Beausobre, Isaac (16591738)

Beausobre, Isaac, a Huguenot divine, born at Poitou; fled to Holland on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, settled in Berlin, and became a notability in high quarters there; attracted the notice of the young Frederick, the Great that was to be, who sought introduction to him, and the young Frederick “got good conversation out of him”; author of a “History of Manichæism,” praised by Gibbon, and of other books famous in their day, a translation of the New Testament for one (16591738).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Beaurepaire * Beautiful Parricide
[wait for the fun]
Beauhar`nais, Alexandre, Vicomte de
Beauharnais, Eugene de
Beauharnais, Hortense Eugenie
Beaumar`chais, Pierre Augustin Caron de
Beaumont, Christophe de
Beaumont, Francis
Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Élie de
Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant
Beausobre, Isaac
Beautiful Parricide
Beauty and the Beast
Bebek Bay
Beccafumi, Domenico
Becca`ria, Cæsare Bonesana, Marquis of
Becher, Johann Joachim