Comines, Philippe de (14431509)

Comines, Philippe de, a French chronicler, born at Comines; was of Flemish origin; served under Charles the Bold, then under Louis XI. and Charles VIII.; author of “Memoires,” in seven vols., of the reigns of these two monarchs, which give a clear and faithful picture of the time and the chief actors in it, but with the coolest indifference as to the moral elements at work, with him the end justifying the means, and success the measure of morality (14431509).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Comines * Comitia
[wait for the fun]
Colvin, Sidney
Combe, Andrew, M.D.
Combe, George
Combe, William
Combermere, Viscount
Comenius, John Amos
Comines, Philippe de
Comity of nations
Commandite, Société en
Commelin, Isaac
Commentaries of Julius Cæsar
Committee of Public Safety
Com`modus, Lucius Aurelius
Common Law
Common-sense, Philosophy of
Commune, The