Bell, Sir Charles (17741842)

Bell, Sir Charles, an eminent surgeon and anatomist, born in Edinburgh, where he became professor of Surgery; distinguished chiefly for his discoveries in connection with the nervous system, which he published in his “Anatomy of the Brain” and his “Nervous System,” and which gained him European fame; edited, along with Lord Brougham, Paley's “Evidences of Natural Religion” (17741842).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Bell, Robert * Bell, Thomas
[wait for the fun]
Bell, Bessy
Bell, Book, and Candle
Bell, Currer
Bell, Ellis
Bell, George Joseph
Bell, Henry
Bell, Henry Glassford
Bell, John
Bell, Peter
Bell, Robert
Bell, Sir Charles
Bell, Thomas
Bell Rock
Bella, Stephano della
Bell`amy, Jacob
Bellar`mine, Robert
Bellay, Joachim du
Belle France