Grégoire, Henri

Grégoire, Henri, bishop of Blois, born at Vého, near Lunéville, one of the clerical deputies to the States-General of 1789; attached himself to the Tiers-état, was a member of the National Convention, and a staunch advocate for civil and religious liberty, but refused resolutely to follow “Goose Gobel,” the archbishop of Paris, and renounce the Christian religion and deny his Master (1750-1831). See Carlyle'sFrench Revolution.”

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Greg, William Rathbone * Gregorian Calendar
[wait for the fun]
Green, Nathanael
Green, Thomas Hill
Greenough, Horatio
Greenwich Hospital
Greenwood, Frederick
Greg, William Rathbone
Grégoire, Henri
Gregorian Calendar
Gregorian Year
Gregory I., the Great
Gregory II., St.
Gregory III.
Gregory VII., Hildebrand
Gregory IX., Ugolino
Gregory XIII.
Gregory XVI.