgh, on the
subject of the union in 1706,“and to the sermon prefixed
a preface, without his name, setting forth the advantages
which have accrued to the kingdom of Scotland by its
union with England. About the same time he also printed,
with a preface, a tract, entitled,
” The complicated Guilt
of the Rebellion,“which had been written by Mr. Hughes
in 1716, but was then suppressed, as the insurrection it
related to was soon after quelled: this tract was judged by
Mr. Duncombe to be equally applicable to the transactions
of 1740. In the summer of 1749, being with his relation,
Mr. Brooke, at York, Mr. Duncombe was accidentally instrumental to the detection of Archibald Bower, by transmitting to archbishop Herring an account of that adventurer’s escape from the inquisition, taken by memory from
his own mouth, which being published the year following
by Mr. Barron, a dissenting minister, was disavowed by
Bower; though, when called upon, the mistakes which he
was able to specify, were found to be few and trifling.
This was the first impeachment of his integrity, and exposed him to the attacks of Dr. Douglas, who had before
detected Lauder. To the periodical publication called
” The World,“Mr. Duncombe contributed one paper,
No. 84,
” Prosperity and Adversity, an allegory." la
, a dissenting minister of considerable note, was born about 1676,
, a dissenting minister of considerable
note, was born about 1676, and educated among the dissenters. Of his personal history we have little information.
He officiated in the meetings in London between sixty and
seventy years, and died in 1768. During this long life, he
had never experienced a moment’s ill health. He would
scarcely have known what pain was, had he not once broke
his arm. He preached to the last Sunday of his life, and
died suddenly in his chair, without a ^roan or sigh. All
his faculties continued in great perfection, excepting his
eye-sight, which failed him some time before his death.
He was remarkable for a vivacity and cheerfulness of temper, which never forsook him to his latest breath; and he
abounded in pleasant stories. He had published in his
earlier days several occasional sermons, some of them
preached at Sailers’-hall meeting, a “Treatise on the Sacrament,
, directed that he should be well educated. He had been placed before by his father at the school of a dissenting minister in Bristol, waere he learned writing, arithmetic,
, the very able and accurate historian of the West Indies, was born May 21, 1743, at Westbury in Wiltshire. His father inherited a small paternal estate in the neighbourhood, of about 100l. per annum, which proving insufficient for the maintenance of a large family, he undertook to deal in corn and malt, in which he had but little success. He died in 1756, leaving a widow and six children in distressed circumstances. Mrs. Edwards, however, had two opulent brothers in the West Indies, one of them a wise and worthy man, of a liberal mind, and princely fortune. This was Zachary Bayly, of the island of Jamaica, who took the family under his protection; and as the subject of this article was the eldest, directed that he should be well educated. He had been placed before by his father at the school of a dissenting minister in Bristol, waere he learned writing, arithmetic, and English grammar. His master, whose name was Foot, had an excellent method of making the boys write letters to him on different subjects, such as the beauty and dignity of truth, the obligation of a religious life, the benefits of good education, the mischiefs of idleness, &c. previously stating to them the chief arguments to be used; and insisting on correctness in orthography and grammar. In this employment Mr. Edwards sometimes excelled the other boys, and on Such occasions, his master never failed to praise him very liberally before them all 1; and would frequently transmit his letters to his father and mother. This excited in his mind a spirit of emulation, and gave him the first taste for correct and elegant composition, in which Mr. Edwards, it must be confessed, attained considerable facility. All this time, however, he informs us that he attained but very little learning, and when his uncle took him under his protection, his agent in Bristol considered him as neglected by Mr. Foot, and immediately removed him to a French boarding-school in the same city, where he soon obtained the French language, and having access to a circulating library, acquired a passion for books, which afterwards became the solace of his life.
, D. D. a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion at Bristol, was
, D. D. a dissenting minister of the
baptist persuasion at Bristol, was the son, and successor in
the ministry, of the rev. Hugh Evans, M. A. pastor of a
congregation at Broadmead, in that city, where he was
born, in 1737. Having gone through the usual course of
studies at the dissenting academy^ Mile-end, London, he
was admitted a preacher, and for some time exercised his
function in the metropolis, but afterwards became assistant
to his father in the congregation at Broadmead, Bristol. On
his father’s death he succeeded him, and remained in that
office for about thirty-two years, admired and beloved by his
people, and not less esteemed as the superintendant of a seminary for the education of young men who were designed
for the ministry. He was likewise a man of unwearied benevolence, and liberally promoted the establishment of schools
for the instruction and clothing of destitute children at
Broadmead, Downend, Mangotfield, &c. and himself set
a bright example of personal charity and contributions,
while he stirred up others to the performance of a similar
duty. His publications having procured him considerable
reputation as a divine and scholar, he received in 1789, the
degree of D. D. from King’s-college, Aberdeen. He died
of a paralytic affection, Aug. 9, 1791. Dr. Evans was
twice married; first, in 1762, to miss Sarah Jeffries, the
only daughter of the rev. Joseph Jeffries, of Taunton,
in Somersetshire, by whom he had five children, one of
whom, Joseph Jeffries Evans, esq. a merchant of London,
died very lately. Mrs. Evans died in 1771; and in 1774,
Dr. Evans married miss Sarah Hazle, of Bristol, who survived him. His publications are,1. “Sermons on the
Scripture doctrine of the Son and Holy Spirit,
” A collection of Hymns, adapted to
public Worship,
” An address to the
serious and candid professors of Christianity,
” Christ crucified; or the Scripture doctrine
of the Atonement, in four discourses,
sthumous piece, which had been written before Mr. Farmer’s work appeared, by Mr. Dixon, who had been a dissenting minister, first at Norwich, and afterwards at Bolton
Mr. Farmer’s first appearance as an author was in a discourse on the suppression of the rebellion of 1745. It was
preached on the day of public thanksgiving appointed upon
that occasion in 1746, and printed in the same year. This
was the only sermon that we recollect his having ever committed to the press. His abilities, though they might have
been usefully displayed in that way, led him to those novel
opinions on which his temporary fame was founded. Iiv
1761, he published “An Inquiry into the nature and design of Christ’s Temptation in the Wilderness
” the general intention of which is to show, that this part of the evangelical history is not only to be understood as a recital of
visionary representations, but that the whole was a divine
vision, premonitory of the labours and offices of our Lord’s
future ministry. An interpretation so new and singular,
could not pass unnoticed. In 1762 there appeared a
pamphlet against the Inquiry, entitled “Christ’s Temptations, real facts: or, a Defence of the Evangelic History;
shewing that our Lord’s temptations may be fairly and reasonably understood as a narrative of what was really transacted.
” A second edition of Mr. Farmer’s treatise was
soon called for; in which the subject received additional
illustration from a considerable number of new notes. Besides this, he published in 1764, an appendix to the “Inquiry,
” containing some farther observations on the point
in debate, and an answer to objections. Another tract, the
publication of which was occasioned by the “Inquiry,
” was
entitled “The Sovereignty of the Divine Administration
vindicated, or a rational Account of our blessed Saviour’s
remarkable Temptation in the Wilderness; the Possessed
at Capernaum, the Demoniacs at Gadara, and the Destruction of the Swine: with free Remarks on several other important passages in the New Testament.
” This was a posthumous piece, which had been written before Mr. Farmer’s
work appeared, by Mr. Dixon, who had been a dissenting
minister, first at Norwich, and afterwards at Bolton in
Lancashire. Mr. Dixon proposes a figurative or allegorical interpretation of our Lord’s temptation. A third edition, with large additions, of Mr. Farmer’s “Inquiry
” was
published in A Dissertation on Miracles, designed to shew that they are arguments
of a divine interposition, and absolute proofs of the mission
and doctrine of a Prophet,
” 8vo. Not long -after the appearance of the “Dissertation,
” a notion was propagated,
that Mr. Farmer had made considerable use of a treatise of
Le Moine l s on the same subject, without acknowledging it;
and it was asserted, that his book had the very same view
with Mr. Le Moine’s, and was a copy of his work.Mr.
Farmer therefore endeavoured to vindicate himself in a
pamphlet, published in 1772, entitled “An Examination
of the late rev. Mr. Le Moine’s Treatise on Miracles,
” in
which he enters into a particular discussion of that performance, and a defence of himself; but the accusation
continued to be repeated, particularly by a writer in th?
London Magazine.
o the case of the Gospel Demoniacs.” Another of Mr. Fanner’s antagonists was the late rev. Mr. Fell, a dissenting minister, at that time of Thaxted in Essex, and afterwards
In 1775, Mr. Farmer gave to the world “Essay on the
Demoniacs of the New Testament,
” in which his opinions were too far remote from those of the Christian world
to give much satisfaction. It was ably attacked by Dr.
Worthington, a learned clergyman, who had already favoured the public with some pious and valuable writings,
in “An impartial Inquiry into the case of the Gospel Demoniacs, with an Appendix, consisting of an essay on
Scripture Demonology,
” Letters to the
rev. Dr. Worthington, in answer to his late publication,
entitled An impartial Inquiry into the case of the Gospel
” Another of Mr. Fanner’s antagonists was
the late rev. Mr. Fell, a dissenting minister, at that time of
Thaxted in Essex, and afterwards one of the tutors of the
dissenting academy at Homerton. This gentleman pubJished in 177l>, a treatise, entitled “Demoniacs an inquiry into the lieathen and the Scripture doctrine of Daemons; in which the hypotheses of the rev. Mr. Farmer, and
others, on this subject, are particularly considered,
” In
this Mr. Fell deduces the injurious consequences to natural and revealed religion which he apprehends to result
from the doctrines advanced in the “Dissertation on Miracles,
” and the “Essay on the Demoniacs,
” but acquits
Mr. Farmer of any evil design, and allows “that he really
meant to serve the cause of virtue, which he thought could
not be more effectually done than by removing every thing
which appeared to him in the light of superstition.
, a dissenting minister, was born at Sleaford in Lincolnshire, Aug.
, a dissenting minister, was born
at Sleaford in Lincolnshire, Aug. 16, 1715, and after a religious education at home, was placed under Dr. Doddridge at Northampton, where his conduct was exemplary,
and his improvement rapid. In 1741, by Doddridge’s particular recommendation, he became a preacher at Taunton;
and in 1745 removed to Kidderminster, where he officiated
as the pastor of a large congregation of dissenters for
thirty-five years, dying in Oct. 1780. He preached thrice
every Sunday, besides weekly services, lectures, visits, &c.
He also carried on an extensive correspondence with his
brethren in various parts of the kingdom, and found leisure to prepare hfs various publications for the press. To
enable him to accomplish all this, he was a rigid reconomist of his time, and was seldom in bed after five o'clock
in the morning, to which habit, and a temperate mode of
living, he used to ascribe his remarkable and almost uninterrupted health and spirits until a short time before his
death, when he suffered severely from the stone. It is
perhaps more remarkable, that he had no fire in his study
in the depth of wiuter. His flow of spirits appears to have
been rather immoderate, according to Mr. Orion’s account.
“I am told that after preaching twice, and administering
the Lord’s Supper, he was so lively in the evening that
several of the people were in pain lest he should throw
himself out of the pulpit 1
” In his sentiments he was what
is called a Baxterian, and drew upon himself, on spome occasions, the censures of the more orthodox part of his
brethren, particularly by one of his pamphlets, “Candid
reflexions on the different modes of explaining the Trinity.
” His other works were small pious, tracts some funeral, and occasional sermons and abridgements of Baxter’s
“Saints 1 everlasting Rest,
” and of some other pieces by
that divine. His personal character was so consistent and
amiable, that his death was lamented by persons of all persuasions at Kidderminster.
, a dissenting minister of considerable learning, was born, Aug.
, a dissenting minister of considerable
learning, was born, Aug. 22, 1735, at Cockermouth in
Cumberland, of poor parents, and was at first brought up
to the business of a taylor. He was pursuing this employment in London, when some discerning friends perceived
in him a taste for literature, and an avidity of knowledge,
which they thought worthy of encouragement; and finding
that his principal wish was directed to the means of procuring such education as might qualify him for the ministry
among the dissenters, they stepped forward to his assistance, and placed him at the dissenting academy at Mileend, then superintended by Dr. Conder, Dr. Gibbons, and
Dr. Walker. Mr. Fell was at this time in the nineteenth
year of his age; but, by abridging the hours usually allotted to rest and amusement, and praportionably extending
those of application to his studies, and by the assiduous
exercise of a quick, vigorous, and comprehensive mind, he
made rapid advances in learning, gave his tutors and patrons the utmost satisfaction; and in due time, was appointed to preach to a congregation at Beccles, near Yarmouth. He was afterwards invited to take upon himself
the pastoral office in a congregation of Protestant dissenters, at Thaxted, in Essex, where he was greatly beloved
by his congregation, and his amiable deportment, and diligence in all the duties of his station, attracted the regard
even of his neighbours of the established church. At
Thaxted, Mr. Fell boarded and educated a few young gentlemen, and it was also during his residence there, that he
distinguished himself by the rapid production of some wellwritten publications, which conduced to establish his character as a scholar. After he had thus happily resided several years at Thaxted, he was unfortunately prevailed
upon 'to be the resident tutor at the academy, formerly at
Mile-end, when he was educated there, but now removed
to Homerton, near London. The trustees and supporters
of this academy appear to have been at first very happy
that they had procured a tutor peculiarly calculated for
the situation; but he had not been there long before differences arose between him and the students, of what nature his biographers have not informed us; but they represent that he was dismissed from his situation without a
fair trial and complain that this severity was exerted in
the case of “a character of no common excellence a
genius of no ordinary size a Christian minister, well furnished with gifts and graces for that office a tutor, who
for biblical knowledge, general history, and classic taste,
had no superior, perhaps no equal, among any class of
” This affair happened in 1796, and Mr. Fell’s
friends lost no time in testifying their unaltered regard for
his character. An annuity of 100l. was almost immediately
procured for him, and he was invited to deliver a course
of lectures on the evidences of Christianity, for which he
was to be remunerated by a very liberal subscription. But
these testimonies of affection came too late for his enjoyment of them. Four of his lectures had been delivered to
crowded congregations at the Scotch church at Londonwall, when sickness interrupted him, and on Wednesday
Sept. 6, 1797, death put a period to his labours. The four
lectures he delivered were published in 1798, with eight
by Dr. Henry Hunter, who concluded the course, but who
does not appear well qualified to fill up Mr. FelPs outline.
Mr. Fell’s previous publications, which show that the character given of him by his friends is not overcharged, were
1. “Genuine Protestantism, or the unalienable Rights of
Conscience defended: in opposition to the late and new
mode of Subscription proposed by some dissenting ministers, in three Letters to Mr. Pickard,
” A
Fourth Letter to Mr. Pickard on genuine Protestantism;
being a full Reply to the rev. Mr. Toulmin’s Defence of
the Dissenters’ new mode of Subscription,
” The justice and utility of Penal Laws for the Direction of Conscience examined; in reference to the Dissenters’ late application to parliament. Addressed to a
member of the house of commons,
” Daemoniacs. An enquiry into the Heathen and the Scripture
doctrine of Daemons, in which the hypothesis of the rev.
Mr. Farmer and others on the subject are particularly considered,
” Remarks on
the Appendix of the Editor of Rowley’s Poems, printed at
the end of Observations on the Poem attributed to Rowley
by Rayner Hickford, esq.
” 8vo, no date (1784, 12mo. 7.
” The Idolatry of Greece and Rome distinguished from that of other
Heathen Nations, in a Letter to the rev. Hugh Farmer,"
1785, 8vo. Mr. Fell ranks among the orthodox, or calvinistic dissenters; but how far, or whether this had any
share in the animosity exerted against him, we are unable
to discover, from the obscure manner in which his biographers advert to the disputes in the Homerton academy.
, a dissenting minister, and zealous Socinian, was born at Nottingham
, a dissenting minister, and zealous Socinian, was born at Nottingham in 1698, where he was educated and brought up to trade, after which he studied at Warrington, with a view to enter into the ministry among the dissenters. His proficiency and talents being known to Dr. Thomas, bishop of Winchester, he offered him a living to enter into the church, but this he declined, as inconsistent with the opinions he had formed, and was chosen preacher of a congregation in Bartholomew-close, London, where he continued until 1752. He then became assistant to Dr. James Foster, at Pinners’ -hall, whom he succeeded, and remained sole pastor of that congregation as long as he was able to execute the duties of his office. He died in 1779. Few people, says Dr. Kippis, have written a greater number of pamphlets, some of which being published without his name, were but little noticed by the world; and none of them, we may add, a're now in request. There are, says the same author, instances in which he was singular, not to say whimsical, in his positions. His writings might have been more generally acceptable and useful, if they had been free from a certain quaintness and obscurity of style. Aiming at originality and strength of expression, he often lost perspicuity, and never attained to elegance. The doctor adds, that he was a determined enemy to civil and ecclesiastical tyranny, and a very zealous Socinian.
nded, c.” In 1737 he again engaged in controversy on the subject of baptism, with Mr. Samuel Browne, a dissenting minister.
In the same year (1728) he published “The Prophecies
of the Old Testament respecting the Messiah, considered,
and proved to be literally fulfilled in Jesus,
” in answer to
Collins’ s “Scheme of literal Prophecy considered.
” Becoming now a preacher of high reputation among dissenters
of all denominations, many of whom wished to hear Dr.
Gill frequently, but could not be expected to join his congregation, a weekly lecture was established by subscription in 1729, which he continued to preach until 1756,
when age, and a multiplicity of engagements, obliged him
to resign it. Here a numerous congregation heard those
sermons, many of which he moulded afterwards into treatises
for publication, particularly his “Treatise on the doctrine
of the Trinity,
” which appeared in Cause of God and Truth,
4 vols. 8vo, a defence of the Calvinistic against the Arminian sentiments, on the subjects of election, original
sin, &c. Dr. Gill’s supralapsarian opinions in this (for such he held with great zeal) being animadverted on in an anonymous pamphlet, he published an answer called “Truth
defended, c.
” In
ttempt was a tragedy, which he probably never finished. In 1758 he obtained, by means of Dr. Milner, a dissenting minister, who kept a school at Peckham, which our
About this time, however, he appears to have had recourse
to his pen. His first attempt was a tragedy, which he
probably never finished. In 1758 he obtained, by means
of Dr. Milner, a dissenting minister, who kept a school at
Peckham, which our author superintended during the doctor’s illness, the appointment to be physician to one of our
factories in India. In order to procure the necessary expences for the voyage, he issued proposals for printing by
subscription “The present state of Polite Literature in
” with what success we are not told, nor why he
gave up his appointment in India. In the same year, however, he wrote what he very properly calls a catch-penny
“Life of Voltaire,
” and engaged with Mr. Griffiths as a
critic in the Monthly Review. The terms of this engagement were his board, lodging, and a handsome salary, all
secured by a written agreement. Goldsmith declared he
usually wrote for his employer every day from nine o'clock
till two. But at the end of seven or eight months it was
dissolved by mutual consent, and our poet took lodgings
in Green Arbour court, in the Old Bailey, amidst the dwellings of indigence, where he completed his “Present State
of Polite Literature,
” printed for Dodsley,
, a Courlander; and afterwards, on his death, was committed to the care of the rev. Roger Pickering, a dissenting minister, a man unfortunate in life, but an accomplished
By this lady, who died May 27, 1774, he had an only
son, the subject of this article, who was born Oct. 21, 1735,
in a large house in Winchester-street, on the site of the
monastery of the Austin friars. He received the first rudiments of Latin and Greek under the tuition of one Barnewitz, a Courlander; and afterwards, on his death, was
committed to the care of the rev. Roger Pickering, a dissenting minister, a man unfortunate in life, but an accomplished scholar, who. died in 1755*; when Mr. Gough
finished his Greek studies under Mr. Samuel Dyer, the
friend of Dr. Johnson and of the contemporary literati.
Under these instructors, Mr. Gough has not left us to
question his proficiency, nor that early ambition to know
and to communicate, which forms the instructive editor and
author. At the very early age of eleven he commenced a
task which would have reflected credit on any period of
life, and he completed it with a perseverance of which
there is probably no other instance in our literary annals.
This was “The History of the Bible, translated from the
” (of an Amsterdam edition of by II. G.
” printed at London in 1747. Of this curious
volume, consisting of 160 sheets in folio, his mother,
delighted at such a display of laudable application, bore
the expence of printing twenty-five copies, as presents
to a few friends; and when completed at the press,
it was marked, by way of colophon, “Done at twelve years
and a half old,
” after which, in the copy now before us,
follows, “A short Chronology of the Holy Scripture,
” in
elements of classical learning in the country, and discovering an inclination for the profession of a dissenting minister, was sent to London to study un'ler the
, a learned dissenter, was born at
Norwich in 1715. He received the elements of classical
learning in the country, and discovering an inclination for
the profession of a dissenting minister, was sent to London
to study un'ler the tuition of Mr. Eames. When he had
finished his studies, he settled with a small congregation
at Wattsfield, in Suffolk, where he improved his acquaintance with the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages, in
each of which he acquired much critical skill. The favourite object of his pursuit was oriental history, which he
applied to the illustration of the sacred writings. Observing a striking conformity between the present customs
of the eastern nations and those of the ancients, as mentioned or alluded to in various passages of scripture, he
conceived a design at a very early period, of making extracts of such passages in books of travels and voyages, as
appeared to him to furnish a key to many parts of holy
writ. In 1764 he published a volume of “Observations
on divers Passages of Scripture,
” &c. The favourable reception which this work met with, encouraged Mr. Harmer
to proceed in it, and in 1776 he gave the public an
enlarged edition of it, in 2 vols. 8vo. By the preface to this
impression we learn that Dr. Lowth bishop of London furnished him with some ms papers of sir John Chardin. In
17S7 Mr. Haroier published two other volumes. A new
edition of the whole of this most useful work has lately been
published by the rev. Adam Clarke. He was author also
of the ' Outlines of a new Commentary on Solomon’s Song,
drawn by the help of instructions from the East;“an
” Account of the Jewish Doctrine of the Resurrection of the
Dead," and some other tracts of less consequence. Mr.
Harrner died without a struggle, in November 1788,
having passed the preceding day in perfect health.
ed with reputation through his grammatical learning, he was entered as student for the profession of a dissenting minister, in the academy supported by Mr. Coward’s
, a dissenting clergyman, was
born in 1729, and having passed with reputation through
his grammatical learning, he was entered as student for
the profession of a dissenting minister, in the academy
supported by Mr. Coward’s funds. Upon quitting this
place, he engaged as an assistant to a boarding-school at
Peck ham, and preached occasionally for some neighbouring
ministers in and out of London. During this period of
his life he studied very diligently the Greek and Roman
classics, to which he was devoted through life. In 1754
he undertook the care of a grammar-school at Congleton,
in Cheshire, and preached for some years on alternate
Sundays, to two small societies in the vicinity of that
town. In 1765 he removed to Bristol, and in about five
years he was obliged, as he pretended, to quit his situation
on account of his principles as an Arian and Arminian,
being for some time scarcely able to walk along the streets
of Bristol without insult; but the truth was, that a charge
of immorality was brought against him, which he never satisfactorily answered, and which sufficiently accounted for
his unpopularity. He had previously to this, in 1768, obtained the degree of D. D. from the university of Edinburgh, and with this he came to London, and obtained
employment as a literary character, and also as an instructor in the Greek and Latin classics. He died miserably
poor, in 1794, after having been confined many years in
consequence of a paralytic attack. He was author of
many works, the most important of which is “A View of
the various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics,
which has been several times reprinted, and has, as well as
his “Introduction to the New Testament,
” been translated
into several foreign languages. His other works were
pamphlets on the Arian and Socinian controversy, if we
except an edition of the Greek Testament, 2 vols. 8vo,
and a “Translation of the New Testament,
” into modern
English, which exhibits an extraordinary proof of want of
taste and judgment.
dissenter ten years ago.“This letter was in reality an answer to his elder brother, Mr. John Hickes, a dissenting minister, bred up in Cromwell’s time at the college
The principal works of Dr. Hickes are the three following: 1. “Institutiones Grammaticse Anglo-Saxonicae &
Maeso-Gothicae. Grammatica Islandica Runolphi Jonas.
Catalogus librorum Septentrionalium. Accedit Edwardi
Bernardi Etymologicum Britannicum,
” Oxon. Antiquae literature
Septentrionalis libri duo: quorum primus G. Hickesu
S. T. P. Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium thesaurum
grammatico-criticum & Archaeologicum, ejusdem de antique literatures Septentrionalis militate dissertationem
epistolarum, & Andreas Fountaine equitis aurati numismata
Saxonica& Dano-Saxonica, complectitur alter contn
Humfredi Wanleii librorum Veterum Septentnonaliiim, qui
in Ano-liae Bibiiothecis extant, c.ialogum histonco-cr im,
necmTn multorum veteruni codicum Septentrionalium alibi
extantiuro notitiam, cum totius operis sex mdicibus,
Oxon. 1705, 2 or sometimes 3 vols. folio. Foreigners as
well as Englishmen, who had any relish for antiquities,
have justly admired this splendid and laborious work, which
is now scarce and dear. It was originally published at
3l. 3s. the small, and 5l. 5s the large paper. The latter
now rarely appears, and the former is worth 15l. The
great duke of Tuscany' s envoy sent a copy of it to his
master, which his highness looking into, and finding full of
strange characters, called a council of the Dotti, and commanded them to peruse and give him an account of. They
did so, and reported it to be an excellent work, and that
they believed the author to be a man of a particular head;
for this was the envoy’s compliment to Hirkes, when he
went to him with a present from his master. 3. Two
volumes of Sermons, most of which were never before
printed, with a preface by Mr. Spinckes, 1713, 8vo. After
his death was published another volume of his Sermons,
with some pieces relating to schism, separation, &c. 4.
” A
Letter sent from beyond the seas to one of the chief ministers of the ndnconforming party, &c. 1674“which was
afterwards reprinted in 1684, under the title of
” The
judgment of an anonymous writer concerning these following particulars first, a law for disabling a papist to inherit
the crown secondly, the execution of penal laws against
protestant dissenters; thirdly, a bill of comprehension all
briefly discussed in a letter sent from beyond the seas to a
dissenter ten years ago.“This letter was in reality an
answer to his elder brother, Mr. John Hickes, a dissenting
minister, bred up in Cromwell’s time at the college of
Dublin; whom the doctor always endeavoured to convince
of his errors, but without success. John persisted in them
to his death, and at last suffered for his adherence to the
duke of Monrnouth; though, upon the doctor’s unwearied
application, the king would have granted him his.life,^ but
that he had been falsely informed that this Mr. Hickes was
the person who advised the duke of Monmouth to take upon
him the title of king. 5.
” Ravillac Redivivus, being a
narrative of the late trial of Mr. James Mitchel, a conventicle preacher, who was executed Jan. 18, 1677, for an
attempt on the person of the archbishop of St. Andrew’s,
” The Spirit of Popery speaking out of the
mouths of fanatical Protestants; or, the last speeches of
Mr. John Kid and Mr. John King, two presbyterian ministers, who were executed for high treason at Edinburgh,
'ten Aug. 14, 1679.“These pieces were published in 1630,
and they were occasioned by his attendance on the duke of
Lauderdale in quality of chaplain. The spirit of faction
made them much read, and did the author considerable
service with several great personages, and even with the
king. 7.
” Jovian; or, an answer to Julian the apostate;“printed twice in 1683, 8vo. This is an ingenious and
learned tract in defence of passive obedience and nonresistance, against the celebrated Samuel Johnson, the
author of
” Julian.“8.
” The case of Infant Baptism,
1683;“printed in the second vol. of the
” London Cases,
168.5,“4to. 9.
” Speculum beatae Virginis, a discourse
on Luke i. 28. of the due praise and honour of the Virgin
Mary, by a true Catholic of the Church of England, 1686.“10.
” An apologetical Vindication of the Church of England, in answer to her adversaries, who reproach her with
the English heresies and schisms, 1686,“4to; reprinted,
with many additions, a large preface, and an appendix of
” Papers relating to the Schisms of the Church of Rome,“1706, 8vo. 11.
” The celebrated story of the Thebati
Legion no fable: in answer to the objections of Dr. Gilbert
Burners Preface to his Translation of Lactantius de mortibus persecutorum, with some remarks on his Discourse of
Persecution;“written in 1687, but not published till 1714,
for reasons given in the preface. 12.
” Reflections upon
a Letter out of the country to a member of this present
parliament, occasioned by a Letter to a member of the
house of commons, concerning the Bishops lately in the
Tower, and now under suspension, 1689.“The author of
the letter to which these reflections are an answer, was
generally presumed to be Dr. Bumet, though that notion
was afterwards contradicted, 13.
” A Letter to the author
of a late paper entitled A Vindication of the Divines of the
Church of England, &c. in defence of the history of passive
obedience, 16S9.“The author of the
” Vindication,“was
Dr. Fowler, bishop of Gloucester, though his name was not
to it. 14.
” A Word to the Wavering, in answer to Dr.
Gilbert Burnet’s Inquiry into the present state of aflairs,
” An Apology for the new Separation, in a
letter to Dr. Sharp, archbishop of York, &c. 1691.“16.
” A Vindication of some among ourselves against the false
principles of Dr. Sherlock, &c. 1692.“17.
” Some Discourses on Dr. Burnet and Dr.Tillotson, occasioned by the
lute funeral sermon of the former upon the latter, 1695.“It is remarkable, that in this piece Hickes has not scrupled
to call Tiilotson an atheist. 18.
” The Pretences of the
Prince of Wales examined and rejected, &c. 1701.“19.
A letter in the
” Philosophical Transactions,* entitled,
“Epistola viri Rev. D G. Hickesii S. T. P ad D. Hans
Sloane, M. D. & S. R. Seer, de varia lectione inscriptions,
quse in statua Tagis exaratur per quatuor alphabeta Hetrusca
” 20. “Several Letters which passed between Dr.
G. Hickes and a Popish priest, &c. 1705.
” The person
on whose account this book was published, was the lady
Theophila Nelson, wife of Robert Nelson, esq. 21. “A
second collection of controversial Letters relating to the
church of England and the church of Rome, as they passed
between Dr. G. Hickes and an honourable lady, 1710.
This lady was the lady Gratiana Carew, of Hadcomb in
Devonshire. 22. “Two Treatises; one of the Christian
Priesthood, the other of the dignity of the episcopal order,
against a book entitled, The Rights of the Christian Church.
Trie third edition in A seasonable ana 1 modest apology in behalf of the
Rev. Dr. Hickes and other nonjurors, in a letter to Thomas
Wise, D. D. 1710.
” 24. “AVindication of Dr. Hickes,
and the author of the seasonable and modest apology, from
the reflections of Dr. Wise, &c. 1712.
” 25. “Two Letters to Robert Nelson, esq. relating to bishop Bull,
” published in Bull’s life. 26. “Some Queries proposed to
civil, canon, and common lawyers, 1712;
” printed, after
several editions, in Seasonable
Queries relating to the birth and birthright of a certain
” Besides the works enumerated here, there are
many prefaces and recommendations written by him, at the
earnest request of others, either authors or editors.
he resided some time as chaplain with John Hampden, esq. M. P. for Bucks, and afterwards settled as a dissenting minister at Marshfield, in Gloucestershire. The time
, archbishop of Tuam, appears to have been of a dissenting family, as he was educated in a dissenting school, between 1690 and 1695, under the direction of the rev. Thomas Rowe, and was a
fellow-student with the celebrated Dr. Watts, who said of
him, that he was “the first genius in that seminary.
After his academical studies were finished, he resided some
time as chaplain with John Hampden, esq. M. P. for Bucks,
and afterwards settled as a dissenting minister at Marshfield,
in Gloucestershire. The time of his conformity is not ascertained, though it is evident that he was a clergyman of
the church of England so early as 1708, for in that year he
published a sermon preached at the archdeacon’s visitation at
Aylesbury. In the preceding year he had printed a Thanksgiving Sermon on our national Successes, from Ps. cxlix.
6 8. There is a tradition in the family, that he had so greatly
recommended himself to the court by his zeal and services
in support of the Hanover succession, that, as he scrupled
re-ordination, it was dispensed with, and the fivst preferment bescowed on him, was that of a bishopric in Ireland.
It is certain that he went into that kingdom as chaplain to
the lord lieutenant. He was consecrated bishop of Ferns
and Leighlin, February 10, 1721, was translated to Kilinore and Ardagh, July 27, 1727, and preferred to the
archiepiscopal see of Tuam, January 27, 1742, with the
united bishopric of Enaghdoen, in the room of Dr. Synge,
deceased, and likewise with liberty to retain his other bishopric of Ardagh. He died December 14, 1751, in a
very advanced age. His publications were, 1. in 1738, at
Dublin, a volume of Sermons, sixteen in number, in 8vo;
they are judicious and impressive discourses. These were
reprinted in London, in 1757, with the addition of the
Visitation Sermon mentioned before. In this volume is a
Sermon preached in the castle of Dublin, before the duke
of Bolton the lord lieutenant of Ireland, after the suppression of the Preston rebellion. 2. A Charge entitled
“Instructions to the Clergy of the Diocese of Tuam, at
the primary visitation, July 8, 1742.
” This, after the
death of the author, was reprinted in London, with theapprobation and consent of the rev. Dr. Hort, canon of
Windsor it is an excellent address. In the preface to
the volume of sermons we learn, that for many years prer
vious to its appearance from the press, the worthy author
had been disabled from preaching by an over-strain of the
voice in the pulpit, at a time when he had a cold with a
hoarseness upon him. The providence of God, he says,
having taken from him the power of discharging that part
of his episcopal office which consisted in preaching, he,
thought it incumbent on him to convey his thoughts and
instructions from the press, that he might not be useless.
The solemn promise that he made at his consecration, “to
exercise himself in the Holy Scriptures, so as to be able
by them to teach and exhort with wholesome doctrine,
was no small motive to that undertaking, as being the only
means left him for making good that promise. It appears,
that he kept up an epistolary correspondence with his
“old friend,
” as he called him, and fellow-student, Dr.
Watts, to the closing period of the life of each. In Swift’s
works we find a humorous paper of Dr. Hort’s, entitled
“A New Proposal for the better regulation and improvement of Quadrille,
” and some letters respecting it.
, a philosopher of the Shaftesbury school, was the son of a dissenting; minister in Ireland, and was born Aug. 8, 1694.
, a philosopher of the Shaftesbury school, was the son of a dissenting; minister in Ireland, and was born Aug. 8, 1694. He, discovered early a superior capacity, and ardent thirst after knowledge; and when he had gone through his school-education, was sent to an academy to begin his course of philosophy. In 1710 he removed from the academy, and entered a student in the university of Glasgow in Scotland. Here he renewed his study of the Latin and Greek languages, and applied himself to all parts of literature, in which he made a progress suitable to his uncommon abilities. Afterwards h.e turned his thoughts to divinity, which he proposed to make the peculiar study and profession of his life, and for the prosecution of this he continued several years longer at Glasgow.
ith him, at the above seminary, a younger brother, a youth of quick parts, who afterwards settled as a dissenting minister at Manchester. Mr. Jones, soon after he
, a learned dissenting divine, was born in 1693, and received his academical learning under his uncle, the rev. Samuel Jones, first of Gloucester, then of Tewksbury, the tutor of Chandler, Butler, and Seeker. He was fellow-student with the latter in 1711, and was a distinguished scholar, when he entered upon academical studies. It is apprehended, that he was a native of the North of England, and that his father was a gentleman in affluent circumstances. There was with him, at the above seminary, a younger brother, a youth of quick parts, who afterwards settled as a dissenting minister at Manchester. Mr. Jones, soon after he had finished his course of preparatory studies, became the minister of the congregation of Protestant dissenters, who assembled for worship in Forest Green, Avening, Gloucestershire, and resided at Nailsworth, where he also kept an academy. He had the character of being an eminent linguist. He was popular as a preacher; for the place of worship was considerably enlarged in his time. His discourses met with the approbation of the more judicious, for his salary amounted to one hundred pounds per annum, and the whole subscription came from persons of superior rank in life. Though a deep scholar and hard student, he was not a man of severe manners; but of an open and social disposition, and one of a bowling party at a place still called the Lodge, on Hampton common, at which healthy exercise he relaxed from his studies, and by his presence and influence preserved decorum in the company. His character secured him the marked respect of a neighbouring clergyman. His anxiety to fulfil an engagement, which he had made, to perform some ministerial service at a place on the other side of the Severn, hastened his death. It escaped his recollection, till the time drew near; to prevent disappointment, he made so much speed, that his tender constitution was injured by it, and a complaint contracted, from which he never recovered. He died in 1724, aged 31.
r his death, many, if not all his manucripts, passed into the hands of the Rev. Thomas Dawson, M. D. a dissenting minister of Hackney, whence they passed to the dissenters’
, an English divine of some note for
exciting a controversy respecting the Liturgy, was born in
1700, and is supposed to have been a native of Carmarthen.
He was admitted of Worcester college, Oxford, where he
took the degree of B. A. about 1721, and quitted the university in or before 1726, in which year he received
priest’s orders at Buckden, from Dr. Reynolds, bishop of
Lincoln. He had a curacy in that diocese, but in what
partis not known. In 1741 he was resident at
AbbotsRipton in Huntingdonshire, and soon after was presented
to the vicarage of Alconbury, which he resigned in 1751
for the rectory of Boulne-Hurst in Bedfordshire. In 1755
he was vicar of Hitchin, and in 1759 accepted the curacy
of Welwyn from Dr. Young, and continued there until
1765, when that celebrated poet died, and Mr. Jones was
appointed one of his executors. He afterwards returned
to Boulne-Hurst, and probably obtained no other preferment. He was killed by a fall from his horse in going to
Abbots-Ripton, but in what year we have not been able
to discover, although such a circumstance must have been
known to his friends, who, however, have neglected to
record it. After his death, many, if not all his manucripts, passed into the hands of the Rev. Thomas Dawson,
M. D. a dissenting minister of Hackney, whence they
passed to the dissenters’ library in Redcross-street. Some
biographical notices which have appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine were extracted from them. Mr. Nichols
has given an extensive series of extracts from his literary
correspondence with Dr. Birch, from which many particulars of his talents and character may be gleaned. His
chief work was entitled “Free and Candid Disquisitions,
published in Catholic Faith
and Practice,
” and “A Letter to a Friend in the Country;
” but with the subjects of these we are unacquainted.
nters in that town; and his views being, in consequence of his advice, directed to the profession of a dissenting minister, he was placed, at the age of sixteen, in
, an eminent dissenting divine and biographer, was born at Nottingham, March 28, 1725. His father, Mr. Robert Kippis, a silk- hosier at that town, was maternally descended from clergymen who were ejected for nonconformity, the principles of which were naturally conveyed to their posterity. His father dying when he was about five years of age, he was removed to his grandfather at Sleaford in Lincolnshire, where his talents and application during his grammatical education attracted the peculiar notice of Mr. Merrivaie, pastor of a congregation of dissenters in that town; and his views being, in consequence of his advice, directed to the profession of a dissenting minister, he was placed, at the age of sixteen, in the academy at Northampton, under the care of Dr. Doddridge. Here he prosecuted his studies with such diligence and improvement, and conducted himself with such exemplary propriety, as to conciliate the affectionate esteem and attachment of his tutor; and having completed his course, he was settled as minister of a dissenting congregation at Boston, in Lincolnshire, in September! 746. From Boston he removed to Dorking in Surrey, in 1750; and in 1753, he succeeded Dr. Hughes as pastor to the congregation in Prince’s-street, Westminster, which was his last charge. In the same year he married miss Elizabeth Bott, the daughter of a merchant at Boston, in whom he found a sensible, prudent, sprightly, and cheerful companion, and by whose attentions his mind was relieved from all family concerns; so that he was left at full leisure to prosecute the various duties which his numerous engagements devolved upon him. His settlement with the society in Westminster laid the foundation of that celebrity which he afterwards acquired, and of that extensive usefulness which distinguished his future life. Among his other public services among the dissenters, he was soon introduced into a connection with the presbyterian-fund, to the prosperity of which he was afterwards very ardently devoted and in June 1762, he became a member of Dr. Williams’s s trust, an appointment which afforded him an additional opportunity of being eminently and extensively useful in a variety of respects. His connection with the general body of Protestant dissenting ministers, belonging to the cities of London and Westminster, and with many charitable institutions belonging to the dissenters, gave him frequent occasion to exercise his talents to their advantage.
, a physician of considerable reputation, was the son of Stephen Lobb, a dissenting minister, and grandson of Richard Lobb, esq. M. P.
, a physician of considerable reputation, was the son of Stephen Lobb, a dissenting minister,
and grandson of Richard Lobb, esq. M. P. for St. Michael
in Cornwall. He was born Aug. 17, 1678, and educated
for the ministry among the dissenters, which he exchanged
for the study of medicine, and having obtained a diploma
from Scotland, practised in London, and left several works
on medical topics. He died May 19, 1763, in the eightyfifth year of his age. The following are the titles of his
publications: “Treatise of the Small-pox,
” London, Rational method of curing Fevers, deduced from the
structure of the human body,
” ibid. Medical
Practice in curing Fevers,
” ibid. A practical
treatise on painful Distempers, with some effectual methods of curing them,
” ibid. A Treatise on Solvents of the Stone, and on curing the Stone and the Gout
by Aliments,
” ibid. Letters concerning the Plague and other contagious Distempers,
” ibid. A Compendium of the Practice
of Physic,
” ibid.
son of some celebrity in his time, as a writer of political pamphlets, was the son of Isaac Mauduit, a dissenting minister at Bermondsey, and was horn there in 1708,
, a person of some celebrity in his
time, as a writer of political pamphlets, was the son of
Isaac Mauduit, a dissenting minister at Bermondsey, and
was horn there in 1708, and was himself educated for the
ministry among the diss.enters. After some time, however, he quitted his clerical employment, and became a
partner with his brother Jasper Mauduit, as a merchant;
and, when that brother died, carried on the business with
equal credit and advantage. His first appearance as aw
author was in 1760, when he published anonymously a
pamphlet entitled “Considerations on the present German war.
” It was intended to shew the impropriety of
involving this nation in continental wars, and obtained
some attention from the public; which the author supported by publishing soon after, “Occasional thoughts oo
the present German War.
” When Mr. Wilkes published
in Observations on the Spanish Paper,
” the credit
of Mr. Mauduit was so far established by the former pamphlets, that many persons ascribed this also to him. In 1763
he was appointed customer of Southampton, and some time
after agent for the province of Massachuset’s, which led
him to take an active part in the disputes between the
American colonies and the mother country. In consequence of this he published, in 1769, his “Short view of
the History of the New- England Colonies.
” In The Case of the Dissenting Ministers;
addressed to the lords spiritual and temporal.
” In the
same year he published “Letters of governor Hutchinson,
&c. In Remarks upon
general Howe’s Account of his Proceedings on Long
” &c. Also “Strictures on the Philadelphia Mischianza,
” &c. And, “Observations upon the conduct of
sir William Howe at the White Plains,
” &c. In Three Letters addressed to lieut-gen. sir William Howe,
” &c. and “Three
Letters to lord viscount Howe.
” In May 1787, he
appointed governor of the society among the dissenters for
propagating the gospel in foreign parts, but died on the
14th of the ensuing month, at the age of seventy-nine, in
Clement’s-lane, Lombard-street, a bachelor, and possessed
of an ample fortune. He is said by some to have been the
author of a letter to lord Blakeney, on the defence of
Minorca in 1757; and some other tracts on political and
temporary subjects, which, whatever effect they might
have produced at the time, are now sinking fast into
oblivion. The historian of Surrey says ofhim, that “his
love of liberty, civil <fnd religious, was tempered with that
moderation which Christianity inculcates in every branch
of conduct. His acquaintance with mankind taught him
that impartiality was the best rule of conduct. In the
contests for civil liberty he distinguished the intemperate
zeal of the Americans, and soon saw the propriety of withdrawing from such as had separated themselves from their
allegiance to Great Britain a fund for propagating the
gospel among the subjects of this crown, in which he was
supported by the opinions of no less lawyers than Scott
and Hill. In like manner he tempered the application of
his brethren in England for toleration.
mplishments, and her elegant writings both inverse and prose, was the daughter of Mr. Waiter Singer, a dissenting minister, and born at Ilchester in Somersetshire,
, an English lady, celebrated for
personal accomplishments, and her elegant writings both
inverse and prose, was the daughter of Mr. Waiter Singer,
a dissenting minister, and born at Ilchester in
Somersetshire, Sept. 11, 1674. Her father was possessed of a competent estate near Frome in that county, whhere he lived;
but, being imprisoned at Ilchester for nonconformity, married and settled in that town. The daughter, whose talents in other respects appeared very early, began to write
verses at twelve years of age. She was also fond of the
sister-arts, music and painting; and her father was at the
expence of a master, to instruct her in the latter. She was
also early accustomed to devout exercises, in which her
mind was sincere, ardent, and unconstrained: and this habit, which grew naturally from constitution, was also powerfully confirmed by education and example. She was early
acquainted with the pious bishop Ken, who had a very high
opinion of her: and, at his request, wrote her paraphrase
on the 38th chapter of Job. In 1696, the 22d of her age,
a collection of her poems was published: they were entitled “Poems on several occasions, by Philomela,
” her
name being concealed, but they contributed to introduce
her to the public with great advantage.
, a dissenting minister of considerable talents, was born in 1675,
, a dissenting minister of considerable talents, was born in 1675, and was the second son of the Rev. Giles Say, who had been ejected from the vicarage of St. Michael’s in Southampton by the Bartholomew-act in 1662; and, after king James the second’s liberty of conscience, was chosen pastor of a dissenting congregation at Guestwick in Norfolk, where he continued till his death, April 7, 1692. Some years after, the subject of this article being at Southwark, where he had been at school, and conversing with some of the dissenters of that place, met with a woman of great reputation for piety, who told him, with joy, that a sermon on Ps. cxix. 130, preached by his father thirty years before, was the means of her conversion. Being strongly inclined to the ministry, Mr. Say entered as a pupil in the academy of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Rowe at London about 1G92, where he had for his fellow-students Mr (afterwards Dr.) Isaac Watts, Hughes the poet, and Mr. Josiah Hort, afterwards archbishop of Tuam. When he had finished his studies, he became chaplain to Thomas Scott, esq. of Lyrninge in Kent, in whose family he continued three years. Thence he removed to Andover in Hampshire, then to Yarmouth in Norfolk, and soon after to Lowestoffin Suffolk, where he continued labouring in word and doctrine eighteen years. He was afterwards copastor with the Rev. Mr. Samuel Baxter at Ipswich nine years; and lastly was called, in 1734, to succeed Dr. Edmund Caiamy in Westminster, where he died at his house in James-street, April 12, 1743, of a mortification in his bowels, in the sixty-eighth year of his age.
, a dissenting minister, was the son of a merchant in London, and
, a dissenting minister, was the son of
a merchant in London, and was educated with Butler and
Seeker, afterwards eminent prelates in the church of England, under the learned Mr. Jones, at Tewkesbury, in
Gloucestershire, from whose seminary he removed to
Utrecht, in Holland, pursued his studies with indefatigable
zeal, and took his degree of doctor of laws. While he was
in this city, he changed his opinion concerning the mode
of baptism, and became a baptist, but occasionally joined
in communion with other denominations. On his return to
England, he settled in London or Colchester, and devoted
his time to various learned and useful treatises. In 1725
appeared his “Essay towards a Demonstration of the Scripture Trinity,
” without his name, which was for some time
ascribed to Mr. James Pierce, of Exeter. In 1738, a second edition, with some enlargements, was sent out from
the press, and in both editions the author’s friends have
laboured to prove that dishonourable methods were taken to
prevent the spread of it. A new edition of this Essay, freed
from the learned quotations with which it abounded, was
printed, some years back, in 4to, and, without any dishonourable means, added very little to the Socinian cause.
In 1741, he appeared to more advantage in “A New Version of St. Matthew’s Gospel, with Critical Notes and an
Examination of Dr. Mill’s Various Readings
” a very learned and accurate performance. At the persuasion of his
dignified friends, Seeker and Butler, to whom he dedicated
his work, he published, in 1745, in two volumes, folio, an
“Appendix to H. Stephen’s Greek Lexicon;
” a monument
of his amazing diligence, critical skill, and precision. He
lost several hundred pounds bj this publication, and, by
his close application to it for many years, broke his health
and spirits. He was never married, and died suddenly, in
a retirement near London, March 29, 1759.
His father, by his first wife, had a son, Thomas Scott, a dissenting minister at Norwich, who published several occasional
His father, by his first wife, had a son, Thomas Scott, a
dissenting minister at Norwich, who published several occasional sermons, and died in 1746, leaving two sons, one
Thomas Scott, a dissenting minister at Ipswich, author of
a poetical version of the Book of Job, a second edition of
which was printed in 1774. This has been thought more
valuable as a commentary than as a translation. His other
son was Dr. Joseph Nicol Scott, who was first a dissenting
minister, and published 2 vols. of sermons “preached in
defence of all religion, whether natural or revealed.
” He
was a strenuous opponent of the doctrine of eternal punishments. He afterwards practised physic in London, and
died about 1774.
lasgow, and soon after settled at Low Huddlesceugh, near the place of his birth, in the character of a dissenting minister. In this situation he made a considerable
, a natural historian, was born May 31, 1676, at Keiberg, in the parish of Kirkoswald in Cumberland. In 1698 he commenced master of arts in the university of Glasgow, and soon after settled at Low Huddlesceugh, near the place of his birth, in the character of a dissenting minister. In this situation he made a considerable progress in the study of physic, and contracted a love for plants; insomuch, that in 1712, he took a doctor’s degree in medicine at Edinburgh and the next spring, having- a narrow income, and a large family, he removed to Dublin and settled there in both characters, as a divine and a physician. His family, consisting of a wife and three sons, and as many daughters, did not follow till more than a year had elapsed; when, finding himself likely to succeed, he sent for them over. His practice <in medicine soon increased, so far as to enable him to drop his other character entirely, and devote himself wholly to physic; but he died after a short sickness of a violent fever, at hia house in Mark Valley, Frances-street, April 28, 1728, and was buried in the new burial ground belonging to St. Patrick’s, near Cavan Street, to which place his obsequies were attended by a set of children educated by a society t)f gentlemen. He was much regretted by the poor, to whom he had been both as a man, and as a physician, a kind benefactor.
, a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion, was born at
, a dissenting minister of the baptist persuasion, was born at Blackwater-farm, in the parish
of St. Michael, and district of St. Alban’s, Hertfordshire, on
March 1, 17 10. He appears to have had some classical
education, which he afterwards diligently improved, but
was not regularly educated for the ministry. In 1738 he
published “An abstract of English grammar and rhetoric,
and an advertisement at the end of this volume intimates
that he then kept a boarding school. Two of his pupils
have been ascertained, Dr. Hugh Smith, an alderman and
eminent physician in London, and Dr. William Kenrick.
He commenced preacher, without any of the usual forms
of admission, but merely because he was thought capable
of preaching, when he was about twenty years old; and
having been approved of at his outset, he continued and
was settled as minister of the baptist congregation at Reading. From this he was invited to become pastor of a similar congregation at Abingdon in 1748, where he spent the
remainder of his long life. He began to preach and to
print early in life, and he preached and printed to the last.
Many of his publications were much approved, and produced occasional correspondence between him and some
eminent men of his time, particularly Dr. Watts, Dr. Kennicott, and Dr. Lowth, bishop of London. He was a man
of great piety, and of a disposition peculiarly candid, liberal, and benevolent. He died Sept. 5, 1798, in the eightyninth year of his age, and was interred in the baptist burying-ground at Abingdon.
e was removed from Newcastle to Durham, that he might be under the immediate direction of his uncle, a dissenting minister; and having decided in favour of the ministry
, an able mathematician, was born
about 1735 at Newcastle upon Tyne, and descended from
a family of considerable antiquity. He received the rudiments of his education at the grammar-school of Newcastle
under the care of the rev. Dr. Moises, a clergyman of the
church of England. At the age of ten he was removed
from Newcastle to Durham, that he might be under the
immediate direction of his uncle, a dissenting minister; and
having decided in favour of the ministry among the dissenters, he was in 1749 sent to one of their academies at Kendal. In 1751 he studied mathematics at Edinburgh under
the tuition of Dr. Matthew Stewart, and made a very great
progress in that science. In 1752 he studied theology for
two years at Glasgow. Returning home, he began to
preach, and in 1757 was ordained minister of a congregation of dissenters at Durham. While here he was a frequent contributor to the “Ladies’ Diary,
” in which, as we
have recently had occasion to notice, most of the mathematicians of the last and present age, tried their skill; and
here also he finished his valuable work on the sphere, which
was not, however, published until 1775, when it appeared
under the title of the “Doctrine of the Sphere,
” in 4to.
In the end of Essays
on Various Subjects,
” published in Sermons
” have also been published, which probably were
suited to the congregations over which he presided, but
contain but a very small portion of doctrinal matter, and
that chiefly of what is called the liberal and rational kind.
, a learned and useful writer, was born in London about 1679. His father was a dissenting minister of the same name, born at Tysoe, in Warwickshire,
, a learned and useful writer, was born in London about 1679. His father was a dissenting minister of the same name, born at Tysoe, in Warwickshire, who married Constancy Rayner, a woman of extraordinary piety and excellence of temper, by whom he had fourteen children. She died in April 1697, when her funeral sermon was preached and printed by the Rev. Walter Crosse; and Mr. Ward survived her twenty years, dying Dec. 28, 1717, in the eighty-second year of his age. Of his numerous family he left only two, a daughter, and the subject of this article.